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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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partition plain text files by section marker for literate programming the way it should be done
...possibly python wins this one.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# sectionate.awk
# usage: sectionate code.mat [code2.mat, ...]
# Find and split up marked sections in text files or code
# to separate sub-files.
# <> 2-Clause BSD. No Warranty. Back up your shit before use.
# Docs:
# Used in conjunction with make and LaTeX's listings package you can
# without much effort approximate something like literate programming
# (e.g. Sweave + LyX or {IPython, Mathematica, Maple} Notebooks), while
# maintaining a standard, complete, plain text code file that gets along
# nicely with plain text editors and plain text source control.
# Section markers look like
# "#--- Section A: Grobble the Frops"
# and result in filenames like
# "code.mat.section_a:_grobble_the_frops"
# If there are sections you *do not* want to include, for example, blocks of
# comments or utilty code, simply blank their names (i.e. leave empty/as whitespace).
# Tips:
# * If you still want to label blanked section, the quickest way to do this
# is just to move the section name to a comment on the next line.
# e.g. transform
# "#--- part iv"
# to
# "#---
# #part iv"
# * name sections identically to make all those sections end up in the same
# file, in their original order. I didn't write this feature, it is a
# side-effect of awk's awesome 80%-of-your-needs-in-one-place design.
# But consider in a situation like that if it's better to explicitly make
# separate code files instead of weirdly interleaving subprojects.
# * to sectionate output from your code too, make your code print
# section headers, redirect its stdout to a file, and run sectionate on that.
# * Remove all blank lines between section markers and following code
# so that your output sections pack tightly into your LaTeX or whatever.
# [x] lowercase section names
# [ ] make what marks a section break configurable (environment variable?)
# [x] support non-printing sections
# [ ] Figure out a way not to have to expensively use split-rejoin; tho compared to all the other ops awk does this one is not super expensive.
## Code
# Design:
# awk constrains all our processing to happen in sequential steps done to whole records
# (well, we can write loops and things within those sequential steps, but it's not idiomatic)
# With these constraints in mind, way this design works is a simple state-machine.
# RS is left default (newlines), so all the rules below run for each line,
# and through changing the value of mode and section, implement
# A simple diagram of the state transitions mode has:
# That is:
# initially, the state is undefined
# when the first #--- is run into, the state switches into "HEADER"
# then the code which handles "HEADER" records kicks in and extracts the section title
# then the state switches immediately to "CONTENT" (and processing of the header record runs off the end)
# then the code which handles "CONTENT" kicks in on the next record, and performs the splitting
# and the state switches back to HEADER on seeing #--- again
# There's also a sub-mode: when in CONTENT, section says where output goes to.
# However, if we are in a non-printing section (one with no name) then SECTION_FILE
# is blank then we don't print.
# (when not in CONTENT section is used as working space and/or ignored and
# I make no promises that it contains anything sensible--which is a bit messy I admit)
DEBUG="" #"dbgAwk"
mode = -1
section = -1
/^\#---/ {
mode = "HEADER"
# when we're within a section
# output the lines in that section to SECTION_FILE
mode == "CONTENT" {
if(section) {
print > section #remember, 'print' means "print $0" means "print the entire current record"
# subtlety: ">" doesn't mean quite the same thing as it does in bash
# because > vs >> translates open()'s O_CREAT vs O_APPEND, and awk holds files open unless you explicitly close() them (by string name, not by fd; awk doesn't expose fds.. does it?)
#(and this is a good, elegant, thing, though the semantic overloading is unfortunate)
# So using a single > here means when rerunning the whole awk program, the output files are written from scratch (which is what we want!) but still contain all the lines we want
# The code to handle HEADER happens *after* that for CONTENT,
# because it (has to!) unconditionally sets the mode to CONTENT
# and if it was written first that would make awk process the HEADER line as if
mode == "HEADER" {
# This code chunk in python, in case that helps you read it:
# title=line.split(maxsplit=1)[-1].strip().lower()
# awk doesn't have split(maxsplit=1) available,
# so I need to split and rejoin (join isn't even a built in!!
# I had to get it from the gnu people!)
FS="[[:space:]]*" #this effectively does strip() because of the *
n = split($0, arySection)
section = tolower(join(arySection, 2, n, "_"))
if(section) {
# if section is non-blank, stretch it to include the FILENAME we are sectionating
section=(DEBUG FILENAME "." section)
mode = "CONTENT"
# Utilities
# join.awk --- join an array into a string
# <>
function join(array, start, end, sep, result, i)
if (sep == "")
sep = " "
else if (sep == SUBSEP) # magic value
sep = ""
result = array[start]
for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++)
result = result sep array[i]
return result
#!/usr/bin/env python
# same as sectionate.awk, but in python
# actually there's a couple of small behaviour differences:
# * an empty section still makes a file (arguably more sensible)
# * does *not* compress spaces in a section name like the awk version does (definitely more sensible)
# * possibly there will be other differences on Windows because of line endings?
import sys
DEBUG="" #"dbgPY"
MARKER = "#---"
import re
SPACES = re.compile("\s") #python doesn't do eregexes?? [[:space:]]
files = sys.argv[1:]
if not files:
files = ["-"]
file = None
section = None
for FILENAME in files:
with open(FILENAME) as file:
for line in file:
if line.startswith(MARKER):
if section is not None:
section = SPACES.sub("_", line[len(MARKER):].strip().lower())
if section:
section = DEBUG+FILENAME+"."+section
section = open(section, "w")
section = None
if section:
print(line, end="", file=section) #TODO: is it better to end="" here or to strip() the input line
# TODO: this is probably better written as a generator around generators
# because the reason I had to fake a state machine in awk was because awk doesn't have flexible notions of states and substates
# whereas generators/coroutines are exactly that.
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