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Last active June 17, 2019 23:09
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This Gist holds the initial draft of Test Launcher of Unit Test Framework(Chapel) which be used with mason
  This launcher will be used to run the test files and catch the halts.
  You can specify a different directory name using the `--dir` 
  You can set whether or not to descend recursively into 
  subdirectories (defaults to true) using `--subdir`
use FileSystem;
use Spawn;
use Path;
use TestResult;
config const dir: string = ".";
config const subdir: string = "true";

proc Runtests(executable,fileName, ref result,skipId = 0) {
  var separator1 = "="* 70,
      separator2 = "-"* 70;
  var testName: string,
      flavour: string;
  var curIndex = 0;
  var sep1Found = false,
      haltOccured = false;
  var exec = spawn(["./"+executable,"--skipId",skipId:string], stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE); //Executing the file
  var line: string,
      tempString: string;
    //std output pipe
  while exec.stdout.readline(line) {
    // write(line);
    if line.strip() == separator1 then sep1Found = true;
    else if line.strip() == separator2 && sep1Found {
      if flavour == "ERROR" then result.addError(testName, tempString);
      else if flavour == "FAIL" then result.addFailure(testName, tempString);
      else if flavour == "SKIPPED" then result.addSkip(testName,tempString);
      // writeln(tempString, flavour, testName);
      tempString = "";
      sep1Found = false;
    else if sep1Found then tempString+=line;
    else {
      var temp = line.strip().split(":");
      // writeln(temp);
      if temp[1].strip().endsWith(")") {
        var strSplit = temp[1].strip().split(")");
        // writeln(strSplit[1]);
        var testNameIndex = strSplit[1].split("(");
        testName = fileName+": "+testNameIndex[1];
        curIndex = testNameIndex[2]: int;
        if temp.size > 1 {
          flavour = temp[2].strip();
          if flavour == "OK" then result.addSuccess(testName);
        tempString = "";
  //this is to check the error
  if exec.stderr.readline(line) { 
    tempString = line;
    // write("Error ",line);
    while exec.stderr.readline(line) do tempString+=line;
    if testName!="" {
      haltOccured =  true;
  exec.wait();//wait till the subprocess is complete
  if haltOccured then Runtests(executable, fileName, result, curIndex);

var result =  new TestResult();
if isDir(dir) {
  var totalTestCount = 0;
  for file in findfiles(startdir = dir, recursive = subdir:bool) {
    var fileName = basename(file);
    if fileName.endsWith(".chpl") && fileName.startsWith("test") {
      // writeln("[",fileName,"]");
      var tempName = fileName.split(".chpl");
      var executable = tempName[1];
      var sub = spawn(["chpl",file,"-o",executable,"-M."]); //Compiling the file
else {
  writeln(dir+" is not a Directory");
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Hey Krishna, this looks like a good start. Nice work putting this together quickly!

fileName.startsWith("test") {

I don't think we want this to be a requirement. Users should be able to write unit tests into their library code if they want.

var sub = spawn(["chpl",files,"-o","temp","-M."]); //Compiling the file

We'll want to loop over files and compile each file individually. Compiling multiple files on the same chpl call ends up creating a single binary with 1 entry point (main module). If there isn't a clear main module, chapel will report an error.

Also, I wouldn't expect -M. to be necessary here. Can you confirm this?

writeln(dir+" is not a Directory");

We should also support being able to specify a file directly. Examples:

./launcher test1.chpl
./launcher test1.chpl test2.chpl test3.chpl
./launcher tests/*.chpl
      //this is to check the error
      if exec.stderr.readline(line) { 
        while exec.stderr.readline(line) do writeln(line);

I know this is just a starting point, but I expect we'll be adding a lot more complexity to here later. We'll be storing a results object in the launcher itself (it can even be the same test result object defined in UnitTest. I'm not 100% sure what the hierarchy should look like right now. Maybe organized by file and then test-per-file? Here's some cases to consider when we're parsing the output here:

  • detect if skip error was emitted, and log that test as skipped
  • detect if test failure error was emitted, and log that test as failed
  • index all tests in a given file, and have UnitTest emit the index for each test before it is run, so that the launcher can track which test it's running.
  • detect if halt occurred, and rerun the program with a UnitTest-defined flag to specify the index in which we want to continue from. e.g. if we failed on test 2/5, rerun on test 3.

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krishnadey30 commented Jun 14, 2019

 var sub = spawn(["chpl",files,"-o","temp","-M."]); //Compiling the file

It's a mistake by me to take variable name wrong. files is a single file. I have updated the code. I am running a single file per loop.

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krishnadey30 commented Jun 14, 2019

This is for a temporary purpose and I will remove it.

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