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Created August 12, 2014 16:25
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Example of using dispatch_once() in Swift
import Foundation
var token: dispatch_once_t = 0
func test() {
dispatch_once(&token) {
println("This is printed only on the first call to test()")
println("This is printed for each call to test()")
for _ in 0..<4 {
/* Output:
This is printed only on the first call to test()
This is printed for each call to test()
This is printed for each call to test()
This is printed for each call to test()
This is printed for each call to test()
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jereme commented Aug 28, 2015

For clarity, your code example will execute the code once for every instance. If you want to use this on a singleton, your once Token must be a static member.

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skyluca commented Oct 1, 2015

This code is totally wrong and will not work, at least in swift 2.0. In this way, dispatch_once, in general, will be called multiple times.
The right way to do it is:
struct Static {
static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0
dispatch_once(&Static.token) {

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toohotz commented Oct 31, 2015

Not necessarily totally wrong but as @jereme pointed out, this will execute every instantiation. @skyluca Static struct is the way to go for Swift 2.0 (similar to how Singleton's are done now as well).

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BTW, if we take a good look at the documentation
Apple says that variables of this dispatch_once_t must have global or static scope. The result of using this type with automatic or dynamic allocation is undefined.

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I don't understand why that code makes sense! The token is a variable, and nothing guarantees it won't be reset:

var token: dispatch_once_t = 0
func test() {
    dispatch_once(&token) {
        print("This is printed only on the first call to test()")
    print("This is printed for each call to test()")


token = 0


/* Output:
This is printed only on the first call to test()
This is printed for each call to test()
This is printed only on the first call to test()
This is printed for each call to test()

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natebird commented Apr 6, 2016

The Swift 2.x version of this should look like the following:

import Foundation

struct Static {
    static var dispatchOnceToken: dispatch_once_t = 0

func test() {
    dispatch_once(&Static.dispatchOnceToken) {
        print("This is printed only on the first call to test()")
    print("This is printed for each call to test()")

for _ in 0..<4 {

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JKalash commented Jun 29, 2016

How about Swift 3.0? compiler nags about dispatch_once . Says should use lazily initialized globals instead.

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Swift 3 extension:

import Foundation

public extension DispatchQueue {

    private static var _onceTracker = [String]()

    public class func once(token: String, block:(Void)->Void) {
        objc_sync_enter(self); defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }

        if _onceTracker.contains(token) {



DispatchQueue.once(token: "your-unique-token")  {
    // code to run once

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In Swift 3 something like this:

class Test {
  static let once: Void = {
    print("only first time")

  func hi() {
    print("every time")

let test = Test()

for i in 0..<3 {

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