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Created June 29, 2012 20:46
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class OmniLog
attr_reader :available
def initialize(path)
@real =
@fake ="/dev/null")
@available =
def add!(which)
unless respond_to? which
self.class.instance_eval do
define_method(which.to_sym) { @real }
@available << which
def remove!(which)
which = which.to_sym
self.class.instance_eval do
undef_method which if respond_to? which
def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
@real.method(meth).call(*args) if @real.respond_to? meth
@available << meth unless @available.include? meth
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Hi paneq. It's certainly slower than Logger since it's a wrapper. It pivots on method_missing, which would probably be the biggest performance hit. I don't know the profiling of Logger vs. Syslog.

I understand what you are getting at though ... a free tracing/logging that you can simply disable and everything goes as if you didn't have the code there. Right ... that's a wonderful goal, but that's not this one.

This was more to address what can be the ridiculous verbosity of logs in a complex application. My programming style in ruby doesn't really involve a debugger, it involves just immense printing of information.

Having a single dimension of severity doesn't really help me isolate a problem. I could simply add and remove debug messages, but in the real world, things are stateful unfortunately so you often get problems from large scale cascaded parts interacting with each other (my big application for this right now is a peer-to-peer networking system). So simply being tidy about adding and then removing debug messages will add overhead once your application gets big.

No. It would be nice if I could tell large swaths to shutup or print as necessary. That's really the primary goal of this abstraction. Performance really wasn't a goal, and if it is yours, then I suggest you totally discard this solution and think from the ground up ... since I never had it as a conscious goal, your end result will probably look dramatically different from mine, whether you start with mine or not.

Best of luck!

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