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Last active December 13, 2018 23:43
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Update-Perform style fetching parameters from AWS SSM
module Ssm
module GetParametersWorkflow =
open Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model
open System.Net
type Failure =
| ParameterRequestFailed of exn
| ParameterRequestError of HttpStatusCode * Amazon.Runtime.ResponseMetadata
type Model =
Paths : string list
Unfinished : (string * string) option
Parameters : Parameter list
Errors : Failure list
type Msg =
| Init of paths:string list
| ParametersReturned of Result<string * GetParametersByPathResponse, exn>
type Effect =
| FetchParameters of path:string * nextToken:string option
let init =
Paths = []
Unfinished = None
Parameters = []
Errors = []
module Decide =
let isSuccess code =
code >= HttpStatusCode.OK && code < HttpStatusCode.MultipleChoices
let hasToken nextToken =
not (System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace nextToken)
let toFail model err =
{ model with Errors = err :: model.Errors}, []
let nextStep model =
match model.Unfinished with
| Some (path, nextToken) ->
{ model with Unfinished = None }, [ FetchParameters (path, Some nextToken)]
| None ->
match model.Paths with
| [] ->
model, []
| path :: rest ->
{ model with Paths = rest }, [ FetchParameters (path, None) ]
let update model msg =
match msg with
| Init paths ->
match paths with
| [] ->
model, []
| _ ->
{ model with Paths = paths }
|> Decide.nextStep
| ParametersReturned (Error ex) ->
ParameterRequestFailed ex
|> Decide.toFail model
| ParametersReturned (Ok (path, response)) ->
match Decide.isSuccess response.HttpStatusCode with
| false ->
ParameterRequestError (response.HttpStatusCode, response.ResponseMetadata)
|> Decide.toFail model
| true ->
let parameters = List.append model.Parameters (List.ofSeq response.Parameters)
let unfinished =
match Decide.hasToken response.NextToken with
| false -> None
| true -> Some (path, response.NextToken)
{ model with
Parameters = parameters
Unfinished = unfinished
|> Decide.nextStep
// SIDE EFFECTS after this point
open Utilities
open Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement
let perform (client : AmazonSimpleSystemsManagementClient) effect =
match effect with
| FetchParameters (path, nextToken) ->
let request =
Path = path,
Recursive = true,
WithDecryption = true,
NextToken = Option.toObj nextToken
let runRequestAsync req =
|> Async.AwaitTask
|> (fun response -> path, response)
|> AsyncResult.liftAsyncEx id runRequestAsync
|> (fun r -> [ParametersReturned r])
open GetParametersWorkflow
let getParameters client paths =
let initEffects = []
let initMsgs = [Init paths]
let output model =
match model.Errors with
| [] -> Ok model.Parameters
| errs -> Error errs
async {
let! model = Utilities.UpProcess.foldEffects (perform client) update init initEffects initMsgs
return output model
namespace Utilities
// Update-Perform Process
module UpProcess =
/// This will run effects first, then process messages
/// when there are no more effects.
let rec foldEffects perform update model effects msgs =
match effects, msgs with
| [], [] ->
async.Return model
| [], msg :: nMsgs ->
let (nModel, nEffects) = update model msg
foldEffects perform update nModel nEffects nMsgs
| effect :: nEffects, _ ->
async {
let! newMsgs = perform effect
let nMsgs = List.append msgs newMsgs
return! foldEffects perform update model nEffects nMsgs
/// This will process messages first, then run effects
/// when there are no more messages.
let rec foldMsgs perform update model effects msgs =
match effects, msgs with
| [], [] ->
async.Return model
| _, msg :: nMsgs ->
let (nModel, newEffects) = update model msg
let nEffects = List.append effects newEffects
foldEffects perform update nModel nEffects nMsgs
| effect :: nEffects, [] ->
async {
let! nMsgs = perform effect
return! foldEffects perform update model nEffects nMsgs
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The open Utilities statement is to access some helpers to deal with Async and Async Result. For example, and AsyncResult.liftAsyncEx. The code for those helpers can be found here.

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