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Created May 5, 2016 13:35
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Quiver HTML importer
import json
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
import html2text
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
source_url = ''
IP_URL = '{url}'
QVR_NOTEBOOK = '/Users/kristof/Dropbox/Applications/Quiver/Quiver.qvlibrary/F54CCC03-A5EC-48E7-8DCD-A264ABCC4277.qvnotebook'
# Download the images and generate UUIDs
def localize_images(resource_path, img_tags):
for img_tag in img_tags:
url = img_tag['src']
r = requests.get(url)
# Define the extension and the new filename
img_ext = Path(urlparse(url).path).suffix
img_name = '{}{}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex.upper(),
img_filename = Path(resource_path, img_name)
with open(str(img_filename), 'wb') as f:
# Convert the original URL to a Quiver URL
img_tag['src'] = 'quiver-image-url/{}'.format(img_name)
# Write content.json
def write_content(note_path, note_title, note_text):
qvr_content = {}
qvr_content['title'] = note_title
qvr_content['cells'] = []
cell = {'type': 'markdown',
'data': note_text}
with open(str(Path(note_path, 'content.json')), 'w') as f:
# Write meta.json
def write_meta(note_path, note_title, note_uuid):
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(
qvr_meta = {}
qvr_meta['title'] = note_title
qvr_meta['uuid'] = note_uuid
qvr_meta['created_at'] = timestamp
qvr_meta['updated_at'] = timestamp
with open(str(Path(note_path, 'meta.json')), 'w') as f:
# Download the IP version of the URL
r = requests.get(IP_URL.format(url=source_url))
bs = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')
qvr_note_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
# Create the folders
paths = {}
paths['notebook'] = QVR_NOTEBOOK
paths['note'] = Path(paths['notebook'], '{}.qvnote'.format(qvr_note_uuid))
paths['resources'] = Path(paths['note'], 'resources')
paths['resources'].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Replace the original links by the quiver links
localize_images(paths['resources'], bs.find_all('img'))
# Remove title
_ ='body main > div.titlebar')[0].extract()
# Convert to Markdown
parser = html2text.HTML2Text()
parser.protect_links = True
parser.wrap_links = False
parser.body_width = 0
note_text = parser.handle(str(bs.find('main')))
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kimaldis commented Jun 8, 2017

To login in, replace the r=requests.get() line with the below. Note, no error checking on the login:

IP_LoginPage = ''
values = {'username': 'Your UserName','password': 'Your Password'}

with requests.Session() as s:

    # ToDo: Error checking
    r = IP_LoginPage, data=values)          # login
    r = s.get(IP_URL.format(url=source_url))       # the request`

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kimaldis commented Jun 8, 2017

And to heave the current URL from the current tab in Firefox, the following code to replace the line that sets source_url. Firefox isn't applescriptable so use system events to select the URL and copy contents to the clipboard. It's not ideal but it works. It should work with Safari and Chrome too if you change the tell application line. Have fun

from osascript import osascript
Script = """

tell application "Firefox" to activate

tell application "System Events"

    keystroke "l" using command down
    keystroke "c" using command down
    delay 1

end tell

set FrontDocumentURL to the clipboard


returncode,stdout,stderr = osascript( Script )
source_url = stdout
print( "Clip from " + source_url )

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So I added some stuff, changed some stuff, partly based on previous alterations I posted above plus some other stuff:

  • Use notebook name instead of notebook path to specify where clipped notes go
  • Create the notebook if it doesn't exist
  • added login credentials for instapaper (you'll need an Instapaper account)
  • Picks up url to clip from whatever page is current in Firefox. This probably isn't hard to alter for other browsers
  • Satisfied my OCD by rearranging the code into a class.

The original aim was to turn this into a Firefox extension but running Python, while doable, is looking messy so for the moment it needs running from a terminal. Or you can slot it into an Alfred workflow or Quicksilver or similar, fire it using a hotkey.

You'll need Python3 and some library installs. See notes at head of script.

It's working very well for me but caveats:

  • the script looks for a 'main' section in the html. Most pages have main section, some don't. If it can't find one it clips the page's body, which ends up being a bit messy but it's editable so ...
  • login details for Instapaper are held in the file as plain text. This is a long way short of ideal. Suggestions welcome.
  • some error checking wouldn't hurt.

Any thoughts welcome. Enjoy.

# Needs python 3 See
# Required libraries: 
#   pip3 install html2text
#   pip3 install requests
#   pip3 install bs4
#   pip3 install lxml
# ToDo:
#		* Some error handling:
#			* from osascript call
#			* in self.Soup(), login, url post & get
#			* check for errors when creating notes & notebooks
#		* !!! we look for a 'main' section in self.Note(). this may not exist.
#			we're currently fall back to 'body' but this isn't ideal.
#			Trouble is, 'main' is in no way mandatory in a page
#			maybe we need a list of possible elements to try.

import sys, os, re
#import argparse, urllib, sys, os, re

import json
import uuid

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
import time

import html2text
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from osascript import osascript

class QuiverSnip():

	def __init__( self ):

		self.QVR_LOCATION = '/Users/kimaldis/Documents/Quiver/Quiver.qvlibrary'	# name of Quiver's base library package
		self.QVR_NOTEBOOK_NAME = "WebClips"										# name of the notebook we'll be clipping to
		self.QVR_NOTEBOOK = ''													# path to the notebook package

		self.IP_URL = '{url}'					# Instapaper endpoint for html2md
		self.IP_LoginPage = ''				# Instapaper login

		self.IP_LoginCredentials = {											#Note: security alert!!!
			'username': '',
			'password': 'eggbert'
		if ( not self.FindNotebook()):
			# create a new notebook
			print( "Couldn't find notebook" + self.QVR_NOTEBOOK_NAME)

		self.note_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
		self.Soup( )

	def FindNotebook( self ):

		for root, dirs, files in os.walk( self.QVR_LOCATION ):
			for dir in dirs:
				if dir.endswith((".qvnotebook" )):
					# dir is notebook package name 
					metaFileName = self.QVR_LOCATION + "/" + dir + "/meta.json"
					if os.path.exists( metaFileName ):
						file = open( metaFileName, "r") 
						meta = json.loads( )
						name = meta['name']
						if (name == self.QVR_NOTEBOOK_NAME):
							self.QVR_NOTEBOOK = self.QVR_LOCATION + "/" + dir
							return True

		# couldnt' find notebook so make it
		print( "Creating New Notebook " + self.QVR_NOTEBOOK_NAME)
		new_notebook_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
		new_notebook_path = self.QVR_LOCATION + "/" + new_notebook_uuid + ".qvnotebook"
		metadata = { 'name': self.QVR_NOTEBOOK_NAME, 'uuid' : new_notebook_uuid }
		# create the notebook package
		os.makedirs( new_notebook_path )
		with open( new_notebook_path + "/meta.json", 'w' ) as f:
			f.write( json.dumps( metadata ) )
		self.QVR_NOTEBOOK = new_notebook_path
		return True

		return False

	def GetFirefoxURL( self ):

		# Todo: handle errors here
		returncode, stdout, stderr = osascript( """
			tell application "Firefox" to activate
			tell application "System Events"
				keystroke "l" using command down
				keystroke "c" using command down
				delay 1
			end tell
			set FrontDocumentURL to the clipboard
		self.source_url = stdout
	# Download the images and generate UUIDs
	def localize_images(self, resource_path, img_tags):

		for img_tag in img_tags:
			url = img_tag['src']
			r = requests.get(url)
			# Define the extension and the new filename
			img_ext = Path(urlparse(url).path).suffix
			img_name = '{}{}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex.upper(),
			img_filename = Path(resource_path, img_name)
			with open(str(img_filename), 'wb') as f:
			# Convert the original URL to a Quiver URL
			img_tag['src'] = 'quiver-image-url/{}'.format(img_name)

	# Write content.json
	def write_content( self, note_path, note_title ):
		qvr_content = {}
		qvr_content['title'] = note_title
		qvr_content['cells'] = []
		cell = {'type': 'markdown', 
				'data': self.note_text}

		with open(str(Path(note_path, 'content.json')), 'w') as f:

	# Write meta.json to disk
	def write_meta( self, note_path, note_title, note_uuid):
		timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(
		qvr_meta = {}
		qvr_meta['title'] = note_title
		qvr_meta['uuid'] = note_uuid
		qvr_meta['created_at'] = timestamp
		qvr_meta['updated_at'] = timestamp

		with open(str(Path(note_path, 'meta.json')), 'w') as f:

	def Soup( self ):
		# Download the IP version of the URL
		with requests.Session() as s:

			# ToDo: Error checking
			r = self.IP_LoginPage, data=self.IP_LoginCredentials)          # login
			r = s.get(self.IP_URL.format(url=self.source_url))       				# the request = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')


	def CreateFolders( self ):

		# Create the folders
		paths = {}
		paths['notebook'] = self.QVR_NOTEBOOK
		paths['note'] = Path(paths['notebook'], '{}.qvnote'.format(self.note_uuid))
		paths['resources'] = Path(paths['note'], 'resources')
		paths['resources'].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

		# Replace the original links by the quiver links
		self.paths = paths
		return paths

	def Note( self ):
		# Convert to Markdown
		parser = html2text.HTML2Text()
		parser.protect_links = True
		parser.wrap_links = False
		parser.body_width = 0

		note_text = parser.handle(str('main')))

		# if 'main' section couldn't be found, try 'body'
		if ( '^None', note_text ) ):
			print( "couldn't find a main tag, trying 'body'. results may be messy" )
			note_text = parser.handle(str('body')))

		theDate = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y at %H:%M:%S")
		note_text = "Clipped From [Here](" + self.source_url + ")\n" + " on " + theDate + "\n" + note_text 

		self.note_text = note_text

	def Save( self ):
		self.write_content( self.paths['note'], )
		self.write_meta(self.paths['note'],, self.note_uuid)

QS = QuiverSnip()


print( "New Note title: " + )

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iosdave commented Jan 27, 2020

So I added some stuff, changed some stuff, partly based on previous alterations I posted above plus some other stuff:

  • Use notebook name instead of notebook path to specify where clipped notes go
  • Create the notebook if it doesn't exist
  • added login credentials for instapaper (you'll need an Instapaper account)
  • Picks up url to clip from whatever page is current in Firefox. This probably isn't hard to alter for other browsers
  • Satisfied my OCD by rearranging the code into a class.

The original aim was to turn this into a Firefox extension but running Python, while doable, is looking messy so for the moment it needs running from a terminal. Or you can slot it into an Alfred workflow or Quicksilver or similar, fire it using a hotkey.

You'll need Python3 and some library installs. See notes at head of script.

It's working very well for me but caveats:

  • the script looks for a 'main' section in the html. Most pages have main section, some don't. If it can't find one it clips the page's body, which ends up being a bit messy but it's editable so ...
  • login details for Instapaper are held in the file as plain text. This is a long way short of ideal. Suggestions welcome.
  • some error checking wouldn't hurt.

Any thoughts welcome. Enjoy.

is this still working for you? It doesn't appear to login to Instapaper for ...

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