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Last active February 14, 2022 23:47
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C100 Classical Period

1. 2.05 & 2.06 – Explain the meaning of each of the themes in 2.05 in your own words. Use 2.06 to help with describing some of them.

- Balance meaning the balance and harmony of art, idea, life (Golden Mean), governing, archetecture especially the statues.
- Truth/Reason became which not come from God but acquire by human to find the truth through discussion and the use of reason
- Democracy/Republic are both themes of government formation by people as "Majority rules" while Republic has institutions that secure the rights of the minority
- Polytheism meaning many gods which expressed in poetry, music and art
- Humanism it all about human instead of god expressed in art, philosophy and literature.

2. 2.05 – Explain what “balance in philosophy” means.

- balance in philosophy mean moderation desires to achieve justice and virtue. Individual can 
create virtuous charcter by achieving balance between too much of a trait and too little of a trait (Golden Mean)

3. 2.05 – Explain how the themes of Truth/Reason and Polytheism clash in the Classical Period. How do Humanism and Polytheism clash?

- Polytheism then clash because of True/Reason and Humanism then. That mean the evolution from themes to the other could be continue each other by develop or clash and can be in parallel together such and True/Reason and Humanism.

- Humanism and Polytheism clashed because of Democracy/Republic and Truth/Reason for example: Polytheism at the early of period was much question by Truth/Reason whilee more human centric and later more from a person to public in Roman.

4. 2.05 and 2.08 – Who were the Muses and why were they important to artists in the period?

- In Classical period while people believe in polytheism, artists also refer to Muses
in their work and inspiration from these spiritual deities.

5. 2.09 and 2.10 – Explain how the works of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle reflect themes of the Classical Period. Answer each one separately.

- All three of their works lead to Truth/Reason theme but each one different in more effect as follow:
  - Socrates works: His conversation created "Socratic Method" The Socratic Method involves constant questioning; one person poses a question, and the answers to that initial question lead to more questions, with the pattern continuing until a truth is revealed.
  - Plato works (Plato's The Republic): Plato's Allegory of the Cave is one of the most well-known examples of philosophical thought. It suggests that most people cannot see the world as it is.

  - Aristotle: Define problem of knowledge much effect in theme of Balance especialy his "Golden Mean" phylosophy

6. 2.11 – Explain the difference between epic and lyric poetry.

-  lyrics is focus on the thought of individual: everyday life subjects
-  epic is about heroic and mythological themes

7. 2.11 – How do the works by Homer and Sappho reflect the themes of the period?

- Homer work addresses the role of epic hero, roles of Muses and the gods reflect themes: Reason, Loyalty, Love, Heroism which play major role in [Polytheism in classical period](
- Sappho work addresses human emotion at the center in stead of a god or goddess which reflect themes: Humanism because of the focus on human emotion

8. 2.12 – Explain the importance of tragedy as a genre of plays in the Classical Period.

- tragedy as genre of plays at the height of Grecian civilization, from comedy to truth rejecting their flawed histories, nature and fates as part of Balance Theme.

9. 2.12 – Define the following in your own words: diction, hubris, foreshadowing, double entendre,chorus.

- diction one of Aritotle six essential element of drama: words or phrases in speech or writing
- hublis is the main character's central human trait or charter flaw, which is drving behind the plot of tragedy performance 
- foreshadowing mean clues are given about the events to come.
- doble entendre means word or phrase can be understood two ways also another meaning is about sexualized or body humor
- chorus group of 12-15 men for classical theater: singing, commenting between the scenes. 

10. 2.12 – Explain how Oedipus Rex reflects themes of the Classical Period.

- Oedipus Rex is the first of three plays by Sophocles(The Theban plays) about Self-discovery, Truth and Suicide which represent Classical Period themes: 
- Truth/Reason (to find about his parent)
- Humanism (about human emotion and suicide nothing about God)
- Poytheism (still care about prophesied to murder his father)

11. 2.13 – What themes of the Classical Period does Greek art reflect? What themes does Roman art reflect?

- Greek reflected from themes: balance, humanism,truth, polytheism (god) and balance
- Roman reflected from themes: democracy/rebublicism, balance and polytheism(god)

12. 2.13 – Explain the importance of the Kouros as an early example of Greek sculpture.

- Kouros represent: nude balance which is proportions for free-standing sculptures following from Egypt and later became prototype of nude real body sculture of classical.

13. 2.13 – Explain what contrapposto is and why it reflected themes of the Classical Period.A

- contrapposto is reflected the nature (true position) of human than all balance as see in Egype sculpture that hand / leg straing down while contrapposto much more real position as another develop from Egypt to Greece/Roman in Classical Period

14. 2.13 – How do Greek and Roman architecture differ? What was the major innovation of the Romans that allowed this difference to occur?

- The different of both architecture are concrete, column and arch in Roman on top of the similar balance of post-and-lintel

15. 2.14 – Explain how the theories of Pythagoras led to a major innovation in music in the Classical Period.

- Pythagoras discover balance in music such as Octave, fifth as we known Pythagoras Theory

16. 2.15 – Explain how the Egyptians influenced the Greeks in the Classical Period. What culture influenced the Greek alphabet?

- Egyptians sculture influence Greeks as balance and humanism for example the nude kouros and Egyptian mythological creatures and artistic motifs in their artwork.

17. 2.15 – Why were the Silk Road and the Mediterranean Sea important to Greece and Rome in the Classical Period? (Answer each separately.)

- Silk Road is the trade route of goods (trading glass for sile) between europe and asia, including Buddhism, Manichaeism and Daoism
- Mediterranean Sea which Rome is located which have cultureal exchange among others: southern Europe, Western Asia, Middle East and Africa. The ancient Greeks, for example, borrowed the alphabet of the Phoenicians, a Middle Eastern civilization, in order to write down their own language, while they imitated Egyptian mythological creatures and artistic motifs in their own artwork

18. 2.16 – Name three ways that the Classical Period has influenced the Western world today and provide a brief explanation for each.

- 1. The idea or theme of democracy/republic became the democracy of US
- 2. The Truth/Reason became core of science and technology
- 3. The Arts (Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou?) for example: film from The Odyssey

Note Humanism

= The study of the creative and intellectual contributions of all human cultures.
- puts the human in the ceter of all things (Not God)
- Effect in Democracy/Republicnism put the goverment in the hand of people
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kul1 commented Feb 12, 2022

Thanks, I did update. Especially put focus on 5 major themes. link

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llettau commented Feb 12, 2022

Don't forget to fix #3--the answer is incorrect and can really through you off in the exam. Let me know if you have questions.

In #5, Individualism is not a theme in the Classical Period. It may help to make a list for yourself of what themes are in what period. Plus it is good practice for writing it up from memory on your whiteboard in the exam!

#11 - Roman art has balance, too. Also for both, if a statue is of a god, that would be polytheism.

#17 - the main goods on the Silk Road were glass for silk. It could be asked on the exam.

#18 - Name the film that was inspired by the Odyssey. If you are unsure of what I mean, let me know!

Looking even better, though. :-) Have a great weekend!

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kul1 commented Feb 13, 2022

I corrected all here

In #3 don't know is that what should be yet.

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kul1 commented Feb 14, 2022

Menu to each Module

C100 Humanities

Module 1 C100_FOUNDATION

Module 2 C100_CLASSIC


Module 5 C100_ROMANTIC

Module 6 C100_REALIST

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