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Last active February 15, 2022 23:22
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1. 3.05 & 3.06 – Explain the meaning of each of the themes in 3.05 in your own words. Use 3.06 to help with describing some of them.

- Humanism: is the believe that one could realize the full humanity only through classical education: culture of Western antiquity. 
- Rebirth of Classicm: resurgence of classical period in literature, art, religion, social life and music
- Reformation: Martin Luther broke away from Catholic Church started Protestant Church.
- Expansion of University: University for society in professional level: law, medicine, religion and civil government.
- Rationalism/Scientific Expansion: pursue of knowledge and exploration later than religious dogma and classical phylosophy
- Individualism/Self-fashioning: The potential and talents of the individual became a significant focus also people to deferring to individual than God.

2. 3.05 – How does Humanism in the Renaissance differ from Humanism in the Classical Period? How is it the same?

- Humanism in Renaissance differ from the Classical Period in  (New form of Humanism: Christian Humanism)
-   1. believe background in fact reason than faith so more education and study
-   2. more exploring the human form and quality later than idea  then less phylosophy and more on fact and scientific knowledge
-   3. Stressed more in social and political order.

3. 3.05 – How is Self-fashioning different from just changing one’s clothes?

- As concept of theme individualism, social eqiquette and fashion follow this trend. "self-fashioning" as pubic behavior and clothing became tools for sel-expressing

4. 3.08 – Why was Desiderius Erasmus important during the Renaissance? Why was Martin Luther important?

- Desiderius Erasmus: release "In Praise of Folly" criticized corruption and abuses of Catholic doctrine in part of the Roman Catholic Church and support reforming the Church and the clergy from within.
- Martin Luther: The most historically significant religious development of the Renaissance was the Protestant Reformation and culminate in the birth of Protestantism

5. 3.09 & 3.10 – Explain how Niccolò Machiavelli’s work reflects themes of the Renaissance.

- Niccolo Machiavelli he is an Italian political philosopher who believed statecraft should be based on science rather than on Christian principles. But the most controversial idea is "suggesting that leaders can use whatever means necessary to achieve their ends." Reflect themes: Humanism, Individualism and Self-Fashioning

6. 3.10 – Explain how Baldassare Castiglione’s work reflects themes of the Renaissance.

- He use Renaissance dialogue as a storytelling to reflect themes: Individualism and Self-Fashioning

7. 3.10 – What did Renaissance literature focus on that was similar to the Middle Ages? What did emphasize that was not similar to the Middle Ages?

- Note: Middle Ages: is between classical and renaissance
- The different from the Middle Ages: is emphasis on the individual's psychological complexity in addition to the social and moral structures of society
- Abd another different is the conflict from Christian humanism

8. 3.11 – How did theater change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance? How was Renaissance theater similar to Classical theater?

- Change direction from Middle Age: traditional of morality and mystery plays to Resainnance: prohibition of religious-themed play, comedy of professional('commedia dell'arte)
- Start build permanent structures designed exclusively for theatrical performances, including the famous Globe Theater in London. (just like classical style.)

9. 3.11 – Define the following in your own words: dialect, blank verse, prose, soliloquy, allegory.

- dialect, a form of language which is particular to a group of people, such as those belonging to a region or social class
- blank verse: poetry written in a metered fashion, typically iambic pentameter, but which does not rhyme;
- prose: common or non-poetic speech
- aoliloquy: character speaks aloud to themselves, thus cluing the audience into their thoughts: 
- allergory: concept, theme or idea is manifest in a physical way

10. 3.11 – Explain how Hamlet reflects themes of the Renaissance.

- Hamlet (by Shakespere): humanism theme in a very different way than the ancient Greeks and Romans did. The story reflect the search of knowledge which is the themes of Renaissance. Also the human indecision of what the "correct" path is , instead of Gods

11. 3.11 – How does Doctor Faustus reflect themes of the Renaissance? What is the example of allegory in the excerpt and what makes it an allegory?

- Doctor Faustus:(by Marlowe) reflects Reformation beliefs. The story reflect the search of knowledge which is the themes of Renaissance with the use of allergory technique with the influence of Themes: Protestant
- By mentioned The Seven Deadly Sin as part of Themes: Rebirth of Classism

12. 3.13 – What two innovations of art were developed in the Renaissance? Include a definition for each in your own words.

- Linear perspective and Chiaroscure in:
  - Renaissance Painting: which include human anatomy,linear perspective and Chiaroscure( light and shade )
  - Renaussance Sculpture: with new materials and techniques to classical forms
- Oil paints:widespread use of oil paints, a medium that became much more common
    - fresco or tempera: had a jewel-like depth and appearance.

13. 3.13 and 3.14 – Pick one work each from Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dürer, and Raphael (4 works total) and explain how each work reflects a theme and/or characteristic of art from the Renaissance.

- Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa: reflects Individualism especially Self-Fashioning
- Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel in Rome: reflects Humanism that people change to respect from polymorism to Christianicm
- Durer: Praying Handas: reflects Reformation doctrine and art as private prayer
- Raphael:"The School of Athens": This paint show balance and symetry of Plato, Aristotle and Michelangelo. It reflected Rebirth of Classicism in his period.

14. 3.13 – Explain how Renaissance architecture reflects the Rebirth of Classicm.

- Raphael work as an example in #13

15. 3.15 – What is a madrigal and how does it differ from music before the Renaissance?

- madrigal differ from Renaissance music by add text to the sound of musical notes (of renaissance)

16. 3.16 – What happened to the Silk Road and how did Renaissance traders adjust?

- The Silk Road was blocked in the middle start new trade again together with new exploration by sea. Consider lot's of improvements in rade and communication. 
- The goods and culture: spices, gems and fine silk from Asia. Italian glass, Islamic Glass and pottery, African ivory for European royalty, including slaves for them.

17. 3.16 – Explain how each of the following cultures influenced Europe: Africa, Islam, the Moors the Americas.

- Africa local resources became part of Europe royalty: Aftrican Ivory, slaves, Gold (from Mansa Musa: King of Kings)
- Islam export / effect to be Itallian glass and ceramics prized by European courts.
- Americas: Gold and other material fro invasion of Potugues 

18. 3.16 – How did the printing press affect the Renaissance?

- Printing press by Johannes Gutenberg revolutionized mass communication throughout Europe.

19. 3.17 – Name three ways that the Renaissance has influenced the Western world today and provide a brief explanation for each.

1. The Importancce of the Individual: The Renaissance man has influenced man and women of important of education until today.
2. The Advancements in Science: Science—and the scientific method of thinking—is one of the most important legacies of the Renaissance. 
    - exploration of the human body 
    - advancements learned from the Muslim world: medical practices
    - learning medical process until today
3. The Value of Education concepts such as
    - humanists first introduced the idea that a general education in the Humanities would benefit the community by creating better citizens.
    - Mix of liberal art and science or particular subject in today world influenced from Renaissance: The Renaissance man.
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kul1 commented Feb 15, 2022

Thanks, I redo from each comments and diff here

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