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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save kulicuu/8daed21ae72548bcf252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kulicuu/8daed21ae72548bcf252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
life's simple pleasures
# jan2 request bluebird stuff
c= console.log
_= require 'lodash'
Promise= require 'bluebird'
rp= require 'request-promise'
qStr= require 'querystring'
parse_quals= (quals)->
return _.reduce quals,
(acc0, value, key)->
if value isnt null
switch key
when 'in'
return acc0 + _.reduce value, (acc1, item)->
if (value.indexOf(item) < (value.length - 1)) and (value.indexOf(item) > 0)
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item + "AND"
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item
, ""
when 'size','forks', 'created','pushed','user','repo','language', 'stars'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
else return acc0
, ""
baseURI= ""
stubQ= q: 'britvic' # string only
in: ['name', 'description'] #string
size: '>=264'
forks: '<=3'
stars: '>=0'
order: 'asc' # string asc or desc
sort: 'updated'#'stars' # string 'stars', 'forks', 'updated', this needed to be an array for some reason
make_strang= (base ,q, opts, quals)->
strQ= qStr.stringify q
strOpts= qStr.stringify opts
strQuals= _.reduce quals,
(acc0, value, key)->
if value isnt null
switch key
when 'in'
return acc0 + _.reduce value, (acc1, item)->
if (value.indexOf(item) < (value.length - 1)) and (value.indexOf(item) > 0)
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item + "AND"
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item
, ""
when 'size','forks', 'created','pushed','user','repo','language', 'stars'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
else return acc0
, ""
return base + strQ + strQuals + '&' +strOpts
strang= make_strang(baseURI, stubQ, stubOpts, stubQuals)
c strang
go= (opts)->
rp opts
.on 'response', (response)->
c response.headers
.then (res)->
arq= JSON.parse res
c arq
method: 'GET'
uri: strang
'User-Agent': 'kulicuu'
go getOpts
Promise= require 'bluebird'
c= console.log
redis= require 'redis'
client= redis.createClient()
d= Promise.promisifyAll client
d.setAsync "foo", "bar"
.then (re)->
c re
rayy= []
rayy.push d.setAsync "foo0", "bar0"
rayy.push d.setAsync "foo1", "bar1"
rayy.push d.setAsync "foo2", "bar2"
.then (rayy1)->
c rayy1
rayy2= []
rayy2.push d.getAsync "foo0"
rayy2.push d.getAsync "foo1"
rayy2.push d.getAsync "foo2"
.then (rayy3)->
c rayy3
c= console.log
Bluebird= require 'bluebird'
func0: (a, cb)->
c a
cb null, {message: 'this is func0'}
func1: (a, cb)->
c a
func0Async= Bluebird.promisify @func0, @
func0Async "hello"
.bind @
.then (go0)->
c "@", @
c go0
obj.func1 "testing testing"
c= console.log
# becoming more aware of functional protocol
_= require 'lodash'
rp= require 'request-promise'
qu= require 'querystring'
beez= ""
beez+= "+++++"
c beez
timezone: 'alaska'
rayy= ['one', 'two', 'three']
caalb= (acc, a)->
return acc + (a + @timezone)
strang= _.reduce rayy, caalb, "", qqq
streng= _.reduce rayy, (acc, a)->
return acc + (@timezone + a + 'inline')
, "", qqq
c strang
c streng
arq= {five: 'four', three: 'two'}
x= _.reduce arq, (acc, value, key)->
return acc + key + value
, "access:"
c x
keywords: ['britvic', 'kulicuu']
in: ['name']# becoming more aware of functional protocol
size: null
forks: null
created: null
pushed: null
user: null
repo: null
language: null
stars: null
sort: null
order: null
make_QueryString= (qO)->
# make the query string element of the uri
qS= _.reduce qO.keywords, (acc, word)->
if ( qO.keywords.indexOf(word) < qO.keywords.length ) and ( qO.keywords.indexOf(word) > 0 )
return acc + "," + word
return acc + word
, "q="
qS+= _.reduce qO.qualifiers, (acc0, value, key)->
if value isnt null
switch key
when 'in'
return acc0 + _.reduce value, (acc1, item)->
if (value.indexOf(item) < value.length) and (value.indexOf(item) > 0)
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item + "AND"
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item
, ""
when 'size'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'forks'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'created'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'pushed'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'user'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'repo'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'language'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'stars'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
else return acc0
, ""
return qS
strang= make_QueryString stub
c "strang", strang
baseURI= ""
q: ['scaffold/seedApp+in:description']
in: null
size: null
forks: null
created: null
pushed: null
user: null
repo: null
language: null
stars: null
sort: null
order: null
strang_X= qu.stringify stub_X
c strang_X
method: 'GET'
uri: baseURI + "search/repositories?#{strang_X}"
'User-Agent': 'kulicuu'
go= (opts)->
rp opts
.on 'response', (response)->
c response.headers
.then (res)->
arq= JSON.parse res
c arq
# what all of this means is that we can use qu.stringify at the
# outer layer to prepare our querystring but that the q variable
# itself needs to be parsed with reduction functions first to prepare the q variable
# so:
q: ['kulicuu','britvic']
in: ['name', 'description']
forks: null
language: 'coffeescript'
sort: null
order: null
qS= ""
qS+= _.reduce opts, (acc0, value, key)->
if value isnt null
switch key
when 'in'
return acc0 + _.reduce value, (acc1, item)->
if (value.indexOf(item) < (value.length - 1)) and (value.indexOf(item) > 0)
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item + "AND"
return acc1 + "+" + key + ":" + item
, ""
when 'size'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'forks'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'created'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'pushed'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'user'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'repo'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'language'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
when 'stars'
return acc0 + "+" + key + ":" + value
else return acc0
, ""
c "qS", qS
x= qu.stringify stubY
blasto= x + qS
c "blasto", blasto
method: 'GET'
uri: baseURI + "search/repositories?#{blasto}"
'User-Agent': 'kulicuu'
go options2
# from the responses i'm getting it looks like every addition to querystring var q can have it's own qualifiers, so this makes things more complicated, but i'm seeing the light. [edit:] also possible they only take on string instead of an optional array of strings for the q.
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