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Created November 9, 2015 16:27
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c = -> console.log.apply console, arguments
test_order = (rayy)->
for idx in [0 .. (rayy.length - 2)]
if rayy[idx] > rayy[idx + 1]
return false
return true
get_random_rayy = (n) ->
rayy = []
for i in [0 .. (n - 1)]
rayy.push Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
return rayy
bubble_sort_004 = (rayy)-> # simple no recursion
while true
idx = 0
while (idx < (rayy.length - 1))
if rayy[idx] > rayy[idx + 1]
temp = rayy[idx]
rayy[idx] = rayy[idx + 1]
rayy[idx + 1] = temp
if idx is (rayy.length - 1)
return rayy
obj =
c: c
get_random_rayy: get_random_rayy
bubble_sort_004: bubble_sort_004
test_order: test_order
module.exports = obj
{c, get_random_rayy, bubble_sort_004, test_order} = require './'
c "You are given two sorted arrays, A and B, and A has a large enough buffer at the end to hold B. Write a method to merge B into A in sorted order."
A_clust = get_random_rayy 11
B_clust = get_random_rayy 17
A = bubble_sort_004(A_clust)
B = bubble_sort_004(B_clust)
c "\n"
c "A #{A.toString()}"
c "B #{B.toString()}"
c "\n"
sort_merge_000 = (a, b)->
# so we start with the first element in A , call that cursor_000
# now we want to find all elements in B that are less than cursor_000, and insert them into the array
# then we have a well-known problem from the point of iterating over the array in that we've mutating something
#that we are in the process of iterating through.
# ignoring the problem though we go onto the next element in A. we find all the elements in the sorted B
# minus the elements we took out of B to insert into that last one that can be inserted before this next element
# and so on.
# we'll need to track the 'next' index in A. that could be a simple way of doing this.
# like if we are on the first element in A and we put 4 elements from B before the first element in A
# now the second element that's really from A un-edited isn't 1 it's 1 + 4 = 5.
# so that's how we keep track of original A. with the next pointer variable.
# we need to do something similar with B, track the unordered witha next pointer. of course
# if we're mutating B as we go we don't need to worry about this, we can just start from the
# beginning of B everytime without needing to worry about anything.
a_idx = 0
a_next = 1 # pointer
while (a_idx < (a.length - 1))
c "a_idx #{a_idx}"
cursor = a[a_idx]
# now find all elements of b that are less than cursor
b_idx = -1
while (b_idx < (b.length - 1))
c "orig b_idx #{b_idx}"
if b[b_idx] > cursor
c "breaking with b_idx at #{b_idx}"
if b_idx > -1
tab_rayy = b.splice 0, b_idx
c "tab_rayy #{tab_rayy}"
c "and b #{b}"
Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, [a_idx, 0].concat(tab_rayy))
a_idx += (b_idx + 1)
return a
x = sort_merge_000(A, B)
c("\n", x.toString() )
c "test order is good ? #{test_order(x)}"
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