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Created October 3, 2014 11:40
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install chrome from powershell
(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'c:/temp/chrome.exe');. c:/temp/chrome.exe /silent /install;rm c:/temp -rec
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eesheesh commented Feb 8, 2019

Here's a version of @redramos's command that can work from the Run dialog (considering its length limits):
PowerShell -Command "& {$P = $env:TEMP + '\chrome_installer.exe'; Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile $P; Start-Process -FilePath $P -Args '/silent /install' -Verb RunAs -Wait; Remove-Item $P}"

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o-l-a-v commented Oct 9, 2019

Neat commands y'all. But it installs 32 bit Chrome on 64 bit Windows. Anyone found a always latest version URL for Chrome 64 bit?

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imthisguymike commented Nov 10, 2019

Neat commands y'all. But it installs 32 bit Chrome on 64 bit Windows. Anyone found a always latest version URL for Chrome 64 bit?

@o-l-a-v Using this code, it downloads the online installer, and the 64-bit version is downloaded and installed:
$uri = "" $path = "$PSScriptRoot\ChromeSetup.exe" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $path Start-Process $path /install -NoNewWindow -Wait Remove-Item .\ChromeSetup.exe

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o-l-a-v commented Nov 11, 2019

Yeah, I've found that url too. It installs x86 which will get upgraded to x64 later on of the OS is actually x64.

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I don't have access to internet on my windows server. How can I use this script then?

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jrudley commented Dec 2, 2019

I don't have access to internet on my windows server. How can I use this script then?

You need to download the offline installer for Chrome. Store it on some internal file share and copy down during install or add it into the image, etc

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lachlann562 commented Apr 24, 2020

For something a little more sophisticated, here is a powershell function you can run. it also uses the latest version, not a specific version. i also used -PassThru to get the explicit process i started.

function Install-Chrome
    $LocalTempDir = $env:TEMP; 
    $ChromeInstaller = "ChromeInstaller.exe"; 

    try {
        (new-object    System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $output); 
        $p = Start-Process $output -ArgumentList "/silent","/install" -PassThru -Verb runas; 

        while (!$p.HasExited) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }

        Write-Output ([PSCustomObject]@{Success=$p.ExitCode -eq 0;Process=$p})
    } catch {
        Write-Output ([PSCustomObject]@{Success=$false;Process=$p;ErrorMessage=$_.Exception.Message;ErrorRecord=$_})
    } finally {
        Remove-Item "$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose



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prc1234 commented May 26, 2020

thank you so much. This solution works like a charm. Is there a way by which i can extract the chrome version from ""

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jtatum commented Dec 8, 2020

If you get an error like Invoke-WebRequest : The underlying connection was closed, your system may be configured with strong TLS ciphers by default. Change them in the current powershell environment by running [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

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kyungjaepark commented Nov 4, 2021

Thanks to @eesheesh , I could install chrome in Run Dialog. Here's slightly improved version which reduces download time by removing progress bar. ( )

PowerShell -Command "& {$P=$env:TEMP+'\chrome_installer.exe';$ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';IWR '' -OutFile $P;SAPS -FilePath $P -Args '/silent /install' -Verb RunAs -Wait;DEL $P}"

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"" This is not downloading the latest version of Chrome. Does anyone know the reason?

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giuscri commented Feb 21, 2022

❤️ @nicolaigj

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Thanks @kyungjaepark! I've put this in a dedicated website, to make it easy for folks to quickly install Chrome/Firefox on a new machine, without having to type in the command: (works with without redirects as well, for folks installing versions of Windows that complain about HTTPS).

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shleeable commented Jul 27, 2022

$uri = "";
$path = "$PSScriptRoot\ChromeSetup.exe";
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $path;
Start-Process $path /install -NoNewWindow -Wait; 
Remove-Item $path;

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ahashem87a commented Aug 4, 2022

Thanks @kyungjaepark! I've put this in a dedicated website, to make it easy for folks to quickly install Chrome/Firefox on a new machine, without having to type in the command: (works with without redirects as well, for folks installing versions of Windows that complain about HTTPS).

This is amazing work, thank you so much! If I could only find something similar for Adobe Reader my life would be complete.

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