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kurtis318 / manualIPaddrLinux.txt
Created March 30, 2017 15:10
Manually add and remove an IP to a Linux server vi ip command
I am constantly needing to set an IP on a server for some reason. Most of the time the reason is to verify connectivity. Here is the commands I use to add and remove the IP.
ip address add dev enP1p1s0f0
ip address del dev enP1p1s0f0
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind about these commands:
1. If you do note specify the prefix (/24 in this case) to the IP address the default is /32.
2. The interface is brought up automatically. There is no need to run ifup
3. I believe ifup and ifdown assume there config files (/etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-* for RPM based systems).
kurtis318 / SeaMonkeyVsKompozer.txt
Last active June 2, 2017 04:06
SeaMonkey is great alternative to Kompozer
I have been looking for a replacement for kompozer app that I have been running on Linux.
I came across SeaMonkey today and it has a "composer" function that has a great WYSIWYG
editor mimila to kompozer.
Here is where I found to download the tar files for Linux:
Looks like Fedora 25 has a seamonkey package but it is a bit older that the latest.
kurtis318 / AddLauncherGnoneDesktop.txt
Created June 5, 2017 03:34
Adding launcher to Gnome destop
I finally had a pressing need to create my own custom launcher in Gnome. I did not know how to do this but I found numerous examples
on the Internet. Here is a brief description of how I added a launcher for seamonkey edito. The file below is in /home/kurtis/Desktop.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Seamonkey Composer
Exec=/home/kurtis/bin/seamonkey/seamonkey -editor "/home/kurtis/dev/html/KWRNewTab.html"
# Icon=[icon file [optional]]
kurtis318 / allversyum.txt
Created June 14, 2017 16:26
Show all versions of a package using yum
I needed to determine all the different versions of a package that came from repositories I had set up on a server.
I knew there was at least two versions of java-1.8.0-openjdk but I wanted to be sure.
I found the following command and it did the job perfectly:
[root@hwwn3 ~]# yum --showduplicates list java-1.8.0-openjdk | expand
Loaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Available Packages
java-1.8.0-openjdk.ppc64le 1: xcat-otherpkgs0
java-1.8.0-openjdk.ppc64le 1: local-rhels7.3-ppc64le--install-rhels7.3-ppc64le
kurtis318 / exFatOnFedora25.txt
Created June 17, 2017 01:21
Support for exFat drives on Fedora 25
I run Fedora 25 on many of my computers. I inserted an SD card in my new Dell XPS 15 and tried to open the contents.
To my surprise, I got an error saying exFat is not supported. Here is where I found reference to the fuse-exfat package
on Ubuntu.
I was not able to mount the sd device using mount but the Disks app in GNOME was able to mount it correctly.
I will update this file if I find a reboot lets me use mount or fusermount command.
kurtis318 / DellXPS15-9560-firmware.txt
Last active July 17, 2017 04:32
Firmware for Dell XPS 15 (9560)
I purchased a maxed out Dell XPS 15 earliers this year. Windows 10 worked flawlessly (they sure know how to do multi-architecture and HiDPI) but of course I just had to install Fedora 25. I was using Fedora 25 for a few months and was aware of the Intel Kaby Lake CPU used. I did not check out looking for a firmware update on the Dell support site until I re-installed my XPS 15 with Fedora 26.
The problem I ran into immediately was I could only find the latest 1.3.3 firmware in an exe file that runs under Windows or in DOS mode. I tried without any success to make a FreeDOS bootable USB with the exe file. Unfortunately, the Dell web site was correct, FreeDOS does not recognize USB 3.0.
I did some Googling and finally found the following web site that has a cab file version of the raw binary firmware file.
I formatted my USB key with fat32 in Fedora. I extracted the raw .bin file (I extracted all 4 files) and placed t
kurtis318 / FixKDEPlasmaTrayIconsSize.txt
Last active May 24, 2022 10:56
F26: Fix for small tray icons in KDE Plasma
The following worked great for me. I like iconSize=2 for my desktop.
There has been some discussion about the systray icon size. The following fixed it for me…
Edit the file ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
After every line that commences extraItems= add another line iconSize=3
After a reboot the icons should have a much higher limit of size when adjusting the height of the panel.
kurtis318 / KVMonFedora26.txt
Last active July 18, 2017 03:25
F26: Installing KVM/Qemu
I needed to get kvm and virt-manager installed on my Dell XPS 15. I tried :
sudo dnf group list
There was no virtualation group listed as in the past. Googling found the following helpful web site:
I should have used this command:
kurtis318 / ProblemInstallingShutterOnF26.txt
Last active July 18, 2017 03:24
F26: Problem installing shutter
I tried installing shutter on Fedora 26. Here is the message I kept getting:
- nothing provides gnome-web-photo needed by shutter-0.93.1-4.fc26.noarch
After lots of Googling, I finally search for gnome-web-photo.rpm. I downloaded it from this URL:
Direct URL:
kurtis318 / F26_SDDM_bigger_font_4k_display.txt
Last active November 25, 2017 05:52
F26: SSDM bigger font with 4K display
My Dell XP2 (9560) has a 4K display. I am using the display manager (dm) that came with KDE/Plasma which is SDDM.
The problem I had was the login screen had very small text and the resolution was full 4K (small everything).
I found the solution in the following ArchWiki:
All I did was edit /etc/sddm.conf and uncomment the [X11] setting and add the -dpi option and value: