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Created October 13, 2020 12:20
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{- |
GOAL: Implement recursion in languages which do not support **Explicit recursion**
Do so in an intuitive way
- Know what lambda calculus is
- Know Basic Haskell
- Explicit recursion:
Calls the same function in its own body.
f a = f (f a)
f has explicit recursion since it is called in it's function body
- Static typing:
Compile time types are checked
- Dynamic typing:
Run time types are checked
- Strong typing:
Every value mapped to a single type
- Weak typing:
Every value can be mapped to multiple types
- Combinator:
Lambda expression with no free variables.
\x -> x
\x -> \y -> x
\x -> x y (y is unbound)
\x -> x 1 (1 is unbound)
- Fixed point of a function:
A value which maps to itself:
f x = x
- Fixed point combinator:
Higher-order function: returns a fixpoint of its argument function.
fix f = x
= f x
= f (fix f)
module Main where
type Natural = Integer
-- | Recursive definition
factorial :: Natural -> Natural
factorial n = if n == 0 then 1
else n * factorial (n - 1)
-- | Removing factorial call in body to a function parameter
-- since we want to support languages without explicit recursion
-- here, we also note that the f we pass in has to be a factorial function!
almost_factorial :: (Natural -> Natural) -> Natural -> Natural
almost_factorial f n = if n == 0 then 1
else n * f (n - 1)
{- |
Let's examine how almost_factorial expands:
almost_factorial f 10 = 10 * f (10 - 1)
= 10 * (almost_factorial f (10 - 1)) # 1) If we let f = almost_factorial f
= 10 * 9 * (almost_factorial f (9 - 1))
= 10 * 9 * ... * 2 * 1 * (almost_factorial f (1 - 1))
= 10 * 9 * ... * 2 * 1 * (almost_factorial f 0) # 2) Here f is ignored, since we have reached 0
= 10!
From the above expansion we can make some observations:
1) Since we can let f = almost_factorial f and get a solution,
This shows that f is the fixpoint of almost_factorial.
As such, we need a function that plugs this definition of f in, giving us a factorial function
2) As long as a function terminates with some value, we can make use of its fixpoint
-- | Let's define such a function which 1 requires
-- Note that f can terminate, although fixpoint f can expand indefinitely,
-- only if n converges with succeeding applications and f terminates at some n.
-- Also note
-- In: f (fixpoint f) n
-- (fixpoint f) only becomes evaluated if necessary
-- , due to lazy evaluation (arguments of a function are not evaluated until needed)
fixpoint :: ((Natural -> Natural) -> (Natural -> Natural)) -> (Natural) -> (Natural)
fixpoint f = f (fixpoint f)
-- | We have an issue however! fixpoint still requires explicit recursion!
-- What can we do?
-- | We go back to the original function and change the shape of the arguments
-- That way we can simply pass in almost_factorial to itself, without any sort of explicit recursion
-- almost_factorial' :: (Natural -> Natural) -> Natural -> Natural
-- almost_factorial' f n = if n == 0 then 1
-- else n * (f f) (n - 1) -- we added another f here
-- But it doesn't type check...
-- What exactly is the type of f?
-- f is the same type as almost_factorial'
-- f :: a -> a
-- for (f f) to typecheck, a ~ (a -> a).
-- How do we declare such a type?
-- Let's attempt to create such an equivalence:
newtype Mu a = Roll { unRoll :: Mu a -> a }
-- | With this newtype we attempt to redeclare almost_factorial'
almost_factorial' :: Mu (Natural -> Natural) -> Natural -> Natural
almost_factorial' f n = if n == 0 then 1
else n * g (n - 1) -- we added another f here
where g = unRoll f f
-- | Parameterizing "g" and renaming f as self, we get
almost_factorial'' :: Mu (Natural -> Natural) -> Natural -> Natural
almost_factorial'' self = (\g n -> if n == 0 then 1
else n * g (n - 1)) -- we added another f here
(unRoll self self)
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix = g <*> (Roll . g)
g = (. (>>= id) unRoll)
-- | Somehow this returns us our factorial??
factorial'' :: Natural -> Natural
factorial'' = fixpoint almost_factorial
main :: IO ()
main = print $ factorial'' 5
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