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Kevin Whinnery kwhinnery

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kwhinnery / nodelock.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57 — forked from jonmarkgo/nodelock.js
Assumes process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN
var twilio = require('twilio'),
SerialPort = require("serialport").SerialPort,
express = require('express');
var app = express();
function sendMessage(res, message) {
var resp = new twilio.TwimlResponse();
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is Dave Verwer's iOS Weekly: I like this newsletter a lot, even though I've usually seen the links by the time it comes out it often reminds me I want to bookmark them.
- Matt Gemmell's blog - Matt is a brilliant UI/UX evangelist with incredible wit (@mattgemmell)
- Mike Ash's Friday Q&A - Mostly nitty-gritties, but incredibly helpful (@mikeash)
- Cocoa, With Love (Matt Gallagher) - opinion pieces and how-tos, mostly (@mattgallagher)
- Cocoa Is My Girlfriend (Marcus Zarra and Matt Long) - Core Data and Core Animation experts (@mzarra and @perlmunger)
- Daring Fireball (John Gruber) - Witty and enlightening tech punditry (@gruber)
- Apple Outsíder (Matt Drance) - Pundit, developer. Infrequent but profound updates. (@drance)
- Ole Begemann: iOS Development - Developer with terrific monthly roundups of important links/resources (@olebegemann)
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is Dave Verwer's iOS Weekly: I like this newsletter a lot, even though I've usually seen the links by the time it comes out it often reminds me I want to bookmark them.
- Matt Gemmell's blog - Matt is a brilliant UI/UX evangelist with incredible wit (@mattgemmell)
- Mike Ash's Friday Q&A - Mostly nitty-gritties, but incredibly helpful (@mikeash)
- Cocoa, With Love (Matt Gallagher) - opinion pieces and how-tos, mostly (@mattgallagher)
- Cocoa Is My Girlfriend (Marcus Zarra and Matt Long) - Core Data and Core Animation experts (@mzarra and @perlmunger)
- Daring Fireball (John Gruber) - Witty and enlightening tech punditry (@gruber)
- Apple Outsíder (Matt Drance) - Pundit, developer. Infrequent but profound updates. (@drance)
- Ole Begemann: iOS Development - Developer with terrific monthly roundups of important links/resources (@olebegemann)