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Last active June 28, 2024 00:11
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Cheat sheet for tmux


For an example configuration see

The tmux man page defines the following elements:

1 tmux server process for all session

1 or many tmux client sessions

1 or many windows in a session

At the bottom of the session there is the status line.

A window can be split into 2 or more panes.


The appearance and behaviour of tmux may be modified by changing the value of various options.

There are three types of options: server options, session options and window options.

  1. Global options of the tmux server

They do not apply to any particular window or session.

Alter global optipns:

set-option -s

Display global options:

show-options -s
  1. Session options

Sessions which do not have a particular option configured inherit the value from the global session options.

List the current options:


Set or unset session options, list the available server and session options:


  1. Window Options

Windows which do not have a particular option configured inherit the value from the global window options.

List the current options:


Set or unset session window options, list the available server and session window options:


Set format

Set the format in which the window is displayed in the status line window list.

See the status-left option for details of special character sequences available.

window-status-format string

The default is ‘#I:#W#F’.

Format for current window

Like window-status-format, but is the format used when the window is the current window:

window-status-current-format string

Format for window with activity

Set status line style for the currently active window:

window-status-current-style style

For how to specify style, see the message-command-style option

Format for window with activity alert

Set status line style for windows with an activity alert:

window-status-activity-style style

Format for window with bell alert

Set status line style for windows with a bell alert;

window-status-bell-style style

Format for window with content alert

Set status line style for windows with a content alert:

window-status-content-style style

Format for window with last activity

Set status line style for the last active window:

window-status-last-style style

Format for seperator between windows in status line

Sets the separator drawn between windows in the status line. The default is a single space character:

window-status-separator string

String will be passed through strftime(3) and formats (see FORMATS) will be expanded.

It may also contain any of the following special character sequences:

Character pair    Replaced with
#(shell-command)  First line of the command's
#[attributes]     Colour or attribute change
##                A literal ‘#’

The #(shell-command) form executes ‘shell-command’ and inserts the first line of its output. Note that shell commands are only executed once at the interval specified by the status-interval option: if the status line is redrawn in the meantime, the previous result is used. Shell commands are executed with the tmux global environment set (see the ENVIRONMENT section).

For details on how the names and titles can be set see the NAMES AND TITLES section. For a list of allowed attributes see the message-command-style option.

Examples are:

#(sysctl vm.loadavg)
#[fg=yellow,bold]#(apm -l)%%#[default] [#S]

Where appropriate, special character sequences may be prefixed with a number to specify the maximum length, for example ‘#24T’.

By default, UTF-8 in string is not interpreted, to enable UTF-8, use the status-utf8 option.

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