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macek /
Created September 24, 2010 20:37
Running Rake tasks in Engine Yard Crontab
cd /data/MyApp/current && /usr/bin/rake some:task
davist11 / gist:1204569
Last active July 1, 2024 02:51
Campfire sounds
56k: ""
bell: ":bell:"
bezos: ":laughing::thought_balloon:"
bueller: "anyone?"
butts: ":open_hands: :smoking:"
clowntown: ""
cottoneyejoe: ":notes::hear_no_evil::notes:"
crickets: "hears crickets chirping"
dadgummit: "dad gummit!! :fishing_pole_and_fish:"
dangerzone: ""
oparrish / bootstrap_pagination_helper.rb
Created September 28, 2011 18:35
Link renderer to be used with will_paginate to render links to work with Twitter Bootstrap
module BootstrapPaginationHelper
class LinkRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer
def page_number(page)
unless page == current_page
link(page, page, :rel => rel_value(page))
link(page, "#", :class => 'active')
ryanblock / @ryan tweetbot
Created August 29, 2012 02:27
How Tweetbot and regex made my Twitter replies usable again (filed under: #wrongryan)

How Tweetbot and regex made my Twitter replies usable again

As it turns out, most normal humans are incapable of learning to use Twitter @ replies. And in case you don't follow me on Twitter: yes, my handle (@ryan) gets a lot of erroneous mentions. (The most amusing, random ones I've even taken to retweeting under the #wrongryan hashtag.)

Then Tweetbot -- and its ability to use regex as Twitter filters -- came along. Here's how the Tapbots guys and some regular expressions single-handedly made my Twitter replies usable again.

Notes and caveats

  • I'm not a regex expert. Far from it. I suck at regex, actually. If you have suggestions for improvements, please leave them below!
  • Some regex may look a little sloppy, but in actuality was written because TweetBot for Mac's regex filter support is very early, and things like repeats (expression{3,}) are buggy. So everything below should work without crashing Tweetbot for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
  • Obvious, but not everyone should make use of every filter b
mnelson / application.json.jbuilder
Created November 24, 2012 06:42
Use jbuilder to render jsonp responses.
raw_content = JSON.parse(yield)
json.content raw_content
json.jsonp! params[:callback] if jsonp?
branch14 / ruby-signaturepad-to-image.rb
Created December 11, 2012 14:15
convert json signatures captured by thomasjbradley's signature-pad to an image
# see for more details
instructions = JSON.load(data).map { |h| "line #{h['mx']},#{h['my']} #{h['lx']},#{h['ly']}" } * ' '
system "convert -size 198x55 xc:transparent -stroke blue -draw '#{instructions}' signature.png"
eclosson / pdf_merger.rb
Created January 11, 2013 18:29
Merging PDFs with Prawn
class PdfMerger
def merge(pdf_paths, destination)
first_pdf_path = pdf_paths.delete_at(0)
Prawn::Document.generate(destination, :template => first_pdf_path) do |pdf|
pdf_paths.each do |pdf_path|
jwo / secret_controller.rb
Created November 5, 2013 17:57
Devise testing controllers - minitest / rails4
class SecretController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
def show
gruber /
Last active May 5, 2024 21:11
JavaScript Bookmarklet Builder
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8);
use open IO => ":utf8", # UTF8 by default
":std"; # Apply to STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR
jahio / dna.json
Created March 29, 2014 03:20
Example dna.json for Engine Yard Cloud
"alert_email": "email address where you want automated warnings to go",
"backup_interval": "int value for db backups, configurable on dashboard",
"backup_window": "int value for db backups, configurable on dashboard",
"ruby_version": "Ruby 1.9.3 - could be 2.0.0 or something else",
"db_host": "internal hostname of your database master",
"db_slaves": [
"db replica hosts appear here. only works with [Postgre|My]SQL"
"user_ssh_key": [