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Last active April 15, 2017 04:00
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Tools for jittering drawings (collections of strokes with 2d points).
import numpy as np
from noise import pnoise2, pnoise3
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter, gaussian_filter1d
def center_and_scale(drawing):
Translate an entire drawing to the mean location of the points,
then scale the drawing to fit within +/-1.
all_points = np.vstack(drawing)
meanxy = np.mean(all_points, axis=0)
minxy = np.min(all_points, axis=0) - meanxy
maxxy = np.max(all_points, axis=0) - meanxy
max_range = np.max(np.abs((minxy, maxxy)))
return [(stroke - meanxy) / max_range for stroke in drawing]
def get_noise_seed(seed=None):
if seed is None:
return np.random.rand(1) * 100000
return seed
def noise_xy(points, scale=0.1, frequency=0.5, octaves=3, seed=None):
Generate a number of x,y points using Perlin noise.
seed = get_noise_seed(seed)
tn = np.linspace(seed, seed + frequency, points)
x = [pnoise2(0, float(t), octaves) * scale for t in tn]
y = [pnoise2(1, float(t), octaves) * scale for t in tn]
return x, y
def jitter_stroke(stroke, scale):
Jitter the points in a stroke with Perlin noise.
n = len(stroke)
x, y = noise_xy(n, scale=scale)
offsets = np.vstack([x, y])
return stroke + offsets.T
def jitter(drawing, scale=0.1):
Jitter an entire drawing by jittering each stroke with Perlin noise.
return [jitter_stroke(stroke, scale) for stroke in drawing]
def warp_stroke(stroke, scale=0.5, frequency=0.5, octaves=3, seed=None):
Warp a stroke by applying a Perlin noise deformation field.
seed = get_noise_seed(seed)
offsets = [[pnoise3(0 + seed, x, y, 3), pnoise3(1 + seed, x, y, 3)] for x, y in (stroke * frequency)]
return stroke + np.asarray(offsets) * scale
def warp(drawing, scale=0.5, frequency=0.5, octaves=3, seed=None):
Warp a drawing by applying a Perlin noise deformation field.
seed = get_noise_seed(seed)
return [warp_stroke(stroke, scale=scale, frequency=frequency, octaves=octaves, seed=seed) for stroke in drawing]
def smooth_position_stroke(stroke, sigma=1):
Smooth a stroke with a Gaussian filter.
This smooths things in "sample space" rather than "real space".
stroke[:,0] = gaussian_filter1d(stroke[:,0], sigma=sigma, mode='nearest')
stroke[:,1] = gaussian_filter1d(stroke[:,1], sigma=sigma, mode='nearest')
return stroke
def smooth_position(drawing, sigma=1):
Smooth all the strokes in a drawing with a Gaussian filter.
This smooths things in "sample space" rather than "real space".
sigma = np.abs(sigma * np.random.randn(1))
return [smooth_position_stroke(stroke, sigma=sigma) for stroke in drawing]
def smooth_velocity_stroke(stroke, sigma=1):
Smooth a stroke by smoothing the derivative rather than the points directly.
x = stroke[:,0]
y = stroke[:,1]
xd = gaussian_filter1d(np.diff(x), sigma=sigma, mode='nearest')
yd = gaussian_filter1d(np.diff(y), sigma=sigma, mode='nearest')
stroke[1:,0] = x[0] + np.cumsum(xd)
stroke[1:,1] = y[0] + np.cumsum(yd)
return stroke
def smooth_velocity(drawing, sigma=1):
Smooth a drawing by smoothing the derivative rather than the points directly.
sigma = np.abs(sigma * np.random.randn(1))
return [smooth_velocity_stroke(stroke, sigma=sigma) for stroke in drawing]
def jitter_scale(drawing, overall_sigma=0.1, aspect_sigma=0.05):
Scale an entire drawing about 0,0 by a random gaussian.
scale = (1 + np.random.randn(1) * overall_sigma) + np.random.randn(2) * aspect_sigma
return [stroke * scale for stroke in drawing]
def jitter_translate(drawing, sigma=0.10):
Translate an entire drawing by a random gaussian.
translate = np.random.randn(2) * sigma
return [stroke + translate for stroke in drawing]
def create_rotation_matrix(theta):
c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
return np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])
def jitter_rotate(drawing, sigma=0.2):
Rotate an entire drawing about 0,0 by a random gaussian.
rotation = np.random.randn(1) * sigma
matrix = create_rotation_matrix(rotation)
return [, matrix).squeeze() for stroke in drawing]
def jitter_translate_stroke(drawing, sigma=0.02):
Translate each stroke in a drawing by a random gaussian.
return [stroke + np.random.randn(2) * sigma for stroke in drawing]
def jitter_scale_stroke(drawing, sigma=0.05):
Scale each stroke in a drawing about the center of each stroke by a random gaussian.
centers = [np.mean(stroke) for stroke in drawing]
return [((stroke - center) * (1 + np.random.randn(2) * sigma)) + center
for center, stroke in zip(centers, drawing)]
def jitter_rotate_stroke(drawing, sigma=0.2):
Rotate each stroke in a drawing about the center of each stroke by a random gaussian.
rotation = np.random.randn(1) * sigma
matrix = create_rotation_matrix(rotation)
centers = [np.mean(stroke) for stroke in drawing]
return [ - center, matrix).squeeze() + center
for center, stroke in zip(centers, drawing)]
def shuffle_strokes(drawing, amount=0.25):
Randomly swap the order of a percentage of the strokes in a drawing.
May swap less than the given percentage if it undoes a previous swap.
n = len(drawing)
stroke_indices = np.arange(n)
shuffle_count = int(n * amount)
for i in range(shuffle_count):
i0 = np.random.randint(n)
i1 = np.random.randint(n)
temp = stroke_indices[i0]
stroke_indices[i0] = stroke_indices[i1]
stroke_indices[i1] = temp
return [drawing[i] for i in stroke_indices]
def reverse_strokes(drawing, amount=0.25):
Randomly reverse the direction of a percentage of the strokes in a drawing.
n = len(drawing)
indices = np.arange(n)
flip_n = int(amount * n)
flip_indices = indices[:flip_n]
flips = [i in flip_indices for i in range(n)]
return [np.flipud(stroke) if flip else stroke for flip, stroke in zip(flips, drawing)]
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