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Last active December 13, 2018 18:12
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Save kylemcdonald/b92377c98e427eabf3726a1e121b05d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WIP wrapping Andrew Goldberg's CSA as a Python extension with Cython. Solves a real 1.6B arc problem in 3m26s.
#include "csa.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define sort_insert(best, size, a, a_prc, nsize) \
unsigned si_i, si_j;\
if (size == 0)\
best[0] = a;\
si_j = size;\
for (si_i = 0; si_i < size; si_i++)\
if (a_prc < best[si_i]->c - best[si_i]->head->p)\
si_j = si_i;\
for (si_i = nsize - 1; si_i > si_j; si_i--)\
best[si_i] = best[si_i - 1];\
best[si_j] = a;\
/* ------------------------- Problem size variables -------------------- */
unsigned n, m;
/* --------------- Data structures describing the problem -------------- */
lhs_ptr head_lhs_node, tail_lhs_node;
rhs_ptr head_rhs_node, tail_rhs_node;
lr_aptr head_lr_arc, tail_lr_arc;
/* ------------------------- Tunable variables ------------------------- */
Cost threshhold for pricing out: used even when price-outs are
switched off to make bounding reduced-cost differences easier in
double_push(). In principle this is not necessary, but it makes the
code better.
double po_cost_thresh;
double scale_factor; /* scaling factor */
Processing variables.
double epsilon; /* scaling parameter */
double min_epsilon; /* snap to this value when epsilon small */
unsigned total_e; /* total excess */
ACTIVE_TYPE active; /* list of active nodes */
char *nomem_msg = "Insufficient memory.\n";
void st_reset(csa_stack s) {
s->top = s->bottom;
char *st_pop(csa_stack s) {
csa_stack st_create(unsigned size) {
csa_stack s;
s = (csa_stack) malloc(sizeof(struct csa_stack_st));
if (s == NULL) {
(void) printf("%s", nomem_msg);
s->bottom = (char **) malloc(size * sizeof(char *));
if (s->bottom == NULL) {
(void) printf("%s", nomem_msg);
s->top = s->bottom;
void best_build(lhs_ptr v) {
unsigned i;
lr_aptr a, a_stop;
double red_cost, save_max;
for (i = 0, a = v->first; i < NUM_BEST; i++, a++)
red_cost = a->c - a->head->p;
sort_insert(v->best, i, a, red_cost, i + 1);
Calculate initial next_best by looking at the next arc in the
adjacency list.
if ((v->next_best = a->c - a->head->p) <
(red_cost = v->best[NUM_BEST - 1]->c -
v->best[NUM_BEST - 1]->head->p))
sort_insert(v->best, NUM_BEST, a, v->next_best, NUM_BEST);
v->next_best = red_cost;
Now go through remaining arcs in adjacency list and place each one
at the appropriate place in best[], if any.
a_stop = (v+1)->priced_out;
for (; a != a_stop; a++)
if ((red_cost = a->c - a->head->p) < v->next_best)
if (red_cost < (save_max = v->best[NUM_BEST - 1]->c -
v->best[NUM_BEST - 1]->head->p))
sort_insert(v->best, NUM_BEST, a, red_cost, NUM_BEST);
v->next_best = save_max;
v->next_best = red_cost;
/* Assume v has excess (is unassigned) and do a double push from v. */
void double_push(lhs_ptr v) {
double v_pref, v_second, red_cost, adm_gap;
lr_aptr a, a_stop, adm;
rhs_ptr w;
lhs_ptr u;
unsigned i;
lr_aptr *check_arc;
Begin part I: Compute the following:
o adm, the minimum-reduced-cost arc incident to v,
o adm_gap, the amount by which the reduced cost of adm must be
increased to make it equal in reduced cost to another arc incident
to v, or enough to price the arc out if it is the only incident
if (v->node_info.few_arcs)
If the input problem is feasible, it is never the case that
(a_stop == a) after the following two lines because we never get
excess at a node with no incident arcs.
a_stop = (v+1)->priced_out;
a = v->first;
v_pref = a->c - a->head->p;
v_second = v_pref + epsilon * (po_cost_thresh + 1.0);
adm = a;
After this loop, v_pref is the minimum reduced cost of an edge out of
v, and v_second is the second-to-minimum such reduced cost.
for (a++; a != a_stop; a++)
if (v_pref > (red_cost = a->c - a->head->p))
v_second = v_pref;
v_pref = red_cost;
adm = a;
else if (v_second > red_cost)
v_second = red_cost;
Find the minimum and second-minimum edges listed in the node's
best[] array, and check whether their present partial reduced
costs are below the node's bound as stored in next_best. If they
are, we calculate adm_gap and are done with part I. If not, we
rebuild the best[] array and the next_best bound, and calculate the
required information.
adm = v->best[1];
v_second = adm->c - adm->head->p;
adm = v->best[0];
v_pref = adm->c - adm->head->p;
if (v_pref > v_second)
adm = v->best[1];
red_cost = v_second;
v_second = v_pref;
v_pref = red_cost;
for (i = NUM_BEST - 2, check_arc = &v->best[2]; i > 0; i--, check_arc++)
a = *check_arc;
if (v_pref > (red_cost = a->c - a->head->p))
v_second = v_pref;
v_pref = red_cost;
adm = a;
else if (v_second > red_cost)
v_second = red_cost;
if (v_second > v->next_best)
Rebuild the best[] array and recalculate next_best.
!v->node_info.few_arcs, so we know there are enough incident arcs
to fill up best[] initially and have one left over for next_best.
adm = v->best[1];
v_second = adm->c - adm->head->p;
adm = v->best[0];
v_pref = adm->c - adm->head->p;
adm_gap = v_second - v_pref;
Begin part II: Using the information computed in part I,
o match v to w, adm's head, and
o unmatch the node (if any) formerly matched to w.
In the case where w's current matching arc is priced out, we do not
change the matching, but we reset the value of adm_gap so that the
(v, w) arc will be priced out.
w = adm->head;
if ((u = w->matched))
If w's matched arc is priced in, go ahead and unmatch (u, w) and
match (v, w). If w's matched arc is priced out, abort the double
push and relabel w so v no longer prefers w.
if (w->node_info.priced_in)
u->matched = NULL;
v->matched = adm;
w->matched = v;
adm_gap = epsilon * po_cost_thresh;
v->matched = adm;
w->matched = v;
Relabel w: v's price is chosen to make the implicit reduced cost of
v's new preferred arc (v_pref + adm_gap) equal to zero. Then w's price
is chosen so that the arc just matched has implicit reduced cost
w->p -= adm_gap + epsilon;
void refine() {
lhs_ptr v;
Saturate all negative arcs: Negative arcs are exactly those
right-to-left matching arcs with negative reduced cost, and there is
an interpretation of the implicit price function on the left that
admits all right-to-left matching arcs. This interpretation is
always consistent with the stored prices of lhs nodes in the case
total_e = 0;
for (v = head_lhs_node; v != tail_lhs_node; v++)
if (v->matched && v->matched->head->node_info.priced_in)
v->matched->head->matched = NULL;
v->matched = NULL;
if (v->matched == NULL)
while (total_e > EXCESS_THRESH)
int update_epsilon() {
int fix_in = FALSE;
epsilon /= scale_factor;
if (epsilon < min_epsilon) {
epsilon = min_epsilon;
double parse_arcs(csa_arc* arcs, unsigned int arc_count, unsigned int lhs_n, unsigned int rhs_n) {
unsigned int tail, head, tmp, i;
long *lhs_degree;
double cost, max_cost = 0;
lr_aptr a;
ta_ptr temp_a, temp_arcs;
lhs_ptr l_v;
rhs_ptr r_v;
n = lhs_n + rhs_n;
m = arc_count;
printf("Parsing %u arcs...\n", arc_count);
head_lr_arc = (lr_aptr) malloc((m + 1) * sizeof(struct lr_arc));
tail_lr_arc = head_lr_arc + m;
bool swap = false;
if (lhs_n > n - lhs_n) {
lhs_n = n - lhs_n;
swap = true;
head_lhs_node = (lhs_ptr) malloc((lhs_n + 1) * sizeof(struct lhs_node));
tail_lhs_node = head_lhs_node + lhs_n;
head_rhs_node = (rhs_ptr) malloc((n - lhs_n + 1) * sizeof(struct rhs_node));
tail_rhs_node = head_rhs_node + n - lhs_n;
lhs_degree = (long *) malloc(lhs_n * sizeof(long));
temp_arcs = (ta_ptr) malloc(m * sizeof(struct temp_arc));
if ((head_lhs_node == NULL) || (head_lr_arc == NULL) ||
(lhs_degree == NULL) || (temp_arcs == NULL)) {
printf("%s", nomem_msg);
return 0;
temp_a = temp_arcs;
for (tail = 0; tail < lhs_n; tail++)
lhs_degree[tail] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
csa_arc* arc = &arcs[i];
tail = arc->tail;
head = arc->head;
cost = arc->cost;
if (swap) {
tmp = head;
head = tail;
tail = tmp;
if ((tail >= lhs_n) || (head >= n - lhs_n)) {
printf("Out of range arc: %u=>%u but lhs_n=%u rhs_n=%u\n",
arc->head, arc->tail, lhs_n, rhs_n);
return 0;
temp_a->head = head_rhs_node + head;
temp_a->tail = head_lhs_node + tail;
temp_a->cost = cost;
if (cost > max_cost) {
max_cost = cost;
a = head_lr_arc;
for (tail = 0, l_v = head_lhs_node; l_v != tail_lhs_node; l_v++, tail++) {
l_v->priced_out = l_v->first = a;
l_v->matched = NULL;
a += lhs_degree[tail];
if (lhs_degree[tail] < NUM_BEST + 1) {
l_v->node_info.few_arcs = true;
} else {
l_v->node_info.few_arcs = false;
tail_lhs_node->priced_out = a;
for (r_v = head_rhs_node; r_v != tail_rhs_node; r_v++) {
r_v->node_info.priced_in = true;
r_v->matched = NULL;
r_v->p = 0.0;
for (temp_a--; temp_a != temp_arcs - 1; temp_a--) {
a = temp_a->tail->first + (--lhs_degree[temp_a->tail - head_lhs_node]);
a->head = temp_a->head;
a->c = (double) temp_a->cost;
(void) free((char *) temp_arcs);
(void) free((char *) lhs_degree);
printf("Max cost (epsilon) is %f\n", max_cost);
return max_cost;
static double csa(double* cost, unsigned int n, unsigned int* lhs_sol, unsigned int* rhs_sol) {
// build temporary arcs from the dense cost matrix
// (ideally we can do this directly to save time, but for now
// this makes it easier to write the code that does sparse solving)
unsigned int lhs_n = n;
unsigned int rhs_n = n;
unsigned int arc_count = lhs_n * rhs_n;
printf("Building %u temporary arcs\n", arc_count);
csa_arc* arcs = malloc(arc_count * sizeof(struct csa_arc_st));
csa_arc* arcs_itr = arcs;
double* cost_itr = cost;
unsigned int tail = 0;
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < lhs_n; row++) {
unsigned int head = 0;
for(unsigned int col = 0; col < rhs_n; col++) {
csa_arc* arc = arcs_itr++;
arc->tail = tail;
arc->head = head;
arc->cost = *(cost_itr++);
// setup everything for csa from the arcs
epsilon = parse_arcs(arcs, arc_count, lhs_n, rhs_n);
// free our temporary arcs
(void) free((char *) arcs); // should we be freeing with char* or..?
scale_factor = DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR;
po_cost_thresh = 2.0 * (double) n * (scale_factor + 1);
printf("Finding best_build...\n");
lhs_ptr l_v;
for (l_v = head_lhs_node; l_v != tail_lhs_node; l_v++)
if (!l_v->node_info.few_arcs)
min_epsilon = 2.0 / (double) (n + 1);
while (epsilon > min_epsilon) {
(void) update_epsilon();
printf("\tepsilon: %f min_epsilon: %f\n", epsilon, min_epsilon);
printf("Copying solution...\n");
double cost_sol = 0;
for (lhs_ptr v = head_lhs_node; v != tail_lhs_node; v++) {
unsigned int lhs = v - head_lhs_node;
unsigned int rhs = v->matched->head - head_rhs_node + tail_lhs_node - head_lhs_node - lhs_n;
double cost = v->matched->c;
lhs_sol[lhs] = rhs;
rhs_sol[rhs] = lhs;
cost_sol += cost;
return cost_sol;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define ACTIVE_TYPE csa_stack
#define create_active(size) active = st_create(size)
#define make_active(v) st_push(active, (char *) v)
#define get_active_node(v) v = (lhs_ptr) st_pop(active)
#define st_push(s, el) \
*(s->top) = (char *) el;\
#define st_empty(s) (s->top == s->bottom)
#define enq(q, el) \
*(q->tail) = el;\
if (q->tail == q->end) q->tail = q->storage;\
else q->tail++;\
#define q_empty(q) (q->head == q->tail ? 1 : 0)
#define insert_list(node, head) \
node->next = (*(head));\
(*(head))->prev = node;\
(*(head)) = node;\
node->prev = tail_rhs_node;\
#define delete_list(node, head) \
if (node->prev == tail_rhs_node) (*(head)) = node->next;\
node->prev->next = node->next;\
node->next->prev = node->prev;\
#define NUM_BEST 3
typedef struct lhs_node {
struct {
flag used to indicate to
double_push() that so few arcs
are incident that best[] is
unsigned few_arcs : 1;
} node_info;
list of arcs to consider first in
calculating the minimum-reduced-cost
incident arc; if we find it here, we
need look no further.
struct lr_arc *best[NUM_BEST];
bound on the reduced cost of an arc we
can be certain still belongs among
those in best[].
double next_best;
first arc in the arc array associated
with this node.
struct lr_arc *priced_out;
first priced-in arc in the arc array
associated with this node.
struct lr_arc *first;
matching arc (if any) associated with
this node; NULL if this node is
struct lr_arc *matched;
} *lhs_ptr;
typedef struct rhs_node {
struct {
flag to indicate this node's
matching arc (if any) is
priced in.
unsigned priced_in : 1;
} node_info;
lhs node this rhs node is matched to.
lhs_ptr matched;
price of this node.
double p;
} *rhs_ptr;
typedef struct lr_arc {
rhs node associated with this arc.
rhs_ptr head;
arc cost.
double c;
} *lr_aptr;
typedef struct csa_stack_st {
Sometimes csa_stacks have lhs nodes, and
other times they have rhs nodes. So
there's a little type clash;
everything gets cast to (char *) so we
can use the same structure for both.
char **bottom;
char **top;
} *csa_stack;
typedef struct csa_queue_st {
Sometimes csa_queues have lhs nodes, and
other times they have rhs nodes. So
there's a little type clash;
everything gets cast to (char *) so we
can use the same structure for both.
char **head;
char **tail;
char **storage;
char **end;
unsigned max_size;
} *csa_queue;
typedef struct temp_arc {
lhs_ptr tail;
rhs_ptr head;
double cost; // seems strange this is long, shouldn't it be double?
} *ta_ptr;
typedef struct csa_arc_st {
We define our own arc format for ease of use.
unsigned int tail;
unsigned int head;
double cost;
} csa_arc;
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
cdef extern from "csa.c":
double csa(double* cost, int n, unsigned int* lhs_sol, unsigned int* rhs_sol)
# what about nogil?
# what about avoiding memory copies?
# need to clean up after all the mallocs somehow
def lapcsa(lhs, rhs):
dim = len(lhs)
print('Calculating distances...')
dist = cdist(lhs, rhs, 'euclidean')
lhs_sol = np.ndarray(dim, dtype=np.uint32)
rhs_sol = np.ndarray(dim, dtype=np.uint32)
cdef double[:,::1] dist_view = dist
cdef unsigned int[::1] lhs_sol_view = lhs_sol
cdef unsigned int[::1] rhs_sol_view = rhs_sol
cost_sol = csa(&dist_view[0,0], dist.shape[0], &lhs_sol_view[0], &rhs_sol_view[0])
return cost_sol, lhs_sol, rhs_sol
# run:
# python build_ext --inplace
# python
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
example_module = Extension('lapcsa',
ext_modules=cythonize(example_module, language_level=3)
import numpy as np
import lapcsa
side = 250
n = side * side
lhs = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=+1, size=(n, 2))
lhs = np.cumsum(lhs, axis=0)
lhs -= lhs.min(axis=0)
lhs /= lhs.max(axis=0)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, side), np.linspace(0, 1, side))
rhs = np.dstack((xv, yv)).reshape(-1, 2)
cost_csa, rows_csa, cols_csa = lapcsa.lapcsa(lhs, rhs)
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