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Last active August 14, 2017 19:10
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[Source 2013 MP] Wanna edit how your weapon bobs when moving? Lookie here.
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
//here for compatability purposes
#define HL2_BOB_CYCLE_MIN 1.5f
#define HL2_BOB_CYCLE_MAX 0.45f
#define HL2_BOB 0.002f
#define HL2_BOB_UP 0.5f
extern float g_lateralBob;
extern float g_verticalBob;
static ConVar cl_bobcyclemin( "cl_bobcyclemin","1.5" );
static ConVar cl_bobcyclemax("cl_bobcyclemax", "0.45");
static ConVar cl_bob( "cl_bob","1" );
static ConVar cl_bobroll("cl_bobroll", "1");
static ConVar cl_bobpitch("cl_bobpitch", "1");
static ConVar cl_bobyaw("cl_bobyaw", "1");
static ConVar cl_bobup( "cl_bobup","0.5" );
// Register these cvars if needed for easy tweaking
static ConVar v_iyaw_cycle( "v_iyaw_cycle", "2", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar v_iroll_cycle( "v_iroll_cycle", "0.5", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar v_ipitch_cycle( "v_ipitch_cycle", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar v_iyaw_level( "v_iyaw_level", "0.3", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar v_iroll_level( "v_iroll_level", "0.1", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
static ConVar v_ipitch_level( "v_ipitch_level", "0.3", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
// Purpose:
// Output : float
float CBaseHL2MPCombatWeapon::CalcViewmodelBob( void )
static float bobtime;
static float lastbobtime;
float cycle;
CBasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
//Assert( player );
//NOTENOTE: For now, let this cycle continue when in the air, because it snaps badly without it
if ( ( !gpGlobals->frametime ) || ( player == NULL ) )
//NOTENOTE: We don't use this return value in our case (need to restructure the calculation function setup!)
return 0.0f;// just use old value
//Find the speed of the player
float speed = player->GetLocalVelocity().Length2D();
//FIXME: This maximum speed value must come from the server.
// MaxSpeed() is not sufficient for dealing with sprinting - jdw
speed = clamp( speed, -320, 320 );
float bob_offset = RemapVal( speed, 0, 320, 0.0f, 1.0f );
bobtime += ( gpGlobals->curtime - lastbobtime ) * bob_offset;
lastbobtime = gpGlobals->curtime;
//Calculate the vertical bob
cycle = bobtime - (int)(bobtime/cl_bobcyclemax.GetFloat())*cl_bobcyclemax.GetFloat();
cycle /= cl_bobcyclemax.GetFloat();
if ( cycle < cl_bobup.GetFloat() )
cycle = M_PI * cycle / cl_bobup.GetFloat();
cycle = M_PI + M_PI*(cycle-cl_bobup.GetFloat())/(1.0 - cl_bobup.GetFloat());
g_verticalBob = speed*0.005f;
g_verticalBob = g_verticalBob*0.3 + g_verticalBob*0.7*sin(cycle);
g_verticalBob = clamp( g_verticalBob, -7.0f, 4.0f );
//Calculate the lateral bob
cycle = bobtime - (int)(bobtime/cl_bobcyclemax.GetFloat()*2)*cl_bobcyclemax.GetFloat()*2;
cycle /= cl_bobcyclemax.GetFloat()*2;
if ( cycle < cl_bobup.GetFloat() )
cycle = M_PI * cycle / cl_bobup.GetFloat();
cycle = M_PI + M_PI*(cycle-cl_bobup.GetFloat())/(1.0 - cl_bobup.GetFloat());
g_lateralBob = speed*0.005f;
g_lateralBob = g_lateralBob*0.3 + g_lateralBob*0.7*sin(cycle);
g_lateralBob = clamp( g_lateralBob, -7.0f, 4.0f );
//NOTENOTE: We don't use this return value in our case (need to restructure the calculation function setup!)
return 0.0f;
// Purpose:
// Input : &origin -
// &angles -
// viewmodelindex -
void CBaseHL2MPCombatWeapon::AddViewmodelBob( CBaseViewModel *viewmodel, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles )
Vector forward, right;
AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, NULL );
// Apply bob, but scaled down to 40%
VectorMA( origin, g_verticalBob * 0.1f, forward, origin );
// Z bob a bit more
origin[2] += g_verticalBob * 0.1f;
// bob the angles
if (cl_bob.GetInt() > 0){
angles[ROLL] += g_verticalBob * 0.5f * cl_bobroll.GetFloat();
angles[PITCH] -= g_verticalBob * 0.4f * cl_bobpitch.GetFloat();
angles[YAW] -= g_lateralBob * 0.6f * cl_bobyaw.GetFloat();
VectorMA( origin, g_lateralBob * 0.8f, right, origin );
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