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Last active February 3, 2020 16:48
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Breakout.Component;
using Component;
using MessagePack;
namespace Component
[Union(0, typeof(KTransform))]
[Union(3, typeof(KCubeRenderer))]
[Union(4, typeof(KScale))]
[Union(5, typeof(Paddle))]
[Union(6, typeof(Block))]
[Union(7, typeof(Ball))]
[Union(8, typeof(Collider))]
public interface IComponent
namespace Breakout.Component
public class Paddle : IComponent
public class Ball : IComponent
public Vector2 Velocity { get; set; }
public class Block : IComponent
public class Collider : IComponent
public ColliderType Type { get; set; }
public List<ColliderType> Hit { get; set; }
public enum ColliderType
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Breakout.Component;
using Breakout.System;
using Component;
using Context;
using GameSystem;
namespace Breakout
public static class Setup
public static IComponent[][] Initialize()
var entities = new List<IComponent[]>();
entities.Add(new IComponent[]
new Paddle(),
new KCubeRenderer { R = 0, G = 255, B = 255 },
new KTransform { X = 0f, Y = -8f },
new KScale { X = 3f, Y = 1f },
new Collider { Type = ColliderType.Paddle },
entities.Add(new IComponent[]
new Ball { Velocity = new Vector2 { X = 4f, Y = -4f } },
new KCubeRenderer { R = 200, G = 215, B = 225 },
new KTransform { X = 0f, Y = 0f },
new KScale { X = 1f, Y = 1f },
new Collider { Type = ColliderType.Ball },
entities.Add(new IComponent[]
new KCubeRenderer { R = 189, G = 198, B = 161 },
new KTransform { X = 5f, Y = 0f },
new KScale { X = 1f, Y = 20f },
new Collider { Type = ColliderType.YWall },
entities.Add(new IComponent[]
new KCubeRenderer { R = 189, G = 198, B = 161 },
new KTransform { X = -5f, Y = 0f },
new KScale { X = 1f, Y = 20f },
new Collider { Type = ColliderType.YWall },
entities.Add(new IComponent[]
new KCubeRenderer { R = 189, G = 198, B = 161 },
new KTransform { X = 0f, Y = 10f },
new KScale { X = 10f, Y = 1f },
new Collider { Type = ColliderType.XWall },
for (var x = -3; x <= 3; x += 2)
for (var y = 5; y <= 8; y += 1)
entities.Add(new IComponent[]
new Block(),
new KCubeRenderer { R = 200, G = 206, B = 208 },
new KTransform { X = x, Y = y },
new KScale { X = 1.5f, Y = 0.8f },
new Collider { Type = ColliderType.Block },
return entities.ToArray();
public static ISystem[] Systems()
return new ISystem[]
new PaddleMoveSystem(),
new BallMoveSystem(),
new CollisionSystem(),
new BallReflectSystem(),
new BlockBreakSystem(),
namespace Breakout.System
public class CollisionSystem : System<(KTransform, KScale, Collider)>
public override void OnUpdate(IWorld world, (KTransform, KScale, Collider)[] colliders)
for (var i = 0; i < colliders.Length; ++i)
colliders[i].Item3.Hit = new List<ColliderType>();
for (var i = 0; i < colliders.Length; ++i)
for (var j = i + 1; j < colliders.Length; ++j)
var a = colliders[i];
var b = colliders[j];
if ((Math.Abs(a.Item1.X - b.Item1.X) < (a.Item2.X + b.Item2.X) / 2)
&& (Math.Abs(a.Item1.Y - b.Item1.Y) < (a.Item2.Y + b.Item2.Y) / 2))
public class BallMoveSystem : SystemForeach<(Ball, KTransform)>
public override void OnUpdate(IWorld world, (Ball, KTransform) ball)
var time = world.GetContext<KTime>();
ball.Item2.X += ball.Item1.Velocity.X * time.DeltaTime;
ball.Item2.Y += ball.Item1.Velocity.Y * time.DeltaTime;
public class PaddleMoveSystem : SystemForeach<(Paddle, KTransform)>
public override void OnUpdate(IWorld world, (Paddle, KTransform) paddle)
var keyInput = world.GetContext<KKeyInput>();
var time = world.GetContext<KTime>();
paddle.Item2.X += keyInput.X * time.DeltaTime * 5f;
public class BallReflectSystem : SystemForeach<(Ball, Collider)>
public override void OnUpdate(IWorld world, (Ball, Collider) ball)
if (ball.Item2.Hit.Contains(ColliderType.Paddle)
|| ball.Item2.Hit.Contains(ColliderType.XWall)
|| ball.Item2.Hit.Contains(ColliderType.Block))
ball.Item1.Velocity.Y *= -1;
if (ball.Item2.Hit.Contains(ColliderType.YWall))
ball.Item1.Velocity.X *= -1;
public class BlockBreakSystem : SystemForeach<(EntityID, Collider, Block)>
public override void OnUpdate(IWorld world, (EntityID, Collider, Block) block)
if (!block.Item2.Hit.Contains(ColliderType.Ball)) return;
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