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Working from home

Andre Marcelo-Tanner kzap

Working from home
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coderanger /
Last active April 26, 2020 10:17
Django on Twisted with Prometheus
Support for running `python -m myapp`.
from myapp.wsgi import main
if __name__ == "__main__":
kzap /
Last active April 20, 2017 19:23
Show Git Commits Across All Branches By Dates in Reverse Order (By Author Date)
# show author date and grep matching dates
git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Creset%C(cyan)%C(bold)%d%Creset %C(cyan)(%cr|%ai)%Creset %C(green)%aE%Creset %s" \
--all --no-merges --reverse --author="Andre" | grep -E "2017-01-(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])"
Mika- / google-analytics.amp.html
Created October 18, 2015 10:34
Use Google Analytics in AMP HTML
<amp-pixel src=";tid=UA-12345678-1&amp;t=pageview&amp;cid=$RANDOM&amp;dt=$TITLE&amp;dl=$CANONICAL_URL&amp;z=$RANDOM"></amp-pixel>
* Required parameters:
* v = API version number (currently 1)
* tid = Google Analytics property identifier (UA-12345678-1)
* t = hit type
* cid = client id (you should implement this via cookie etc.)
* z = random string to bypass caching (amphtml generates this to $RANDOM variable)
kzap /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Ubuntu Build Init Script - configures a Rackspace Cloud server with all the necessary things you might want. Recommended flavor is a minimum 4-8GB as the disk partitions for /tmp and /var/log are 4-8GB
#!/bin/bash -x
# DESCRIPTION: The following UserData script is created to configure a Rackspace Cloud server
# with all the necessary things you might want.
# Recommended flavor is a minimum 4-8GB as the disk partitions for /tmp and /var/log are 4-8GB
# Can be used from CLI with nova or supernova
# example:
# supernova lincusa boot --image "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)" --flavor performance1-8 --key-name {YOUR_KEY} --user-data "" --config-drive true {YOUR_SERVER_NAME}
tknerr / Vagrantfile
Last active July 2, 2024 19:33
Sample Vagrantfile that works with all providers (virtualbox, aws, managed) and in combination with the vagrant-omnibus plugin
# Vagrantfile for testing
Vagrant::configure("2") do |config|
# the Chef version to use
config.omnibus.chef_version = "11.4.4"
def configure_vbox_provider(config, name, ip, memory = 384)
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vbox, override|
kzap / addControllerMap.php
Created October 20, 2012 01:35
klein.php controller#action helper function
function addControllerMap($controllerMapCollection, $method = array('GET', 'POST'), $route = '*', $controllerMap = null) {
global $__controllerMaps;
// parse arguments
$args = func_get_args();
switch (count($args)) {
case 1:
$controllerMap = $controllerMapCollection;
eranation / gist:3241616
Created August 2, 2012 22:51
MongoDB Aggregation Framework way for "select count (distinct fieldName) from someTable" for large collections
//equivalent of "select count (distinct fieldName) from someTable"
db.someCollection.aggregate([{ $group: { _id: "$fieldName"} },{ $group: { _id: 1, count: { $sum: 1 } } } ])
manast / interval.js
Last active October 10, 2024 16:33
Accurate Javascript setInterval replacement
function interval(duration, fn){
var _this = this
this.baseline = undefined = function(){
if(_this.baseline === undefined){
_this.baseline = new Date().getTime()
var end = new Date().getTime()