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Created February 25, 2012 08:20
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Google Apps Script - Twitter Search
// Part of this code up to END OF (c) is:
Copyright 2011 Martin Hawksey
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sumSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Readme/Settings");
var REFERER = sumSheet.getRange("B9").getValue();
var SEARCH_TERM = sumSheet.getRange("B10").getValue();
var SEARCH_DURATION = sumSheet.getRange("B11").getValue();
var NUMBER_OF_TWEETS = sumSheet.getRange("B12").getValue();
var RESULT_TYPE = sumSheet.getRange("B13").getValue();
function onOpen() {
var menuEntries = [ {name: "API Authentication", functionName: "configureAPI"}, {name:"Test Collection", functionName: "testCollection"}, {name: "Run Now!", functionName: "collectTweets"} ];
ss.addMenu("Twitter", menuEntries);
function authenticate(){
function configureAPI() {
function renderAPIConfigurationDialog() {
// modified from Twitter Approval Manager
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle(
"Twitter API Authentication Configuration").setHeight(400).setWidth(420);
app.setStyleAttribute("padding", "10px");
//var dialog = app.loadComponent("GUIComponent");
var dialogPanel = app.createFlowPanel().setWidth("400px");
var label1 = app.createLabel("1. Register for an API key with Twitter at (if you've already registered a Google Spreadsheet/Twitter mashup you can reuse your existing Consumer Key/Consumer Secret). In the form these are the important bits: ").setStyleAttribute("paddingBottom", "10px");
var label2 = app.createLabel(" - Application Website = anything you like").setStyleAttribute("textIndent", "30px");
var label3 = app.createLabel(" - Application Type = Browser").setStyleAttribute("textIndent", "30px");
var label4 = app.createLabel(" - Callback URL =").setStyleAttribute("textIndent", "30px");
var label5 = app.createLabel(" - Default Access type = Read-only ").setStyleAttribute("textIndent", "30px").setStyleAttribute("paddingBottom", "10px");
var label6 = app.createLabel("2. Once finished filling in the form and accepting Twitter's terms and conditions you'll see a summary page which includes a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret which you need to enter below").setStyleAttribute("paddingBottom", "10px");
var label7 = app.createLabel("3. When your Key and Secret are saved you need to open Tools > Script Editor ... and run the 'authenticate' function").setStyleAttribute("paddingBottom", "10px");
var consumerKeyLabel = app.createLabel(
"Twitter OAuth Consumer Key:");
var consumerKey = app.createTextBox();
var consumerSecretLabel = app.createLabel(
"Twitter OAuth Consumer Secret:");
var consumerSecret = app.createTextBox();
var saveHandler = app.createServerClickHandler("saveConfiguration");
var saveButton = app.createButton("Save Configuration", saveHandler);
var listPanel = app.createGrid(2, 2);
listPanel.setStyleAttribute("margin-top", "10px")
listPanel.setWidget(0, 0, consumerKeyLabel);
listPanel.setWidget(0, 1, consumerKey);
listPanel.setWidget(1, 0, consumerSecretLabel);
listPanel.setWidget(1, 1, consumerSecret);
// Ensure that all form fields get sent along to the handler
//var dialogPanel = app.createFlowPanel();
function collectTweets() {
// if continuous sheetname = archive else make a name
if (RESULT_TYPE == "continuous"){
var sheetName = "Archive";
} else {
var sheetName = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "dd-MMM-yy hh:mm"); //make a new sheet name based on todays date
// if sheetname doesn't exisit make it
if (!ss.getSheetByName(sheetName)){
var temp = ss.getSheetByName("TMP");
var sheet = ss.insertSheet(sheetName, {template:temp});
} else {
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
// else if already have archive get since id
var stored = getRowsData(sheet);
if (stored.length >0 ){
var sinceid = stored[0]["id_str"];
//if no since id grab search results
if (sinceid){
var data = getTweets(SEARCH_TERM, NUMBER_OF_TWEETS, sinceid); // get results from twitter sinceid
} else {
var data = getTweets(SEARCH_TERM, NUMBER_OF_TWEETS); // get results from twitter
// if some data insert rows
if (data.length>0){
sheet.insertRowsAfter(1, data.length);
setRowsData(sheet, data);
function testCollection(){
var data = getTweets(SEARCH_TERM, 5); // get results from twitter
if (data.length>0){
Browser.msgBox("Found some tweets. Here's an example one from "+data[0]["from_user"]+" which says: "+data[0]["text"]);
} else {
Browser.msgBox("Twitter said: "+ScriptProperties.getProperty("errormsg"));
function getTweets(searchTerm, maxResults, sinceid, languageCode) {
//Based on Mikael Thuneberg getTweets - mod by mhawksey to convert to json
// if you include setRowsData this can be used to output chosen entries
if (isConfigured()){
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("twitter");
var requestData = {
"oAuthServiceName": "twitter",
"oAuthUseToken": "always"
} else {
var requestData = {"method":"GET", "headers": { "User-Agent": REFERER}}
try {
var pagenum = 1;
var data =[];
var idx = 0;
var sinceurl ="";
// prepare search term
if (SEARCH_DURATION != "default"){
var period = 0;
case "yesterday":
period = 0;
case "-2 days":
period = 1;
case "-3 days":
period = 2;
case "-4 days":
period = 3;
case "-5 days":
period = 4;
case "-6 days":
period = 5;
case "-7 days":
period = 6;
var until=new Date();
var since = new Date(until);
if (typeof maxResults == "undefined") {
maxResults = 100;
if (maxResults > 1500) {
maxResults = 1500;
if (maxResults > 100) {
resultsPerPage = 100;
maxPageNum = maxResults / 100;
} else {
resultsPerPage = maxResults;
maxPageNum = 1;
if (sinceid != null && sinceid.length > 0) {
sinceurl = "&since_id=" + sinceid;
//Logger.log(twDate(since)+" "+twDate(until));
searchTerm = encodeURIComponent(searchTerm);
var baseURL = "";
for (pagenum = 1; pagenum <= maxPageNum; pagenum++) {
var URL = "";
if (typeof nextPage != "undefined"){
URL = nextPage;
} else if (pagenum == 1) {
URL = URL + "?q=" + searchTerm;
if (typeof since != "undefined") URL = URL + "&since=" + twDate(since);
if (typeof until != "undefined") URL = URL + "&until=" + twDate(until);
URL = URL + "&rpp=" + resultsPerPage;
URL = URL + "&page=" + pagenum;
URL = URL + "&result_type=recent";
URL = URL + "&include_entities=true";
URL = URL + "&with_twitter_user_id=true";
URL = URL + sinceurl;
if (typeof languageCode != "undefined") {
if (languageCode.length > 0) {
URL = URL + "&lang=" + languageCode;
if (URL != ""){
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(baseURL+URL, requestData);
var contentHeader = response.getHeaders();
if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var responseData = Utilities.jsonParse(response.getContentText());
var nextPage = responseData.next_page;
var currentPage =;
var objects = responseData.results;
for (i in objects){ // not pretty but I wanted to extract geo data
if (objects[i].geo != null){
objects[i]["geo_coordinates"] = "loc: "+objects[i].geo.coordinates[0]+","+objects[i].geo.coordinates[1];
objects[i]["status_url"] = ""+objects[i].from_user+"/statuses/"+objects[i].id_str;
objects[i]["time"] = (objects[i]["created_at"]).substring(5,25);
objects[i]["entities_str"] = Utilities.jsonStringify(objects[i]["entities"]);
idx ++;
return data;
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Line "+e.lineNumber+" ";
Browser.msgBox("Line "+e.lineNumber+" ";
ScriptProperties.setProperty("errormsg","Line "+e.lineNumber+" ";
return data;
function twDate(aDate){
var dateString = Utilities.formatDate(aDate, "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd");
return dateString;
// END OF (c)
// The rest of this code is currently (c) Google Inc.
// setRowsData fills in one row of data per object defined in the objects Array.
// For every Column, it checks if data objects define a value for it.
// Arguments:
// - sheet: the Sheet Object where the data will be written
// - objects: an Array of Objects, each of which contains data for a row
// - optHeadersRange: a Range of cells where the column headers are defined. This
// defaults to the entire first row in sheet.
// - optFirstDataRowIndex: index of the first row where data should be written. This
// defaults to the row immediately below the headers.
function setRowsData(sheet, objects, optHeadersRange, optFirstDataRowIndex) {
var headersRange = optHeadersRange || sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, sheet.getMaxColumns());
var firstDataRowIndex = optFirstDataRowIndex || headersRange.getRowIndex() + 1;
var headers = normalizeHeaders(headersRange.getValues()[0]);
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i) {
var values = []
for (j = 0; j < headers.length; ++j) {
var header = headers[j];
values.push(header.length > 0 && objects[i][header] ? objects[i][header] : "");
var destinationRange = sheet.getRange(firstDataRowIndex, headersRange.getColumnIndex(),
objects.length, headers.length);
// getRowsData iterates row by row in the input range and returns an array of objects.
// Each object contains all the data for a given row, indexed by its normalized column name.
// Arguments:
// - sheet: the sheet object that contains the data to be processed
// - range: the exact range of cells where the data is stored
// This argument is optional and it defaults to all the cells except those in the first row
// or all the cells below columnHeadersRowIndex (if defined).
// - columnHeadersRowIndex: specifies the row number where the column names are stored.
// This argument is optional and it defaults to the row immediately above range;
// Returns an Array of objects.
function getRowsData(sheet, range, columnHeadersRowIndex) {
var headersIndex = columnHeadersRowIndex || range ? range.getRowIndex() - 1 : 1;
var dataRange = range ||
sheet.getRange(headersIndex + 1, 1, sheet.getMaxRows() - headersIndex, sheet.getMaxColumns());
var numColumns = dataRange.getEndColumn() - dataRange.getColumn() + 1;
var headersRange = sheet.getRange(headersIndex, dataRange.getColumn(), 1, numColumns);
var headers = headersRange.getValues()[0];
return getObjects(dataRange.getValues(), normalizeHeaders(headers));
// For every row of data in data, generates an object that contains the data. Names of
// object fields are defined in keys.
// Arguments:
// - data: JavaScript 2d array
// - keys: Array of Strings that define the property names for the objects to create
function getObjects(data, keys) {
var objects = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var object = {};
var hasData = false;
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; ++j) {
var cellData = data[i][j];
if (isCellEmpty(cellData)) {
object[keys[j]] = cellData;
hasData = true;
if (hasData) {
return objects;
// Returns an Array of normalized Strings.
// Empty Strings are returned for all Strings that could not be successfully normalized.
// Arguments:
// - headers: Array of Strings to normalize
function normalizeHeaders(headers) {
var keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
return keys;
// Normalizes a string, by removing all alphanumeric characters and using mixed case
// to separate words. The output will always start with a lower case letter.
// This function is designed to produce JavaScript object property names.
// Arguments:
// - header: string to normalize
// Examples:
// "First Name" -> "firstName"
// "Market Cap (millions) -> "marketCapMillions
// "1 number at the beginning is ignored" -> "numberAtTheBeginningIsIgnored"
function normalizeHeader(header) {
var key = "";
var upperCase = false;
for (var i = 0; i < header.length; ++i) {
var letter = header[i];
if (letter == " " && key.length > 0) {
upperCase = true;
//if (!isAlnum(letter)) { // I removed this because result identifiers have '_' in name
// continue;
if (key.length == 0 && isDigit(letter)) {
continue; // first character must be a letter
if (upperCase) {
upperCase = false;
key += letter.toUpperCase();
} else {
key += letter.toLowerCase();
return key;
// Returns true if the cell where cellData was read from is empty.
// Arguments:
// - cellData: string
function isCellEmpty(cellData) {
return typeof(cellData) == "string" && cellData == "";
// Returns true if the character char is alphabetical, false otherwise.
function isAlnum(char) {
return char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' ||
char >= 'a' && char <= 'z' ||
// Returns true if the character char is a digit, false otherwise.
function isDigit(char) {
return char >= '0' && char <= '9';
// The first part of this code was developed by google and has a copyright statement.
// Everything after // Archive Twitter Status Updates is by mhawksey and released under CC
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* @fileoverview Google Apps Script demo application to illustrate usage of:
* MailApp
* OAuthConfig
* ScriptProperties
* Twitter Integration
* UiApp
* UrlFetchApp
* @author (Vic Fryzel)
* Key of ScriptProperty for Twitter consumer key.
* @type {String}
* @const
var CONSUMER_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME = "twitterConsumerKey";
* Key of ScriptProperty for Twitter consumer secret.
* @type {String}
* @const
var CONSUMER_SECRET_PROPERTY_NAME = "twitterConsumerSecret";
* Key of ScriptProperty for tweets and all approvers.
* @type {String}
* @const
var TWEETS_APPROVERS_PROPERTY_NAME = "twitterTweetsWithApprovers";
* @param String Approver email address required to give approval
* prior to a tweet going live. Comma-delimited.
function setApprovers(approvers) {
ScriptProperties.setProperty(APPROVERS_PROPERTY_NAME, approvers);
* @return String OAuth consumer key to use when tweeting.
function getConsumerKey() {
var key = ScriptProperties.getProperty(CONSUMER_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME);
if (key == null) {
key = "";
return key;
* @param String OAuth consumer key to use when tweeting.
function setConsumerKey(key) {
ScriptProperties.setProperty(CONSUMER_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME, key);
* @return String OAuth consumer secret to use when tweeting.
function getConsumerSecret() {
var secret = ScriptProperties.getProperty(CONSUMER_SECRET_PROPERTY_NAME);
if (secret == null) {
secret = "";
return secret;
* @param String OAuth consumer secret to use when tweeting.
function setConsumerSecret(secret) {
ScriptProperties.setProperty(CONSUMER_SECRET_PROPERTY_NAME, secret);
* @return bool True if all of the configuration properties are set,
* false if otherwise.
function isConfigured() {
return getConsumerKey() != "" && getConsumerSecret != "" ;
/** Retrieve config params from the UI and store them. */
function saveConfiguration(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return app;
* Authorize against Twitter. This method must be run prior to
* clicking any link in a script email. If you click a link in an
* email, you will get a message stating:
* "Authorization is required to perform that action."
function authorize() {
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("twitter");
var requestData = {
"method": "GET",
"oAuthServiceName": "twitter",
"oAuthUseToken": "always"
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
var o = Utilities.jsonParse(result.getContentText());
ScriptProperties.setProperty("STORED_SCREEN_NAME", o.screen_name);
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