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Last active May 15, 2024 10:05
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Extract multi-series file and resave as TIFF stacks or slices #Fiji #ImageJ #Macro #BIOP
* Complex Format EXPORT MACRO
* By Olivier Burri @ EPFL - SV - PTECH - BIOP
* Given a folder, extracts all series inside all multi-file files with given extension in new folders
* Last edit: 13.02.2017
////////////////////// SET PARAMETERS //////////////////////
// Set the extension you would like this macro to work with.
// Do not add a . at the beggining
extension = "czi"; //eg "lif", "vsi", etc...
// Set to true if you want all planes of the image to be saved individually
// if set to false, it will save each series as a stack.
is_save_individual_planes = true; // set to either true or false
// Padding for the naming of the series if you want to save all
// Images individually
pad = 3; // 0 means no padding. 2 means '01', '02' etc...
//////////////////// END SET PARAMETERS ////////////////////
// Beggining of macro. You should now have anything to edit after this line.
dir = getDirectory("Select a directory containing one or several ."+extension+" files.");
files = getFileList(dir);
run("Bio-Formats Macro Extensions");
for(f=0; f<files.length; f++) {
if(endsWith(files[f], "."+extension)) {
id = dir+files[f];
print(seriesCount+" series in "+id);
for (i=0; i<seriesCount; i++) {
run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=["+id+"] color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT series_"+(i+1));
fullName = getTitle();
dirName = substring(fullName, 0,lastIndexOf(fullName, "."+extension));
fileName = substring(fullName, lastIndexOf(fullName, " - ")+3, lengthOf(fullName));
print("Saving "+fileName+" under "+dir+File.separator+dirName);
if(is_save_individual_planes) {
save_string = getSaveString(pad);
run("Image Sequence... ", "format=TIFF name=["+fileName+"] digits="+pad+" save=["+dir+File.separator+dirName+File.separator+"]");
} else {
saveAs("tiff", dir+File.separator+dirName+File.separator+fileName+"_"+(i+1)+".tif");
run("Close All");
showMessage("Done with "+k+" files and "+n+" series!");
function getSaveString(pad) {
str ="";
if(t > 1) str+="t_"+IJ.pad(1,pad);
if(z > 1) str+="z_"+IJ.pad(1,pad);
if(c > 1) str+="c_"+IJ.pad(1,pad);
return str;
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cfausto commented Feb 22, 2024


Thank you so much for making this script! It has helped me tremendously in processing large datasets. I recently updated FIJI to the newest version, and am now getting an error. I was wondering if you can help me address this?

Specifically in line 54:
dirName = substring(fullName, 0,lastIndexOf(fullName, "."+extension));

I am now getting this error message attached below, with the following debug window. I am using ImageJ version 2.14.0/1.54f Build: c89e8500e4

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 2 37 55 PM
Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 2 38 12 PM

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lacan commented Feb 23, 2024

perhaps you put a dot when specifying the extension? or the image is the wrong extension?

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cfausto commented Feb 23, 2024

@lacan I appreciate that you are still active on this post!

I was just able to find the issue when manually saving at tifs last night, my .lif file name was too long and it created ellipsis! I guess FIJI does have a character limit for file naming. I was able to get it running after making the file name shorter. Good to know!


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lacan commented Feb 24, 2024

good to know. the ellipsis might me talked to a Mac file path issue, as Fiji is just reading the filename in the macro. thanks for the report!

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