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2D K Nearest Neighbors Python script when we have a point selection in ImageJ #Fiji #Python #ImageJ
#@ImagePlus imp
#@Integer(label="Number of Neighbors") k
#@Boolean(label="Give Each Neighbor's Distance") is_show_each
Simple 2D KNN script
Olivier Burri, BioImaging & Optics Platform
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
July 12th 2016
Code provided as-is in reply to an ImageJ mailing list question
from ij.gui import Overlay, Line, OvalRoi, Roi
from ij import IJ
from ij.measure import ResultsTable
from ij.measure import Calibration
from java.awt import Color
from ij.plugin.frame import RoiManager
import math
### Some functions ###
# Brute-Force KNN
def knn(data, k):
# Just take the data, find the K nearest neighbors to each point
for i in range(len(data)):
d = []
for j in range(len(data)):
d.append([j, dist(data[i], data[j])])
# Sort
d_sort = sorted(d, key=lambda thed: thed[1])
# Keep only the k nearest
return the_knn
# Euclidean Distance 2D
def dist(p0, p1):
return math.sqrt((p0[0] - p1[0])**2 + (p0[1] - p1[1])**2)
# Convenience function to go from a ROI to points
def roiToPointList(roi):
p = [roi.getFloatPolygon().xpoints, roi.getFloatPolygon().ypoints]
points = map(list, zip(*p))
return points
def showKNNResults(frt, the_knn, label):
# Overlay
ov = Overlay()
the_avg = []
# Draw each neighbor as a line and draw the average as a circle
for i in range(len(the_knn)):
avg = sum([d[1] for d in the_knn[i]]) / k
o = OvalRoi(points[i][0] - avg, points[i][1] - avg, 2*avg, 2*avg)
for j in range(k):
# XY Coordinates of current point
a = points[i];
b = points[the_knn[i][j][0]]
# XY Coordinates of neighbor k
l = Line(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1])
# Build Results Table
cal = imp.getCalibration()
for i in range(len(the_knn)):
frt.addValue("Label", label);
frt.addValue("Point", i)
frt.addValue("Average distance [px]", the_avg[i])
if( cal.scaled() ):
frt.addValue("Average distance ["+cal.getXUnit()+"]", cal.getX(the_avg[i]))
if is_show_each:
for j in range(k):
if( cal.scaled() ):
frt.addValue("Distance Neighbor "+str(j+1)+" ["+cal.getXUnit()+"]", cal.getX(the_knn[i][j][1]))
frt.addValue("Distance Neighbor "+str(j+1)+" [px]", the_knn[i][j][1])" Nearest Neightbors Average Distances")
### Starting the script ###
# Get a new Results Table
rt = ResultsTable()
# Get the ROI manager
rm = RoiManager().getInstance2();
n_rois = rm.getCount();
# Work either on the image alone
if n_rois == 0:
roi = imp.getRoi()
label = imp.getTitle()
# Get Coordinates
points = roiToPointList(imp.getRoi())
# Compute K Nearest Neighbors
the_knn = knn(points,k)
# Display the result table and an overlay
# Or on each ROI of the ROI manager
for i in range(n_rois):
roi = rm.getRoi(i)
label = roi.getName()
# Get Coordinates
points = roiToPointList(roi)
# Compute K Nearest Neighbors
the_knn = knn(points,k)
# Display the result table and an overlay
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