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Last active April 16, 2021 18:50
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Generates a curve that bissects a previously drawn segment #ImageJ #Macro
* Simple bissection tool. By Olivier Burri at the BioImaging and Optics Platform
* Provided as-is based on a request of the ImageJ Forum:
* Mouse listening code based on imageJ example
* To install, use 'Plugins > Macros > Install...' and select this file
* To run, create a line selection and press F2.
* You will be prompted to name your line
* It will create an overlay whose length depends on the distance to your
* curve's midpoint
* When you are happy with the length, left-click
* A new selection is created.
macro "Bissect [F2]" {
// Single Curve, start end
name = getString("Name your ROI","");
// Get position 90 degrees off and passing by center of selection
xs = x[0];
ys = y[0];
xe = x[1];
ye = y[1];
// point m
xm = (xs + xe) /2;
ym = (ys + ye) /2;
// Find perpendicular
// 1. Vector representing line
d = dist(xs,ys,xe,ye);
u = ( xe - xs );
v = ( ye - ys );
// 2. Dot product = 0, passing by some arbitrary point
// u.x + v.y = 0
// x = 1;
// y = - u / v;
// New vector
k = 100;
l = (u*(-1)*k) / v;
d2 = sqrt(k*k+l*l);
//k /= d2;
//l /= d2;
drawInterface(xm, ym, k, l, name);
function dist(x,y,x2,y2) {
return sqrt(pow(x-x2,2) + pow(y-y2,2));
function drawInterface(px, py, u, v, name) {
// Setup some variables. Basically these numbers
// Represent an action that has taken place (it's the action's ID)
insideROI = 32; // requires 1.42i or later
// Normalize u and v
d = dist(0,0,u,v);
u /= d;
v /= d;
leftClicked = false;
while(!leftClicked) {
// getCursorLoc gives the x,y,z position of the mouse and the flags associated
// to see if a particular action has happened, say a left click while shift is
// pressed, you do it like this:
// if (flags&leftButton!=0 && flags&shift!=0) { blah blah... }
// Get distance between xm ym and the cursor
d = dist(xm, ym, x, y);
p1x = xm+u*d;
p2x = xm-u*d;
p1y = ym+v*d;
p2y = ym-v*d;
Overlay.drawLine(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);;
//If a freehand selection exists and the right button was clicked AND that right click was not pressed before already
if (flags&leftButton!=0 && !leftClicked) {
// set rightCLicked to true to stop this condition from writing several times the same ROI
leftClicked = true;
makeLine(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);
Roi.setName("Bissection of "+name);
// This wait of 10ms is just to avoid checking the mouse position too often
// Here we are out of the drawROI loop, so you can do some post processing already here if you want
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