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Last active October 22, 2020 10:14
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[Parallel Histogram Matching for Stacks] #Groovy #Fiji #ImageJ
//@File (label="Directory with file(s)", style="directory" ) theDir
//@Integer (Label="Channel To Correct") ch_correct
//@Boolean (label="Use Normalization Parameters Below") is_normalize
//@Integer (Label="Minimum") the_min
//@Integer (Label="Maximum") the_max
* Image stack equalizer for image folder
* The purpose of this script is to use the histogram of the first slice of the first image
* in a folder as a reference and use Histogram Matching on all other slices in all other images
* This was originally used to fix a flickering brightfield acquisition to make all images the same
* brightness and contrast.
* It normalizes the first image between the Minimum and Maximum value provided by the user before starting
* if the checkbox is set.
* Author: Olivier Burri, BioImage Analyst, BiImaging And Optics Platform (BIOP)
* Licensed under CC-BY-SA
import histogram2.HistogramMatcher
import ij.plugin.ChannelSplitter
import ij.plugin.RGBStackMerge
import ij.ImagePlus
import ij.IJ
import groovyx.gpars.GParsExecutorsPool
import loci.plugins.BF;
// List all the files and keep only the ND ones
def allFilesList = []
// Get all the files in all the subfolders
theDir.eachFile(FileType.FILES) { file ->
allFilesList << file
def savedir = new File(theDir.getAbsolutePath()+'/Equalized/')
def ref_hist
allFilesList.eachWithIndex{ file, i ->
def imp = IJ.openImage(file.getAbsolutePath())
print("\nProcessing Image "+imp.getTitle())
String imageTitle = file.getName().substring(0,file.getName().size()-4)
def image = imp;
def all_images = []
if(imp.getNChannels() > 1) {
all_images = ChannelSplitter.split(imp)
image = all_images[ch_correct-1]
if (i == 0) {
def ref_ip = image.getStack().getProcessor(1).convertToFloat().duplicate()
if (is_normalize) {
def stats = ref_ip.getStatistics()
ref_ip = ref_ip.convertToShort(false)
ref_hist = ref_ip.getHistogram()
def matchedImage= matchSliceHistograms(ref_hist, image)
def newImage = matchedImage
if(imp.getNChannels() > 1) {
all_images[ch_correct-1] = matchedImage
newImage = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(all_images, false)
// Make sure it is still the right hyperstack dimensions
IJ.saveAs(newImage, "tif", savedir.getAbsolutePath()+"/"+imageTitle+".tif")
ImagePlus matchSliceHistograms(int[] refhist, ImagePlus imp) {
def stack = imp.getStack()
def final_imp = IJ.createHyperStack("Nobody cares",imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), imp.getNChannels(), imp.getNSlices(), imp.getNFrames(), imp.getBitDepth())
def matcher = new HistogramMatcher()
def cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(cores) {
print("\n\tProcessing Slice "+it)
def hist_old = stack.getProcessor(it).getHistogram()
def newHist = matcher.matchHistograms(hist_old, refhist)
def ip = stack.getProcessor(it).duplicate()
stack.setProcessor(ip, it)
return final_imp
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