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Created March 9, 2022 15:23
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[TrackMate with Custom StarDist Model] Run TrackMate from a script and save the results. #fiji #stardist #trackmate
* Use StarDist in TrackMate from the latest version and export results
* Using a custom StarDist Model
* Author: Olivier Burri, EPFL SV PTECH BIOP
* Last Modification: March 2022
* Due to the simple nature of this code, no copyright is applicable
#@ File model (label="StarDist Model File")
#@ Double scoreThr (label="StarDist Score Threshold")
#@ Double overlapThr (label="StarDist Overlap Threshold")
#@ Integer frameGap (label="Max Frame Gap [frames]")
#@ Double linkDistance (label="Linking Max Distance [calibrated]")
#@ Double gapDistance (label="Gap Closing Max Distance [calibrated]")
#@ Boolean allowSplit (label="Allow Track Splitting")
#@ Double splitDistance (label="Split Distance [calibrated]")
#@ Double areaThr (label="Area Threshold Filter [calibrated^2]")
#@Integer nuc_ch (label="Channel to Detect", value=2)
#@String measure_ch (label="Channels to Measure", value="1")
#@File image_path"Close All", "")
// Convert string of numbers into a list
def measure_channels = measure_ch.split(",").collect { it as int }
// Prepare save folder
def saveDir = new File(image_path.getParent(), "csv_results")
// Open Image
def imp = IJ.openImage(image_path.toString())
def tracker = Tracker.builder().rawImage(imp)
def OK = tracker.process()
def selectionModel = new SelectionModel(tracker.trackmate.getModel())
def ds = DisplaySettingsIO.readUserDefault()
def displayer = new HyperStackDisplayer(tracker.trackmate.getModel(), selectionModel, imp, ds)
// Export results
def results = tracker.obtainTrackResults()
results.saveColumnHeaders(true)"Tracking Results") File(saveDir, imp.getTitle()).getAbsolutePath() + ".csv")
// Export XML file
tracker.export(new File(saveDir, imp.getTitle() + ".xml"))
println "END"
@Builder(excludes = 'trackmate')
class Tracker {
TrackMate trackmate
ImagePlus rawImage
File starDistModel
double scoreThreshold
double overlapThreshold
int nuclearChannel
List<Integer> measureChannels
double linkDistance
int frameGap
double gapDistance
boolean allowSplit
double splitDistance
double areaThreshold
def initialize() {
def model = new Model()
def cal = rawImage.getCalibration()
model.setPhysicalUnits(cal.getUnit(), cal.getTimeUnit())
//Prepare settings
def settings = new Settings(rawImage)
//Configure detector - We use the Strings for the keys
settings.detectorFactory = new StarDistCustomDetectorFactory()
settings.detectorSettings["TARGET_CHANNEL"] = nuclearChannel
settings.detectorSettings["SCORE_THRESHOLD"] = scoreThreshold
settings.detectorSettings["OVERLAP_THRESHOLD"] = overlapThreshold
settings.detectorSettings["MODEL_FILEPATH"] = starDistModel.getAbsolutePath()
// Add ALL the feature analyzers known to TrackMate, via
// providers.
//Configure tracker
settings.trackerFactory = new SparseLAPTrackerFactory()
settings.trackerSettings = LAPUtils.getDefaultLAPSettingsMap()
settings.trackerSettings["LINKING_MAX_DISTANCE"] = this.linkDistance
settings.trackerSettings["GAP_CLOSING_MAX_DISTANCE"] = this.gapDistance
settings.trackerSettings["MAX_FRAME_GAP"] = this.frameGap
settings.trackerSettings["ALLOW_TRACK_SPLITTING"] = this.allowSplit
settings.trackerSettings["SPLITTING_MAX_DISTANCE"] = this.splitDistance
settings.initialSpotFilterValue = -1.0
def trackmate = new TrackMate(model, settings)
// Add size filter
def areaFilter = new FeatureFilter("AREA", this.areaThreshold, true)
this.trackmate = trackmate
return this
def process() {
//Execute the full process EXCEPT for the detection step.
// Check settings.
def ok = this.trackmate.checkInput()
// Initial filtering
ok = trackmate.process()
return ok
* Return the results of this tracking as a simple results table
ResultsTable obtainTrackResults() {
// TODO Export Trackmate results directly
def rt = new ResultsTable()
def model = this.trackmate.getModel()
def trackIDs = model.getTrackModel().trackIDs(false)
trackIDs.each { id ->
def spots = model.getTrackModel().trackSpots(id).toSorted { it.getFeature("POSITION_T") }
spots.each { spot ->
rt.addValue("Track ID", id)
rt.addValue("ROI name", spot.getName())
rt.addValue("Frame", spot.getFeature("FRAME"))
rt.addValue("Position T", spot.getFeature("POSITION_T"))
rt.addValue("Area", spot.getFeature("AREA"))
this.measureChannels.each { channel ->
rt.addValue("Mean Ch" + channel, spot.getFeature("MEAN_INTENSITY_CH" + channel))
rt.addValue("StDev Ch" + channel, spot.getFeature("STD_INTENSITY_CH" + channel))
return rt
* Export this trackmate result to an XML file to reuse later
* This also records the location of the ImagePlus that was opened. So it is important to save it **BEFORE** running trackmate
void export(File outFile) {
def fname = outFile.getName()
def pos = fname.lastIndexOf(".")
fname = fname.substring(0, pos)
// Export the tracks
def tracksFile = new File(outFile.getParent(), fname + "_Tracks.xml")
ExportTracksToXML.export(this.trackmate.getModel(), this.trackmate.getSettings(), tracksFile)
// Export the Trackmate file
def writer = new TmXmlWriter(outFile)
// All Imports
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.*
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExportTracksToXML
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.FeatureFilter
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.gui.displaysettings.DisplaySettingsIO
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.stardist.StarDistCustomDetectorFactory
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.LAPUtils
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.sparselap.SparseLAPTrackerFactory
import fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.hyperstack.HyperStackDisplayer
import groovy.transform.builder.Builder
import ij.IJ
import ij.ImagePlus
import ij.measure.ResultsTable
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