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Last active September 5, 2023 12:29
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[Rename VSI files and folders from CSV] This script helps rename VSI images and folders that have incorrect names #svi #slidescanner #groovy #fiji
#@File originalDir (label="Directory with original VSI Files", style="directory")
#@File csvFile (label="CSV File with full VSI file path in columns 1 and new name in column 2")
#@String sep (label="CSV separator", value=";")
* Rename VSI images based on CSV reference file
println sep
def csvImages = csvFile.readLines()*.split(sep)
//println csvImages
// First element is the original file name (full path)
// Second element is the thing to rename the vsi file
// Make a HashTable with the name as key and new name as value
def idMatches = new LinkedHashMap<File, String>()
csvImages.each{ row ->
if (row.size() > 1 ) {
idMatches.put( new File(row[0].trim()), row[1].trim() )
// List the images in the folder
vsiImages = originalDir.listFiles().findAll{ it.getName().endsWith("vsi") }
def renamingMap = new LinkedHashMap<Path, Path>()
vsiImages.each{ vsi ->
idMatches.each{ fileName, suggestedName ->
if( vsi.getName() == fileName.getName() ) {
def parent = vsi.getParent()
def oldFile = Paths.get( vsi.getAbsolutePath() )
def newFile = Paths.get( parent, suggestedName+ ".vsi" )
def oldFolder = Paths.get( parent, "_"+vsi.getName().split('\\.')[0]+"_" ) // remove .vsi, assume the file has no dots otehr than the extension
def newFolder = Paths.get( parent, "_"+suggestedName+"_" )
println "Will move file\n${oldFile} to \n${newFile}"
println "Will move folder\n${oldFolder} to \n${newFolder}"
renamingMap.put( oldFile, newFile )
renamingMap.put( oldFolder, newFolder )
// Display as results
def rt = new ResultsTable()
renamingMap.each{ oldPath, newPath ->
rt.addValue("Original File", oldPath.toString())
rt.addValue("Renamed File", newPath.toString())
}"File renaming outcome")
def warning = ""
if( renamingMap.keySet().size() != renamingMap.values().toUnique().size() ) {
warning = "WARNING: New names are not UNIQUE!\nCheck the new names and make sure that each row is unique, otherwise the script will fail!"
def dialog = new ij.gui.NonBlockingGenericDialog( "Apply File Renaming?")
dialog.addMessage("Please note that this will irrevocably change the file names.\nMake sure that the names are correct, then press OK")
dialog.addMessage( warning )
dialog.addCheckbox("I agree, proceed with file renaming", false)
// User cancels in a panic
if( dialog.wasCanceled() )return
// User decides not to do it
if( !dialog.getNextBoolean() ) return
renamingMap.each { oldFile, newFile ->
Files.move( oldFile, newFile, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE )
} catch (def e) {
println e
println "File renaming script completed"
import ij.measure.ResultsTable
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
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