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Last active October 22, 2020 09:25
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[Flatfield correction followed by stitching] Performs a flatfield correction and stitching from Raw LIF, CZI and LSM files using plugins in Fiji #Fiji #Stitching #Groovy #Flatfield #LIF #LSM #CZI #BIOP
* Flatfield correction followed by stitching
* It is often the case that tiled microscopy images contain artifacts due to uneven illumination.
* This is due to the shape of the illumination, the quality of the optics and the size of the field of view, but
* losses of up to 50% can be seen between the periphery and the center of a field of view. This loss usually follows
* a parabolic function, but is not necessarily centered, causing artifacts when stitching tiled acquisitions
* While many methods exist to compensate for this, the simplest consists in acquiring a 'flat field' image by
* taking a homogeneous sample (Chroma slides or even better, dye solutions []) and acquiring it for each channel of the dataset
* This image can then be used to divide the original one and thus help 'flatten' the illumination.
* Furthermore, excellent tools already exist to perform image stitching such as the Stitch Grid/Collection Plugin
* By leveraging the scriptability of that plugin, this script
* 1. Flattens the intensities based on a user-provided Flat Field image stack (1 slice per channel)
* 2. Saves a tiff (and possiby downsampled) version of the images
* 3. Reads the XY Position of each tile to create a TileConfiguration file readable by the Stitch Grid/Collection Plugin
* 4. Eventually calls said plugin
* This script has been tested and is known to work with .lif, .czi and .lsm multiseries files.
* These are due to the fact they are the most common formats to come out of our microscopes.
* Authors: Olivier Burri, Romain Guiet, Joao Firmino
* BioImaging & Optics Platform (BIOP)
* Last modification: November 2020
* Update List
* January 2018: Added the possibility to work with tiled CZI files. Make sure that you disable 'Automatically Stitch Tiled Images'
* is checked under Plugins > Bio-Formats > Bio-Formats Plugin Configuration > Formats > Zeiss CZI
* User no longer needs to check the box, this is done automarically
* November 2020: Updated how to get position units using Bioformats.
* Added hack to flip and swap coordinates because of some lif files
* removed corr_factor
* Refactoring in more Groovy-esque way
#@ File image_directory ( label = "Multiposition Files Directory", style = "directory" )
#@ File ff_file ( label = "Flatfield Stack File" )
#@ Integer downsample ( label = "Downsample Factor", style = "slider", min = 1, max = 16, stepSize = 1, value = 1 )
#@ Boolean is_do_stitch ( label = "Perform Stitching" )
#@ Boolean is_compute ( label = "Compute Overlap" )
#@ Boolean is_not_flatfield( label = "Don't Perform Flatfield" )
#@ Boolean is_keep_bit_depth( label = "Keep Original Bit Depth" )
#@ Boolean is_flip_swap ( label = "Needed for some LIF Files: Flip and Swap Axes?", value = false )
#@ LogService log
// In case of CZI autostitch, set the preference to false
def was_auto_stitch = Prefs.get( LociPrefs.PREF_CZI_AUTOSTITCH, false )
Prefs.set( LociPrefs.PREF_CZI_AUTOSTITCH, false )
def ff_image = null
if (!is_not_flatfield) {
ff_image = IJ.openImage(ff_file.getPath())
def all_files = image_directory.listFiles().findAll{ it.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".lif") || it.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".czi") || it.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".lsm")}
all_files.each{ f ->
exportAndStitch(f, ff_image, downsample)
//Reset CZI Autostitch Preference
Prefs.set(LociPrefs.PREF_CZI_AUTOSTITCH, was_auto_stitch);
* This divides the image array (each index == 1 channel) with a flatfield image
ImagePlus divideImages( ImagePlus image, ImagePlus flatfield ) {
// split them
def imageC = ChannelSplitter.split( image )
def flatfieldC = ChannelSplitter.split( flatfield )
if( imageC.length != flatfieldC.length ) return null
def ic = new ImageCalculator();
def flattenedC = [imageC, flatfieldC].transpose().collect{ img, ff ->
def temp_image = "Divide create 32-bit stack", img, ff );
if(is_keep_bit_depth) {
def i_c = new ImageConverter( temp_image )
def bd = img.getBitDepth()
if( bd == 16 ) i_c.convertToGray16()
else if( bd==8 ) i_c.convertToGray8()
return temp_image
return RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(flattenedC, false);
void exportAndStitch( File image_file, ImagePlus ff_image, Integer downsample ) {
// Get the base directory for the multiposition file
def base_dir = image_file.getParent()
// Use it to create a save directory
def saveDir = new File( base_dir, image_file.getName().replaceFirst( "[.][^.]+\$", "" ) + File.separator )
IJ.log( "Save Directory: " + saveDir.getAbsolutePath() )
// Get the full path of the file.
def theFile = image_file.getPath()
// Setup import process
def opts = new ImporterOptions()
opts.setId( theFile )
opts.setWindowless( true )
opts.setQuiet( true )
opts.setUngroupFiles( true )
def process = new ImportProcess( opts )
nseries = process.getSeriesCount()
//reader belonging to the import process
def i_reader = process.getReader()
def impReader = new ImagePlusReader( process )
// Get all the metadata
def factory = new ServiceFactory()
def service = factory.getInstance( OMEXMLService.class )
// And the retreive function will help us get all the metadata back
def retrieve = service.asRetrieve( i_reader.getMetadataStore() )
def posX = []
def posY = []
def names = []
def vx = retrieve.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX( 0 ).value( UNITS.MICROMETER ).doubleValue()
all_dims = null
for (int i=0; i<nseries; i++) {
// for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
def px = retrieve.getPlanePositionX( i, 0 ).value( UNITS.MICROMETER ).doubleValue()
def py = retrieve.getPlanePositionY( i, 0 ).value( UNITS.MICROMETER ).doubleValue()
if ( is_flip_swap ) {
// Flip
px *= -1
py *= -1
// Swap
def temp = px
px = py
py = temp
posX.add( px )
posY.add( py )
def i_name = retrieve.getImageName( i ) + "_" + (i+1) + ".tif"
names.add( i_name )
opts.setSeriesOn( i, true )
i_reader.setSeries( i )
//read and process all images in series
def imp = impReader.openImagePlus()[0]
def bd= imp.getBitDepth()
// Perform the flatfield, if there is a file
def ff_imp = imp
if( ff_image != null ) {
ff_imp = divideImages( imp, ff_image )
// Downsample if requested
small_ff_imp = ff_imp;
if ( downsample > 1 ) { ff_imp, "Scale...", "x=" + ( 1.0 / downsample ) + " y=" + ( 1.0 / downsample ) + " z=" + ( 1.0 / downsample ) + " create interpolation=Bilinear average" )
small_ff_imp = IJ.getImage()
// Save image as TIFF
IJ.saveAs( small_ff_imp, "Tiff", new File( saveDir, i_name ).getAbsolutePath() )
// Some cleanup
all_dims = small_ff_imp.getDimensions()
opts.setSeriesOn( i, false )
// Get min in X and Y
def minX = Collections.min( posX )
def minY = Collections.min( posY )
def dim=2
def z = ""
if(all_dims[3] > 1) {
dim = 3
z = ", 0.0"
// Prepare a positions file for Grid/Collection Stitching
def out = new File( saveDir, "positions.txt" )
out.write( "#Define the number of dimensions we are working on:\n" )
out << "dim = " << dim << "\n"
out << "# Define the image coordinates" << "\n"
[ names, posX, posY ].transpose().each{ name, x, y ->
if ( !name.contains( "Merging" ) ) {
def fposX = Math.round( ( ( x - minX ) / vx / downsample ) )
def fposY = Math.round( ( ( y - minY ) / vx / downsample ) )
out << name + "; ; (" + fposX + ", " + fposY + z+ ")" << "\n"
// Call Grid/Collection Stitching
compute = ""
if( is_compute ) { compute = "compute overlap " }
if( is_do_stitch ) {
// run the stitcher "Grid/Collection stitching", "type=[Positions from file] "+
"order=[Defined by TileConfiguration] "+
"directory=[" + saveDir.getAbsolutePath() + "] "+
"layout_file=positions.txt "+
"fusion_method=[Linear Blending] "+
"regression_threshold=0.30 "+
"max/avg_displacement_threshold=2.50 "+
"absolute_displacement_threshold=3.50 "+
compute +
"computation_parameters=[Save memory (but be slower)] "+
"image_output=[Fuse and display]")
final_image = IJ.getImage()
IJ.saveAs( final_image, "Tiff", saveDir.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator+image_file.getName()+"-fused.tif" )
// Imports
import ij.Prefs
import ij.IJ
import ij.ImagePlus
import ij.plugin.ChannelSplitter
import ij.plugin.ImageCalculator
import ij.plugin.RGBStackMerge
import ij.process.ImageConverter
import ome.units.UNITS
import loci.formats.ImageReader
import loci.formats.meta.IMetadata
import loci.formats.meta.MetadataRetrieve
import loci.formats.MetadataTools
import loci.plugins.util.LociPrefs
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