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Created October 9, 2017 03:05
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Press Release: Green Party co-leaders condemn NZ First's new radical nationalism and call for genocide

"We thought New Zealand had closed the door for good on radical ethnic nationalism and backwards conservatism after the conclusion of World War 2." says Green Party co-leader /u/imnofox, in response to a recent political rally by New Zealand First.

"While New Zealand First has always held an anti-immigration position, this sudden pivot to white ethno-nationalism and, I can't actually believe I'm having to say this, but, genocide shows that New Zealand First no longer believes in the principles of coexistance and multi-culturalism this country was founded on when Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed in 1840." says /u/imnofox.

The speech by New Zealand First candidate /u/DestroyDecadence called for "the purge of degenerate filth from our great Western culture", a direct call for genocide against LGBTQ+ and minorities, including tangata whenua.

"Even when considering the colonial abuse of tangata whenua, New Zealand certainly was not founded on a belief in genocide." stated /u/UncookedMeatloaf, clearly exasperated.

The Green Party reaffirms our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, to tangata whenua, to immigrants, to human rights, and to the social freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights 1990 as introduced by the fourth Labour government.

"We absolutely condemn this offensive, divisive, and harmful politics being espoused by New Zealand First." says /u/UncookedMeatloaf.

"The Green Party will do everything we possibly can to keep these racist, homophobic, unpatriotic, and dehumanising ideas out of government and out of parliament this election." states /u/imnofox. "These ideas should be shunted off the Omarama Clay Cliffs into the fringes where these ideas belong".

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