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Description=start and stop the minecraft-server
# Source:
# License: MIT
Description=Minecraft Server %i
# Users Database is not available for within the unit, only root and minecraft is available, everybody else is nobody
lachlandcp /
Created October 12, 2017 10:11
/u/tehoncomingstorm97 goes on a cycling tour of Taupo to discuss the issues that matter to locals

As he rides around the lake, he talks to a local fish and chip store owner.

"We've been quite frustrated with, uh, them 'freedom campers'- making a right mess of the area. Keep leaving their sh*t around the place. These are public places! Where our kids are supposed to play! It's ridiculous. Something has to be done, but they're also reliable customers at my store." complains the local entrepreneur.

"That's definitely a concern we've heard a lot recently. That's largely why we want to introduce a tourism levy. A $20 levy per visitor to our country will make a big difference. We'll be able to provide better resources to freedom campers- like public toilets. That way we can decrease, err, public defecation, without hurting local businesses like yours!" responds /u/tehoncomingstorm97.

"That's pretty choice!" says the man.

/u/tehoncomingstorm97 continues his ride.

lachlandcp / chchubi.txt
Created October 11, 2017 06:40
/u/tehoncomingstorm97 announces the Green Party’s UBI policy for seniors, parents, and youth at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand
# /u/tehoncomingstorm97 announces the Green Party’s UBI policy for seniors, parents, and youth at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand
The young Cantabrians in the crowd cheer as /u/tehoncomingstorm97 takes the stage, while sceptical mothers and seniors, not the Green Party’s usual crowd, applaud politely. Nevertheless, the audience fills the aircraft hall.
“Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa! Thanks for coming out to hear about our brand new Unconditional Basic Income policy on this beautiful Christchurch day!” says /u/tehoncomingstorm97, greeting the warm crowd.
“It’s clear Christchurch has had it tough over the last decade. After the the shocking and devastating set of earthquakes, the region was hit hard. When Christchurch needed the country’s support more than ever, the government committed to underfunding Canterbury’s mental health services, and now Christchurch’s unemployed population is increasing.”
“It’s time that New Zealand starts to support our people better. It’s time that we begin to
lachlandcp /
Created October 9, 2017 03:05
Press Release: Green Party co-leaders condemn NZ First's new radical nationalism and call for genocide

"We thought New Zealand had closed the door for good on radical ethnic nationalism and backwards conservatism after the conclusion of World War 2." says Green Party co-leader /u/imnofox, in response to a recent political rally by New Zealand First.

"While New Zealand First has always held an anti-immigration position, this sudden pivot to white ethno-nationalism and, I can't actually believe I'm having to say this, but, genocide shows that New Zealand First no longer believes in the principles of coexistance and multi-culturalism this country was founded on when Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed in 1840." says /u/imnofox.

The speech by New Zealand First candidate /u/DestroyDecadence called for "the purge of degenerate filth from our great Western culture", a direct call for genocide against LGBTQ+ and minorities, including tangata whenua.

"Even when considering the colonial abuse of tangata whenua, New Zealand certainly was not founded on a belief in genocide." stated /u/UncookedMeatloaf, clearly exasperat

Green Party List

  1. UncookedMeatloaf
  2. imnofox
  3. tehoncomingstorm97
  4. Emass100
  5. davidblacksheep
  6. TheLoyalOrder
  7. BedroomTissue
function procCmd(cmd) {
if (cmd.toLowerCase() == "kill chicken") {
// 10 refers to the entity TYPE, not an actual entity. It works for spawning entities, but not for referencing them
// We need to cycle through every entity in the world, and kill it if it's a chicken.
var all_entities = Entity.getAll();
var i;
for (i = 0, i < all_entities.length, i++) {
if (Entity.getEntityTypeId(all_entities[i]) == EntityType.CHICKEN) { // EntityType.CHICKEN is the same as 10
Entity.setHealth(all_entities[i], 0);
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
// args = ["tp", "colonies", "ci"]; length: 3
List<String> returnArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> allOptions = somehowGetPossibleArguments();
String[] protectionNameStrings = new String[args.length - 1]{};
// args, 1 = point in args array to start at, copying to protectionNameStrings, point in protectionNameStrings array to copy to, array length - 1

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am imnofox on github.
  • I am imnofox ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDk1ulHVVTVLmdRztNFk8-H1eLneF91Z7cpTzK0mhOmUQo

To claim this, I am signing this object: