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Created October 12, 2017 10:11
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/u/tehoncomingstorm97 goes on a cycling tour of Taupo to discuss the issues that matter to locals

As he rides around the lake, he talks to a local fish and chip store owner.

"We've been quite frustrated with, uh, them 'freedom campers'- making a right mess of the area. Keep leaving their sh*t around the place. These are public places! Where our kids are supposed to play! It's ridiculous. Something has to be done, but they're also reliable customers at my store." complains the local entrepreneur.

"That's definitely a concern we've heard a lot recently. That's largely why we want to introduce a tourism levy. A $20 levy per visitor to our country will make a big difference. We'll be able to provide better resources to freedom campers- like public toilets. That way we can decrease, err, public defecation, without hurting local businesses like yours!" responds /u/tehoncomingstorm97.

"That's pretty choice!" says the man.

/u/tehoncomingstorm97 continues his ride.

He meets a young 18 year old couple.

"We're quite worried at the moment. Both of us are moving off to university next year, and we're quite worried about our finances. Can be quite hard to balance studies and employment!" says one of them.

"Well, you're in luck" states /u/tehoncomingstorm97. "We have two great ideas to help people in your situation. The first is that we will progressively lower tertiary education fees, so that you don't have to spend as much to go to university. The second is that our youth UBI policy will give every New Zealander between 18-21 $155 per week, no questions asked. It's an investment in this country's future".

"Wow, that's perfect!", "I like it." the two say.

He continues his ride.

An old Māori woman approaches him.

"I'm quite concerned about our tamariki missing out on te reo Māori. It's very important to me that the next generation embraces this taonga we've worked so hard to preserve." she slowly says.

"We share that concern too" replies /u/tehoncomingstorm97. "That's why we're the only party with a credible policy on introducing mandatory te reo into our education system. We want every New Zealand child to be able to learn te reo Māori by 2030 as a mandatory subject up until year 10. It's part of what makes this country unique."

"Oh my, that's just perfect." cries the woman.

/u/tehoncomingstorm97 continues his cycle.

"Dude, you gonna do anything about cannabis?" asks one young man.

/u/tehoncomingstorm97 laughs. "Of course!", he says. "We're already working to legalise cannabis for 'medicinal purposes' [he winks here], but we definitely have the intention of first moving to a legalised sharing system, so you can grow it for your friends, before later moving on to a regulated industry. It's 2017, and weed works."

"Hell yeah!" exclaims the clearly excited guy.

/u/tehoncomingstorm97 is tired from riding for most of the day, discussing the issues and the solutions with locals. A positive day, he thinks.

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