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Hacking Cloud Foundry

Lakshman Diwaakar lakshmantgld

Hacking Cloud Foundry
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lakshmantgld /
Last active May 2, 2024 04:24
Free Sales Tax API based on Postal code by Avalara

Sales Tax API

There are many companies providing sales tax API. Out of all the companies, Avalara offers free API service for sales Tax. This gist is all about setting up avalara API and querying it.

The Free-To-Use API by avalara has some restrictions. Usage of this API is subject to rate limits. Users who exceed the rate limit will receive HTTP response code 429 - Too Many Requests. The requirement for this API is to create an avalara free trail account. You can create a free account using this link create free account.

Once you have filled the form from above link, you will get an e-mail containing temporary credentials to login the avalara account. The e-mail will look something like this:

Avalara e-mail

lakshmantgld /
Last active February 7, 2024 03:57
Configuring slack webhook

A Webhook, in simple terms, is a user-defined HTTP callback. It is a mechanism for the system to notify you about an event. In our case, we need to send messages to a particular channel in slack. Slack calls in Incoming Webhook. It is a mechanism to send messages to your Slack Channel from external sources. These external sources could be any application or service that is capable of sending a JSON payload over HTTP into a Slack Channel. Each Channel will be identified by a unique Incoming Webhook URL to which you can post the message from outside. This configuration is done via the Integrations for your channel.

Steps to create a incoming webhook in Slack:

  1. Naviagte to the Incoming Webhook URL. Click the hyper link incoming webhook integration below the heading Incoming Webhooks.
  2. You will be asked to enter your team URL, followed by your slack credentials.
  3. Once you have completed the above step, you will see the wizard kind of webpage to
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda is know for its infinite ║ - Fundamentally Lolo Code is different ║
║ scaling capability. Theoretically, ║ from lambda as the application/function ║
║ It can handle hundreds of thousands ║ container will always be running. ║
║ of events in a second. (Although there ║ ║
║ is a cold start associated with it) ║ - As per the docs, One Lolo Compute ║
║ ║ Unit(LCU) with 256 MB ram can handle 15 ║
║ - The first time you invoke your ║ thousand events per second. If the ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda is cost-efficient, infinitely ║ - Less to no cold starts in Lolo as the ║
║ scalable, serverless, but let's accept ║ container is live always and will not be ║
║ the fact that, they do have some ║ killed in case of inactivity. ║
║ drawbacks. One such drawback is cold ║ ║
║ start. Cold starts in Lambda ║ - Fundamentally Lolo code is different ║
║ are frustrating. ║ from Lambda as the application/function ║
║ ║ container will always be running. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Cold start is an issue with Lambda ║ - Ability to develop/test code locally and ║
║ If we take the asynchronous use case, ║ the lack of DevOps capabilities is a ║
║ cold start is definitely not an ║ drawback, but as per the docs it is in their ║
║ issue, but only for time-sensitive ║ pipeline. Also, considering the target ║
║ use cases. ║ customers for Lolo, building functions in ║
║ ║ the visual IDE could be a great start. ║
║ - Complicated pricing. Lambdas are ║ ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Serverless, thus less operational ║ - Same as Lambda, Lolo is ║
║ management required. ║ Serverless too, thus less operational ║
║ ║ management required. ║
║ - Infinitely scalable - Developers ║ ║
║ don't have to bother about adding ║ - Visual Cloud IDE helps the ║
║ any infra resources during sudden ║ non-developers and beginners to easily ║
║ outburst of traffic. ║ build backends for their application. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambdas are billed per invocation. ║ - Pricing is straightforward. With Lolo ║
║ Although the billing is complex, as ║ you are not paying per invocation, ║
║ it also depends on the memory used ║ you pay for the amount of traffic you ║
║ and the execution time. ║ need to process every second. Serverless ║
║ ║ application runs on Lolo compute ║
║ - To make it even complex, if used ║ unit (LCU). Each LCU has 256 MB RAM. ║
║ along with API Gateway for HTTP ║ Each compute unit costs €9/month. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Use cases depend on the supported ║ - Use cases depend on the supported ║
║ triggers. Lambda supports triggers such ║ triggers. Lolo supports triggers such ║
║ as HTTP, SDK invocation, timer, etc., ║ as HTTP, web sockets, timer, etc., ║
║ ║ ║
║ - As mentioned, there are numerous use ║ - Like Lambda, there are numerous use ║
║ cases for Lambda, it is up to one's ║ cases for Lolo too. It is up to one's ║
║ imagination. ║ imagination. ║
║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ - Lambda's programming model is ║ - Lolo supports application state and the ║
║ stateless. ║ state can be retrieved and updated by ║
║ ║ all the functions in the Lolo application. ║
║ - But lambda can access stateful data ║ ║
║ from stateful services such as ║ - Ran both stateful and stateless ║
║ Dynamo DB and Redis. ║ application in Lolo, there wan't a huge ║
║ ║ difference in the response time. ║
║ Criteria ║ AWS Lambda ║ Lolo Code ║
║ Chaining ║ Does not have the ability ║ Can chain functions and triggers ║
║ of ║ to chain functions. ║ to build a serverless application ║
║ Functions ║ ║ ║
║ Visual ║ Does not have the Visual cloud ║ Has the Visual cloud IDE where ║
║ Cloud IDE ║ IDE to drag and drop functions ║ developers can drag-and-drop ║
║ ║ ║ functions to create serverless ║