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Last active October 18, 2024 05:44
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Apple Keynote: export presenter notes
-- after saving it, open with Script Editor (default) and run it
-- make sure your Keynote presentation is open in the background
-- if you can't open the file due to encoding errors, open with Sublime (or another a text editor) and then "File / Save with encoding / UTF8"
tell application "Keynote"
-- open (choose file)
tell front document
-- Get the name of the presentation.
set thePresentationName to name
-- Retrieve the titles of all slides.
set theTitles to object text of default title item of every slide
-- Retrieve the presenter notes for all slides.
set theNotes to presenter notes of every slide
end tell
end tell
set presenterNotes to ""
repeat with a from 1 to length of theTitles
-- skip slides with empty notes
if not (item a of theNotes) = "" then
set presenterNotes to presenterNotes & "#### Slide " & a & ": " & item a of theTitles & return & return
set presenterNotes to presenterNotes & "##### Presenter Notes: " & return & item a of theNotes & return & return
end if
end repeat
set the clipboard to presenterNotes
do shell script "pbpaste > ~/Desktop/keynote-notes-" & quoted form of thePresentationName & ".md"
-- based on
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Epic script to replace the older version, was having to back save keynotes to the 09 version until now. Pasted straight into script editor and it worked perfectly.

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For anyone who doe not want "skipped" slides to appear in the export, here is a version that accounts for that:

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Is there a way to exclude skipped slides?

Just add whose skipped is false at the end of the two lines that retrieve the titles and the presenter notes

set theTitles to object text of default title item of every slide whose skipped is false
set theNotes to presenter notes of every slide whose skipped is false

Or as seen in Script Editor

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Thank you, so useful

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Used it today with Keynote 14 and Ventura. Thanks again.

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