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isaacs /
Last active June 18, 2024 18:27
Use one of these techniques to install node and npm without having to sudo. Discussed in more detail at Note: npm >=0.3 is *safer* when using sudo.
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/local
mkdir ~/node-latest-install
cd ~/node-latest-install
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=~/local
make install # ok, fine, this step probably takes more than 30 seconds...
curl | sh
gdamjan / record_to_list.hrl
Created October 8, 2011 19:45
An erlang macro that creates a function to convert a record to a key-value list
%%% This macro will create a function that converts a record to
%%% a {key, value} list (a proplist)
fun(Val) ->
Fields = record_info(fields, Record),
[_Tag| Values] = tuple_to_list(Val),
lists:zip(Fields, Values)
utsengar /
Created October 11, 2011 00:27
Encode a file to base64 binary in Java
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
private String encodeFileToBase64Binary(String fileName)
throws IOException {
File file = new File(fileName);
byte[] bytes = loadFile(file);
byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes);
String encodedString = new String(encoded);
jboner / latency.txt
Last active July 5, 2024 02:48
Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
Latency Comparison Numbers (~2012)
L1 cache reference 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict 5 ns
L2 cache reference 7 ns 14x L1 cache
Mutex lock/unlock 25 ns
Main memory reference 100 ns 20x L2 cache, 200x L1 cache
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy 3,000 ns 3 us
Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network 10,000 ns 10 us
Read 4K randomly from SSD* 150,000 ns 150 us ~1GB/sec SSD
killercup / pandoc.css
Created July 3, 2013 11:31
Add this to your Pandoc HTML documents using `--css pandoc.css` to make them look more awesome. (Tested with Markdown and LaTeX.)
* I add this to html files generated with pandoc.
html {
font-size: 100%;
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
pofider / 01-ebs.config
Created September 10, 2015 15:14
Attach EBS volume to amazon elastic beanstalk
# .ebextensions/01-ebs.config
command: if ! mount | grep /media/ebs_volume > /dev/nul; then rm -rf /media/ebs_volume; fi
command: aws ec2 attach-volume --region eu-central-1 --volume-id vol-ddb08e34 --instance-id $(curl -s --device /dev/sdh
ignoreErrors: true
command: sleep 10
gaearon / slim-redux.js
Last active May 5, 2024 15:14
Redux without the sanity checks in a single file. Don't use this, use normal Redux. :-)
function mapValues(obj, fn) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = fn(obj[key], key);
return result;
}, {});
function pick(obj, fn) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => {
if (fn(obj[key])) {
vasanthk / System
Last active July 4, 2024 15:09
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
joelittlejohn / test.clj
Last active July 3, 2023 21:08
Dynamically generate clojure.test deftests (and other tricks)
(ns dynamic.test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))
;; This example shows how tests can be generated dynamically, by
;; creating new vars with the correct metadata.
(defn add-test
"Add a test to the given namespace. The body of the test is given as
the thunk test-fn. Useful for adding dynamically generated deftests."
[name ns test-fn & [metadata]]
CodeMyUI / index.html
Created November 10, 2017 01:20
Pure CSS Drawer Menu with overlay
<label for="DrawerMenuTrigger" class="OpenMenuButton">OPEN MENU</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="DrawerMenuTrigger" hidden>
<aside class="DrawerMenu">
<div class="MenuContainer">
<nav class="Menu">
<h2 class="Menu__Title">Awesome CSS Menu</h2>
<a href="#">Menu Item 01</a>