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Lance Gatlin lancegatlin

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object FutureOps extends FutureOps
trait FutureOps {
def toTry[A](self: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Try[A]] = {
val p = Promise[Try[A]]()
self onComplete { case result => p.success(result) }
def takeFirstMatch[A](futures: Traversable[Future[A]], predicate: A => Boolean)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext): Future[Option[A]] = {
if(futures.nonEmpty) {
val promise = Promise[Option[A]]()
//read a file and build a concordance list of the tokens in the file
//there's gotta be a nicer way to do this
def two(fileName:String) = {
val chunkSize = 1024
// read in chunkSize lines into memory at once
// From:
lancegatlin / submatrix
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06 — forked from ghidalgo3/submatrix
// note: more efficient way to store matrix is a class that uses internal Buffer[Double] of size row * columns
//submatrix determination for calculating determinants of matrices
def submatrix[A](i : Int, j : Int, matrix : Array[Array[A]]) = {
//returns a new array of size n-1 with the ith index removed
def remove[A](index : Int, arr: Seq[A]): Seq[A] = {
// Note: removing the ith index from a sequence is considered highly inefficient and to be avoided whenever possible
arr.take(index) ++ arr.drop(index+1)
package org.lancegatlin
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scalaz._
import Id._
import std._
import scalaz.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
package s_mach.string.impl
import s_mach.string._
object GridOps {
def grid_rowCount[T](self: Grid[T]) : Int =
def grid_columnCount[T](self: Grid[T]) : Int =
package s_mach.codetools.bigcaseclass
import s_mach.string._
object BigCaseClassPrinter {
def print(name: String, fields: Vector[CaseClassField]) : String = {
val subCaseClasses = fields.grouped(CASECLASS_MAX_FIELDS).toVector
_1 : Licensee.Licensee1,
object test {
trait Nullable
type MaybeNullBase[A >: Null] = {
type inner = A
type MaybeNull[A >: Null] = MaybeNullBase[A] with Null
object NotNull {
@inline def apply[A >: Null](a: A): MaybeNull[A] = a.asInstanceOf[MaybeNull[A]]
import scala.languageFeature.higherKinds
trait Var[A] {
def isSet : Boolean
def :=(a: A) : Unit
def unset() : Unit
def toOption: Option[A]
def assumeSetAndGet : A
trait Exec[F[_]] extends Monad[F] {
Execute a block of code in in the context of F
F may execute code block asynchronously, synchronously or may suspend execution.
Note: if F suspends execution, this typeclass does not define how to execute the suspended code
F may capture effects or may not capture effects
F may catch exceptions or may not catch exceptions
| |
| Orientation = face-away |
| ••••• = hold key |
| ▒▒▒▒▒ = unassigned |
| ▒▒▒▒* = mouse button |
.-------------------. |
| ▒▒▒▒* ▒▒▒▒* ▒▒▒▒* | |
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