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Last active October 30, 2020 20:49
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package foo.common.algorithms.geometry
import foo.common.structures.geometry.{
InfiniteVector, PointPosition
object ManifoldUtils {
// Input matrix describes first (n-1) lines of n*n matrix,
// result is a sequence of cofactors for determinant of n*n matrix, computed along last (now unknown) row
// so, to find n*n matrix determinant, simply call:
// val cofactorsFunc = getCofactors(...)
// val determinant = cofactorsFunc(lastLine)
// - this gives a determinant value for matrix with last line described in lastLine sequence of values
// P.S. - if someone could change this implementation to tail-recursion or trampoline call, i'm gonna buy him a beer or coffee (or icecream).
def getCofactors(matrix : Seq[Seq[Double]]) : Seq[Double] => Double = {
def innerFunction(lines : Seq[Seq[Double]], multiplier : Double) : Seq[Double] = lines match {
case Seq() => Seq(0)
case Seq(Seq(x, y)) => Seq(y * multiplier, - x * multiplier)
case _ => {
val indicesAndSignatures = lines.head.foldLeft((0, 1, Seq[(Int, Int)]())) {
case ((index, permutationSignature, indicesAndSignaturesSeq), _) => (index + 1, -permutationSignature, indicesAndSignaturesSeq ++ Seq((index, permutationSignature)))
case (index, sign) => {
val determinant =
{case (cell, cellColumnIndex) if cellColumnIndex != index => cell}
val multipliers = innerFunction(determinant.tail, multiplier * sign)
(determinant.head, multipliers) _ * _ ).foldLeft(0.0) ( _ + _ )
val cofactors = innerFunction(matrix, 1)
(cofactors, _ : Seq[Double]) * _ ).foldLeft(0.0) ( _ + _ )
def updateSimplices(s : Simplex, v : GeometryVector) : Seq[Simplex] = {
if (s.isFlat) {
println("in updateSimplices with flat simplex")
if (s.getPosition(v) == PointPosition.LaysOutside) {
val (p, tr) = s.iterateThroughVertices().toSeq.filter({case (p, triangle) =>
val testFunc = ManifoldUtils.getCofactors((triangle ++ Seq(InfiniteVector(4))).map(_.toSeq))
testFunc(v.toSeq)*testFunc(p.toSeq) < 0.0001
val temp = new Simplex(tr :+ v)
if (temp.getPosition(p)==PointPosition.LaysOutside)
return Seq(s, temp)
updateSimplices(Seq(s), v)
/*s.iterateThroughVertices().filter(x => {
val testFunc = ManifoldUtils.getCofactors((x._2 ++ Seq(InfiniteVector(3))).map(_.toSeq) )
testFunc(v.toSeq)* testFunc(x._1.toSeq) > 0.0
} ).map(x => new Simplex(x._2 ++ Seq(v)) ).toSet.toSeq*/
def updateSimplices(ss : Seq[Simplex], v : GeometryVector) : Seq[Simplex] = {
for (s<-ss)
if (s.isFlat) {
println("in updateSimplices with flat simplex")
//println("updateSimplices: "+ss.size)
val all_vertices = ss.flatMap(_.vertices).toSet.toSeq
val all_triangles = ss.flatMap(_.getTriangles())
val unique_triangles = all_triangles.toSet.toSeq.diff(all_triangles.diff(all_triangles.toSet.toSeq).toSet.toSeq)
//println( "unprocessed: "+ss.size+" all " + all_triangles.size + " , unique: " + unique_triangles.size)
unique_triangles.filter(triangle => {
val testFunc = ManifoldUtils.getCofactors((triangle.toSeq ++ Seq(InfiniteVector(3))).map(_.toSeq))
val testFunc2 : Seq[Double] => Double = testFunc(_) * testFunc(v.toSeq)
all_vertices.filter(vert=>{testFunc(vert.toSeq).abs > 0.0001})
.foldLeft(true) {
case (acc, vertex) => acc && (
}).map(x=>new Simplex(x.toSeq++Seq(v))).toSet.toSeq
def updateSimplices(s : Simplex, v : GeometryVector) : Seq[Simplex] = {
val pointPosition = s.getPosition(v)
if (pointPosition == PointPosition.LaysOutside) {
val positioningResult = s.iterateThroughVertices().filter(x => {
val testFunc = ManifoldUtils.getCofactors((x._2 ++ Seq(InfiniteVector(3))).map(_.toSeq) )
testFunc(v.toSeq)* testFunc(x._1.toSeq) > 0.0
} )
if (positioningResult.size == 4) {
return s.getTriangles().map(triangle => {
new Simplex(triangle.toSeq ++ Seq(v))
//.map(x => new Simplex(x._2 ++ Seq(v)) ).toSet.toSeq
/** finds Hausdorff distance for discrete sets of n-dimentional euclidean space vectors, not between actual manifolds */
def getDiscreteHausdorffDistance(manifold1 : Seq[GeometryVector], manifold2: Seq[GeometryVector]) : Double = {
val pointsWithMinDistance = manifold1.foldLeft((
)) {
case ((point1, point2, distance), currentPoint1 : GeometryVector) => {
val currentPoint2 = manifold2.minBy(currentPoint1.distanceTo(_))
if (currentPoint1.distanceTo(currentPoint2) < distance)
(currentPoint1, currentPoint2, currentPoint1.distanceTo(currentPoint2))
else (point1, point2, distance)
/**helper method - temporary - gets all Simplices and returns list of line segments from them*/
def convertSimplicesToLines(manifold : Seq[Simplex]) : Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] = {
(x : Set[GeometryVector]) => x.toSeq
case Seq(x, y) => (x, y)
}).toSeq //there may be still equal line segments
/** helper method for finding preferred pairs of points with given metrics*/
def reduceLeftBy(sequence
: Seq[(Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] ) ],
isFirstArgPreferredFunc : (Double, Double) => Boolean)
: (Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] ) = sequence match {
case Seq() => null
case _ => {
sequence.tail.foldLeft(sequence.head) {
case ((currentNearestDistance, currentPairsOfNearestPoints), (distance, pairsOfPoints)) => {
if (isFirstArgPreferredFunc(distance, currentNearestDistance))
(distance, pairsOfPoints)
else {
if (isFirstArgPreferredFunc(currentNearestDistance, distance))
(currentNearestDistance, currentPairsOfNearestPoints)
else {
(currentNearestDistance, (pairsOfPoints ++ currentPairsOfNearestPoints).distinct)
def reduceLeftByMax(sequence : Seq[(Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] )] ) = reduceLeftBy(sequence, {case (x : Double, y : Double) => x > y})
def reduceLeftByMin(sequence : Seq[(Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] )] ) = reduceLeftBy(sequence, {case (x : Double, y : Double) => x < y})
/** simplest implementation with line segments and point. finds minimum distance to given manifold possible*/
def getHausdorffDistance(point : GeometryVector, manifold : Seq[Simplex]) : Double = {
val lineSegments = convertSimplicesToLines(manifold)
lineSegments.foldLeft(point.distanceTo(lineSegments.head._1)) {
case (nearestDistance, (point1, point2)) => {
Seq(nearestDistance, point.distanceTo(point1), point.distanceTo(point2)).min
/** */
def getHausdorffDistance(lineSegment : (GeometryVector, GeometryVector),
manifold : Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)])
: (Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] ) = {
val points = =>
getNearestPointsForHausdorffDistance(lineSegment._1, lineSegment._2, x._1, x._2)
).map(x => (x._1.distanceTo(x._2), Seq(x) ))
def getNearestPointsForHausdorffDistance(p1 : GeometryVector, p2 : GeometryVector,
p3 : GeometryVector, p4 : GeometryVector
) = {
val nearestPoints = getNearestPoints(p1, p2, p3, p4)
if (nearestPoints._1.distanceTo(nearestPoints._2) < Seq(p1.distanceTo(p2), p3.distanceTo(p4)).max) {
Seq((p1, p3), (p2, p3), (p1, p4), (p2, p4)).maxBy(x => x._1.distanceTo(x._2))
else {
/** finds Hausdorff distance for fiven set of Simplices (Tetrahedras, Triangles, etc.)*/
def getHausdorffDistanceDirect(manifold1 : Seq[Simplex], manifold2: Seq[Simplex])
: (Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)]) = {
println("-in Hausdorff dist1")
val lineSegments1 = convertSimplicesToLines(manifold1)
val lineSegments2 = convertSimplicesToLines(manifold2)
println("after converting to lines")
val minimalDistancesToPoints =
getHausdorffDistance(_, lineSegments2) : (Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)])
//println("minimalDistancesToPoints " + minimalDistancesToPoints.size)
/**method find symmetrical Hausdorff distance for given manifolds*/
def getHausdorffDistance(manifold1 : Seq[Simplex], manifold2: Seq[Simplex])
: (Double, Seq[(GeometryVector, GeometryVector)] ) = {
println("in Hausdorff dist")
getHausdorffDistanceDirect(manifold1, manifold2),
getHausdorffDistanceDirect(manifold2, manifold1)
/**for given pair of vector, compute: 1. projection of 1st to 2nd; 2. orthogonal 1st part */
def getProjections(v1 : GeometryVector, v2 : GeometryVector) = {
val collinear = v2*((v1*v2)/(v2*v2))
(v1 - collinear, collinear)
def getDistance(triangle : Set[GeometryVector], p4: GeometryVector) : Double = triangle.toSeq match {
case Seq(p1, p2, p3) => {
getDistance((p1, p2, p3), p4) :Double
def getDistance(triangle : (GeometryVector, GeometryVector, GeometryVector), p4: GeometryVector) : Double = {
val (p1, p2, p3) = triangle
val (ortho, collinear) = getProjections(p2-p1, p3-p1)
val (o1, c1) = getProjections(p4 - p1, ortho)
val (o2, c2) = getProjections(o1, collinear)
def getDistance(s : Simplex, p : GeometryVector) : Double = {
if (s.getPosition(p) != PointPosition.LaysOutside)
return -s.getTriangles().map(getDistance(_, p)).max
s.getTriangles().map(getDistance(_, p)).min
/** finds 2 nearest points for 2 line segments, defined by pairs of points p1, p2 and p3, p4 */
def getNearestPoints(
p1 : GeometryVector,
p2 : GeometryVector,
p3 : GeometryVector,
p4 : GeometryVector
) : (GeometryVector, GeometryVector) = {
def getPoint(p1 : GeometryVector, p2 : GeometryVector, k : Double) : GeometryVector =
if (k <= 0) p1 else {if (k >= 1) p2 else p1 + (p2 - p1) * k }
val p4_3 = p4 - p3
val p2_1 = p2 - p1
val p1_3 = p1 - p3
val l1 = p2_1 * p2_1
val l2 = p4_3 * p4_3
val l12 = p2_1 * p4_3
val lineVectorsAreOrthogonal = l12 == 0 // FIX: this can be very small value due to computation inaccuracy
if (lineVectorsAreOrthogonal) {
//val k1 = ((p3 - p1) * (p2 - p1)) / ((p2 - p1) * (p2 - p1))
//if (k1 > 0 && k1 < 1)
val k1 = - (p1_3 * p2_1) / l1
val k2 = (p1_3 * p4_3) / l2
val point1 = getPoint(p1, p2, k1)
val point2 = getPoint(p3, p4, k2)
(point1, point2)
else {
val linesAreParallel = (l2 * l1 - l12 * l12) == 0 // FIX: this can also be very small value
if (linesAreParallel) {
val k1 = - (p1_3 * p2_1) / l1 // p3
val k11 = - ((p1 - p4) * p2_1) / l1 // p4
val k2 = - ((p3 - p1) * p4_3) / l2 // p1
val k22 = -((p3 - p2) * p4_3) / l2 // p2
val pp3 = getPoint(p1, p2, k1)
val pp4 = getPoint(p1, p2, k11)
val pp1 = getPoint(p3, p4, k2)
val pp2 = getPoint(p3, p4, k22)
Seq((p1, pp1), (p2, pp2), (pp3, p3), (pp4, p4)).minBy(x => x._1.distanceTo(x._2))
else {
val k1 = - (l1 * (p1_3 * p4_3) - l12 * (p1_3 * p2_1)) / (l1 * l2 - l12 * l12)
val k2 = (l2 * (p1_3 * p2_1) - l12 * (p1_3 * p4_3)) / (l2 * l1 - l12 * l12)
val point1 = getPoint(p1, p2, k1)
val point2 = getPoint(p3, p4, k2)
(point1, point2)
(_ * _) - scala за такие синтаксические конструкции следует номинировать на звание официального языка 2020 года
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