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lawnsea / nodejs_worker_threads.d.ts
Created February 21, 2019 20:42 — forked from rsms/nodejs_worker_threads.d.ts
NodeJS worker_threads TypeScript typings
declare module "worker_threads" {
export var isMainThread: bool
export var parentPort: null | MessagePort
export var threadId: int
export var threadId: int
export var workerData: any
export interface Worker {
readonly threadId: int
readonly stdin: stream.Writable | null
lawnsea /
Last active January 2, 2021 08:26
A discussion of the challenges I anticipate we will face creating a widely useful system based on a virtual DOM running in a web worker

I have been watching the current discussions about running a virtual DOM in a web worker with a great deal of interest. In 2011, I built a research project, [Treehouse][] ([USENIX Talk][] ([DOMTRIS][] demo at 20:25), [paper][]), which ran a hacked-up version of jsdom in a worker. My goal was fine-grained containment of untrusted scripts, while still providing access to browser APIs that existing code expected.

Treehouse achieved a small amount of influence in academic circles, but it had problems and was ultimately unsuccessful. Virtual DOMs were not a widespread or well-understood idea at the time, so the advantages of running one in a worker

lawnsea / pollUntil-timeout-bug.js
Created December 5, 2014 04:09
This is an Intern test suite that demonstrates a bug in Leadfoot's pollUntil helper
function (tdd, pollUntil) {
tdd.suite('pollUntil', function () {
tdd.test('should call the errback if it times out', function () {
return this.get('remote')
.then(pollUntil(function () {

XXX: this will not work

the callback can go cause trouble, calling other functions, including awaitCallback. this is a non-starter.

instead, something like this might be the place to start:

var awaiter = new Awaiter;
setTimeout(awaiter, 100);
// any args that would have been passed to the callback are returned
lawnsea /
Last active September 29, 2020 10:19
Hitching in a Web Worker


We would like to observe changes to the DOM and, for each changed element el, call one or more functions f1, f2, ..., fn, passing el as an argument to each. For each function, if it returns true, add a CSS class C to el, and otherwise remove class C from el.


Register a mutation observer on the root element of the DOM. The mutation observer is responsible for tracking the "generation" of all elements in the DOM and for marshalling MutationRecords to a Web Worker. Specifically:

  1. For each mutation:
  • increment the generation of the mutated element and its ancestors
lawnsea / Player.js
Last active December 18, 2015 17:19 — forked from Rich-Harris/Player.js
var Player = (function () {
var Player, generateGuid, maxCoins, secrets, get, set, cashIn;
maxCoins = 100;
// via
generateGuid = function () {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r, v;
lawnsea / PLANZ
Created October 25, 2012 15:07
Beer.js plans: 25 Oct 2012
I can't fit everyone's handles in a single tweet, so let's do this here.
Info so far:
- Alex is carless and will be south of the river, downtown
- Aaron will show up btwn 8 and 9
- Lon is available after 6:45
- Dave and Garann are out
I propose two options:
- HH and food trucks on the East side, starting 6:30ish (we'll need to transport Alex)