Paired explaining Spacemacs basics and how to move around files, lines, and projects. Got these two awesome commands back from the other person!
- go to definition
- jumps to previous locations
Scheduled time slot this afternoon.
Found Haste which could help us a lot in writing our website to learn why haskell matters.
Continuing from yesterday after some advices.
As an example, I've included the solution to the first exercise.
appendRev [] ys
for any listys
. Use substitution. appendRev [] ys == append (rev []) ys (def of appendRev) == append [] ys (def of rev) == ys (def of append)Calculate appendRev (x:xs) ys in a similar manner.
appendRev (x:xs) ys
== append (rev (x:xs)) ys (appendRev)
== append (append (rev xs) [x]) ys (rev)
== ((rev xs) ++ [x]) ++ ys (using ++ instead of append)
== (rev xs) ++ ([x] ++ ys) (grouping using associative property)
append [x] ys (back to append)
x:(append [] ys) (result of append)
== rev xs ++ x:ys
== append (rev xs) (x:ys)
== appendRev xs (x:ys) (appendRev)
- Reimplement appendRev using (1) and (2).
appendRev :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
appendRev [] ys = ys
appendRev (x:xs) ys = appendRev xs (x:ys)
- Reimplement rev to use appendRev from (3).
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev xs = appendRev xs []
Divide and conquer example algorithm:
- base case - simple as possible
- divide until you get to the base case
sum([1, 2, 3])
is the same as
1 + sum([2, 3])
1 + 2 + sum([3])
1 + 2 + 3 + sum([])
1 + 2 + 3 + 0 = 6
quicksort [] -> easy
quicksort [1] -> easy
so base case is [] or [1]
^ is the pivot
[ 33, 15, 10 ]
[15, 10] 33 [] <- partitioning step!
[15, 10] 33 []
[10] 15 [] 33 []
10 15 33
done! So:
- pick a pivot
- partition: less than pivot, greater than the pivot
- recurse on sub arrays!
O(n log n) ... even though worst case takes O(n^2)
The best way to get the average case is to take a random element as the pivot, half of the times the pivot element will be from the center haf of the sorted array.
You got to be unlucky to always pick the worst pivot, so having randomised algorithms is like playing a game that we are always going to win.
quicksort = (array) => {
if (array.length <= 1) return array
let pivotIndex = getPivotIndex(array.length),
pivot = array[pivotIndex],
lessThan = [],
greaterThan = []
array.forEach((n, index) => {
if (index === pivotIndex) return
n <= pivot ? lessThan.push(n) : greaterThan.push(n)
return quicksort(lessThan)
getPivotIndex = n => Math.floor(Math.random() * n)
Explained the difference between
- unit tests
- integration tests
- smoke tests
when to use them, why, and what benefits do they bring.
- attend first meeting of the security group
- finish the Haskell exercise
- have haste server running
- review JS implementation of Quicksort, discuss with study group
- look into Clojure mutation testing library
- help a fellow recurser to understand how to use AWS services
- game night!