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Last active December 4, 2018 20:22
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import * as winston from 'winston';
import * as Transport from 'winston-transport';
import { CloudWatch, CloudWatchLogs } from 'aws-sdk';
export namespace WinstonCloudWatch {
export type LogObject = {level: string, msg: string, meta?: any};
export interface CloudWatchIntegration {
upload(aws: CloudWatchLogs, groupName: string, streamName: string, logEvents: any[], retentionInDays: number, cb: ((err: Error, data: any) => void)): void;
getToken(aws: CloudWatchLogs, groupName: string, streamName: string, retentionInDays: number, cb: ((err: Error, data: string) => void)): void;
ensureGroupPresent(aws: CloudWatchLogs, name: string, retentionInDays: number, cb: ((err: Error, data: boolean) => void)): void;
getStream(aws: CloudWatchLogs, groupName: string, streamName: string, cb: ((err: Error, data: CloudWatchLogs.Types.DescribeLogStreamsResponse) => void)): void;
ignoreInProgress(cb: ((err: Error) => void)): void;
new(options?: CloudwatchTransportOptions): winston.Logger;
export interface CloudwatchTransportOptions {
level?: string;
logGroupName?: string | (() => string);
logStreamName?: string | (() => string);
awsAccessKeyId?: string;
awsSecretKey?: string;
awsRegion?: string;
awsOptions?: CloudWatch.Types.ClientConfiguration;
jsonMessage?: boolean;
messageFormatter?: (logObject: LogObject) => string;
proxyServer?: string;
uploadRate?: number;
errorHandler?: ((err: Error) => void);
silent?: boolean;
export interface CloudwatchTransportInstance extends winston.Logger {
new(options?: CloudwatchTransportOptions): CloudwatchTransportInstance;
kthxbye(cb: (() => void)): void;
export interface Transports {
CloudWatch: CloudwatchTransportInstance
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