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Last active March 23, 2017 01:57
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[RC Diary] winston-cloudwatch and cerebro (-69)

[RC Diary] winston-cloudwatch bug, jobs, and the little schemer (-69)

Job applications

Tedious. Long. And possibly I'll never even receive a "No." email back. :(

Spent the whole morning doing that.

winston-cloudwatch bug

So... it appears yesterday manual refactor was a bad idea, I've left a non declared variable in a ternary operator and didn't properly cover a branch of it, result was that a user of my library (which configuration was going through that branch), got all of their server crashing as soon as they started.

The problem could be explained with this snippet

true ? console.log('all good') : OMG()

OMG is not defined but that snippet doesn't throw a ReferenceError unless the else branch is evaluated.

The little schemer slow progress

I've been slowly progressing with chapter 5, it's not progressing as fast as I would love it to though. I will probably have to postpone the SICP reading group unless I speed up a bit... which I'm not sure I want to do because I want to get the most out of this book.

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