I think I would like to work for
Where would the likes of Edward Snowden or Noam Chomsky be proud of working at?
Some good progress here, I refactored away and simplified a bit the code that deal with talking with try.purescript.org and some other small refinements, I am pleased about how the whole thing is shaping up! I will have to understand if the content is readable in a simple way.
Slow progress, I now have to approach the most difficult part of the whole thing, which is running code as string into
node vm
Basically I have to code this
new vm.Script([
with also mocha
required stuff passed in the current context, it's not going to be easy, I really hope it works. This
is an all of nothing, if it does not work the whole tool will be extremely slow, it has to work.
[After a few minutes]
Turns out it was easer than I thought! This is the code that did the trick, now it's all about passing the right context:
;; omg my eyes
(let [Script (.-Script js/vm)
script (Script. "1 + 1")]
(.runInContext script context)))
which is ClojureScript for:
new vm.Script("1 + 1").runInContext(context);
Helped a fellow recurser bootstrap tests in his application, giving him a general idea of how it should be done.
- Cerebro
- project lamp
- still need some attention needed for timsort, radix sort, dijkstra algo
- chapter 3 of the little schemer in Clojure
- allow some time to think
- find a new apartment