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Created April 6, 2012 21:43
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PEG.js parser for DCPU-16 assembly language
* Parser for DCPU-16 assembly language.
* This parser should accurately parse all of Notch's example code, and most
* of the community's code.
* It converts instructions to objects with fields {op, params, label}.
* op is the lowercased opcode, params is the parameters passed to it (as
* values), and label is the label prefixing the statement (null if the
* statement is unlabelled).
* Values have a type field and one or two others depending on the type.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Frazier.
* Released under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.
//== Elements of programs ==//
program =
__ first:instruction rest:(__ i:instruction { return i; })* __ {
return [first].concat(rest);
instruction =
label:(label)? __ op:mundaneName __ params:paramList {
return {label: label === "" ? null : label,
op: op.toLowerCase(), params: params}
label =
':' name:mundaneName { return name; }
paramList =
first:value rest:(__ ',' __ v:value { return v; })* {
return [first].concat(rest);
//== Values ==//
value = memoryRef / registerValue / stackRefValue / literalValue / stringData
// 0x00-0x07, 0x1b-0x1d: register
registerValue = name:registerName {
return {type: 'register', name: name};
memoryRef =
('[' __ ref:(
// 0x08-0x0f: registerRef
(name:stdRegisterName {
return {type: 'registerRef', name: name};
}) /
// 0x10-0x17: registerOffset
(offset:(numLiteral / mundaneName) __ '+' __ name:stdRegisterName {
return {type: 'registerOffset', offset: offset, name: name};
}) /
// 0x1e: literalRef
(addr:(numLiteral / mundaneName) {
return {type: 'literalRef', addr: addr};
) __ ']') { return ref; }
// 0x18-0x1a: push, pop, peek
stackRefValue = cmd:stackCommand { return {type: cmd}; }
// 0x1f-0x3f: literal
literalValue = v:(numLiteral / mundaneName) {
return {type: 'literal', value: v};
// not technically a value
stringData = lit:stringLiteral { return {type: 'data', data: lit}; }
//== Names and things ==//
mundaneName = !magicName name:identifier { return name; }
magicName = registerName / stackCommand
registerName = stdRegisterName / specialRegisterName
stdRegisterName = l:[AaBbCcXxYyZzIiJj] !identLetter { return l.toLowerCase(); }
specialRegisterName = name:('PC' / 'pc' /
'SP' / 'sp' /
'O' / 'o'
) !identLetter { return name.toLowerCase(); }
stackCommand = name:('PUSH' / 'push' /
'POP' / 'pop' /
'PEEK' / 'peek'
) !identLetter { return name.toLowerCase(); }
//== Various kinds of literals ==//
identifier "identifier" =
ltrs:identLetter+ { return ltrs.join(""); }
numLiteral "numeric literal" = binLiteral / hexLiteral / decLiteral
decLiteral "decimal literal" =
digits:digit+ { return parseInt(digits.join(""), 10); }
hexLiteral "hex literal" =
'0x' hexits:hexit+ { return parseInt(hexits.join(""), 16); }
binLiteral "binary literal" =
'0b' bits:bit+ { return parseInt(bits.join(""), 2); }
stringLiteral "string literal" = dqString / sqString
dqString =
'"' contents:(
[^"\\] / generalEscape
)+ '"' { return contents.join(""); }
sqString =
"'" contents:(
[^'\\] / generalEscape
)+ "'" { return contents.join(""); }
//== String escapes ==//
generalEscape = bsEscape / fsEscape / tabEscape / nlEscape / crEscape
/ hexEscape / sqEscape / dqEscape
bsEscape = '\\\\' { return '\\'; }
fsEscape = '\\/' { return '/'; }
tabEscape = '\\t' { return '\t'; }
nlEscape = '\\n' { return '\n'; }
crEscape = '\\r' { return '\r'; }
hexEscape = ('\\x' h:hexit l:hexit) {
return String.fromCharCode(
parseInt(h + l, 16)
sqEscape = '\\\'' { return "'"; }
dqEscape = '\\"' { return '"'; }
//== Lexical conventions ==//
// mostly borrowed from the PEG.js parser.pegjs code
__ = (whitespace / eol / comment)*
identLetter "letter/underscore" = [a-zA-Z_]
digit "digit" = [0-9]
hexit "hex digit" = [0-9a-fA-F]
bit "bit" = [01]
comment "comment" =
";" [^\n\r\u2028\u2029]*
eol "line end" =
"\n" / "\r\n" / "\r" / "\u2028" / "\u2029"
whitespace "whitespace" =
[ \t\v\f\u00A0\uFEFF\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]
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To parse assembly code, generate a parser using PEG.js. You can also paste this into and try assembly there.

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