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Created January 7, 2011 19:49
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This is a sample chapter that doesn't make much sense after the first section intended to demonstrate reStructuredText for the Lua cookbook.

Networking with LuaSocket

.. author:: Matthew Frazier <>

The most common library for networking in Lua is LuaSocket by Diego Nehab. In addition to low-level support for communicating directly through sockets, it also includes:

  • HTTP client
  • FTP client
  • SMTP client
  • Mail processing filters
  • URL manipulating functions

LuaSocket is installable via LuaRocks, as explained in :ref:`luarocks`. Many distributions also provide LuaSocket packages.

Socket-Level Programming

To create a TCP socket [1] connected to a particular place, you can use socket.connect, like this:

require 'socket'
local sock = socket.connect("", 80)

From there, you can send and receive on the socket object.

sock:send("GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n")
local data = sock:recv()


Don't EVER actually try to handle HTTP like this! Use socket.http, which we will be covering soon!

You could also use socket.tcp("", 80) and then connect it separately, but this is a shortcut.

[1]There's also UDP, but we're not covering it in this introduction.


Servers are cool! According to some guy we met:

Servers are the whole reason the Internet exists as we know it.

You can create servers by using socket.bind.

Here is a graph about servers.



Everyone is talking about concurrency these days!


One day, there was this guy named why the lucky stiff. Unfortunately, before concurrency became popular, he disappeared and no one has heard from him sense. Which is too bad, because he probably would have come up with a good way to do concurrency no one had thought of before.

Some of the ways people have thought of for being concurrent are:

  1. Multithreading.
  2. Having multiple processes.
  3. Asynchronous programming.

Fortunately, Lua has something cool you can use for number three: Coroutines! (If you don't know about coroutines, see :ref:`using-coroutines` for more info.)


The program run by the user that talks to clients.
The program that clients talk to.
What most people use nowadays instead of UDP.

Article Title

.. author:: Your Name <>

This is just a blank article. Copy this into one of the chapter folders and rename it. Then, change the reference-name above to an appropriate name people can use to link to your article from within the docs (in this case, they would use :ref:`reference-name`). Change the article title and the author information after the .. author::, then delete this paragraph and start writing.

Copy link

Whoops, it was supposed to display the source, not render it. At least there's a "raw" link.

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