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Last active January 7, 2024 11:58
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Deploy Node.js Apps with Flightplan

##Setup your server (this would ideally be done with automated provisioning)

  • add a deploy user with password-less ssh see this gist
  • install forever npm install -g forever

##Install flightplan

  • npm install -g flightplan
  • in your project folder npm install flightplan --save-dev
  • create a flightplan.js file
var plan = require('flightplan');

var appName = 'node-app';
var username = 'deploy';
var startFile = 'bin/www';

var tmpDir = appName+'-' + new Date().getTime();

// configuration'staging', [
    host: '',
    username: username,
    agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
]);'production', [
    host: '',
    username: username,
    agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
//add in another server if you have more than one
// {
//   host: '',
//   username: username,
//   agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
// }

// run commands on localhost
plan.local(function(local) {
  // uncomment these if you need to run a build on your machine first
  // local.log('Run build');
  // local.exec('gulp build');

  local.log('Copy files to remote hosts');
  var filesToCopy = local.exec('git ls-files', {silent: true});
  // rsync files to all the destination's hosts
  local.transfer(filesToCopy, '/tmp/' + tmpDir);

// run commands on remote hosts (destinations)
plan.remote(function(remote) {
  remote.log('Move folder to root');
  remote.sudo('cp -R /tmp/' + tmpDir + ' ~', {user: username});
  remote.rm('-rf /tmp/' + tmpDir);

  remote.log('Install dependencies');
  remote.sudo('npm --production --prefix ~/' + tmpDir + ' install ~/' + tmpDir, {user: username});

  remote.log('Reload application');
  remote.sudo('ln -snf ~/' + tmpDir + ' ~/'+appName, {user: username});
  remote.exec('forever stop ~/'+appName+'/'+startFile, {failsafe: true});
  remote.exec('forever start ~/'+appName+'/'+startFile);


  • fly staging or fly production

##Take it to the next level Run your node app as a system service so it runs after server reboots

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ronikiko commented Jun 2, 2019

hello all
i get this error why?
localhost ● ok
✈ Local task finished after 16 s
✈ Connecting to 'XXX.XXX.XX.XX'
● Error connecting to 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX': All configured authentication methods failed

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SumitGA commented Oct 31, 2019

I was working on my Vagrant Box and got these issues

localhost ● ok
✈ Local task finished after 16 s
✈ Connecting to 'XXX.XXX.XX.XX'
● Error connecting to 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX': All configured authentication methods failed

The issue was with ssh connection, so I went up to my vagrant config file and added
config.ssh.forward_agent = true

Then I was able to run fly production and deploy to my vagrant box. Also, make sure to check your production server has node and forever installed correctly or else it will not work.

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kennylugo commented Nov 17, 2019

You have to perform a git add . for the first git ls-files to have tracked files. So first git add . then fly production

This worked for me, thanks! Error I was having before was: localhost > rsync: link_stat failed: No such file or directory (2)

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