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Created March 13, 2023 02:58
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2023/03/13 11:55:39 哎大家伙早喽 ---> Hey guys, good morning!
2023/03/13 11:55:41 哎大家伙早喽 ---> Hey guys morning hello
2023/03/13 11:55:42 3月13号星期一 ---> March 13th, Monday.
2023/03/13 11:55:43 3月13号星期一 ---> Monday, March 13th
2023/03/13 11:55:44 我的第一个训练日啊 ---> My first training day.
2023/03/13 11:55:45 我的第一个训练日啊 ---> My first training day!
2023/03/13 11:55:46 身体已经恢复的八、九成了 ---> My body has recovered about 80-90% now.
2023/03/13 11:55:47 身体已经恢复的八、九成了 ---> The body has recovered 80% or 90%
2023/03/13 11:55:48 至少所有的肌肉酸痛都没有了 ---> At least all muscle soreness is gone.
2023/03/13 11:55:49 至少所有的肌肉酸痛都没有了 ---> At least all the muscle soreness is gone
2023/03/13 11:55:50 还会有一些轻微的疲劳感 ---> There may be some slight fatigue.
2023/03/13 11:55:51 还会有一些轻微的疲劳感 ---> There will also be some slight fatigue
2023/03/13 11:55:52 正常啊 ---> Normal.
2023/03/13 11:55:53 正常啊 ---> Normal
2023/03/13 11:55:55 刚才那一段是在新斋桥的商业街地区 ---> Earlier segment was in the commercial district of Shin-Saibashi.
2023/03/13 11:55:56 刚才那一段是在新斋桥的商业街地区 ---> The section just now is in the shopping district of Shinsaibashi
2023/03/13 11:55:57 清晨的这种商业街还是挺魔幻的 ---> This commercial street in the early morning is quite magical.
2023/03/13 11:55:58 清晨的这种商业街还是挺魔幻的 ---> This kind of shopping street in the early morning is still quite magical
2023/03/13 11:55:59 有上班的人 ---> People who have jobs.
2023/03/13 11:56:00 有上班的人 ---> There are people who work
2023/03/13 11:56:02 有赶飞机的游客 ---> Tourists who are in a hurry to catch their flight.
2023/03/13 11:56:03 有赶飞机的游客 ---> Tourists who have a plane to catch
2023/03/13 11:56:04 然后有刚玩完一宿的人 ---> And then there are people who have just finished a night of running.
2023/03/13 11:56:05 然后有刚玩完一宿的人 ---> Then there were people who had just finished playing all night
2023/03/13 11:56:06 是不是 ---> "Is it or isn't it?"
2023/03/13 11:56:07 是不是 ---> Is it
2023/03/13 11:56:08 这周末就是无锡马拉松了 ---> This weekend is the Wuxi Marathon.
2023/03/13 11:56:09 这周末就是无锡马拉松了 ---> This weekend is the Wuxi Marathon
2023/03/13 11:56:10 无锡马拉松是我在国内第一场 ---> Wuxi Marathon is my first race in China.
2023/03/13 11:56:11 无锡马拉松是我在国内第一场 ---> Wuxi Marathon is my first domestic
2023/03/13 11:56:13 正式比赛 ---> Formal competition.
2023/03/13 11:56:13 正式比赛 ---> Official Competition
2023/03/13 11:56:15 进3小时的比赛 ---> A 3-hour race.
2023/03/13 11:56:15 进3小时的比赛 ---> Into the 3 hours of the game
2023/03/13 11:56:17 也是在国内第一场 ---> It's also the first race in the country.
2023/03/13 11:56:18 也是在国内第一场 ---> It is also the first in the country
2023/03/13 11:56:19 非常全力以赴 ---> Go all out
2023/03/13 11:56:20 非常全力以赴 ---> Very full commitment
2023/03/13 11:56:21 我所谓的“入门”之后的比赛 ---> After what I call the "beginner's level" race.
2023/03/13 11:56:22 我所谓的“入门”之后的比赛 ---> My so-called "introductory" competition after
2023/03/13 11:56:24 而且我猜去无锡跑马拉松的可能 ---> And I guess there's a possibility of going to Wuxi to run a marathon.
2023/03/13 11:56:25 而且我猜去无锡跑马拉松的可能 ---> And I guess the possibility of running the marathon in Wuxi
2023/03/13 11:56:27 要去到那个城市的人会比较多 ---> People who want to go to that city will be more numerous, like a marathon race with many participants.
2023/03/13 11:56:28 要去到那个城市的人会比较多 ---> There will be more people going to that city
2023/03/13 11:56:29 因为它毕竟不是一个人口巨大的城市 ---> Because after all, it is not a city with a huge population.
2023/03/13 11:56:30 因为它毕竟不是一个人口巨大的城市 ---> Because after all, it is not a city with a huge population
2023/03/13 11:56:31 今天跟大家聊聊 ---> Today let's talk about.
2023/03/13 11:56:32 今天跟大家聊聊 ---> Talk to you today
2023/03/13 11:56:34 正好我最近的几场比赛 ---> My recent few races happened to be just right.
2023/03/13 11:56:34 正好我最近的几场比赛 ---> It just so happens that my last few matches
2023/03/13 11:56:36 除了去年的北京 ---> Apart from last year's Beijing.
2023/03/13 11:56:36 除了去年的北京 ---> In addition to last year's Beijing
2023/03/13 11:56:38 其实去年的北京都算就是 ---> Actually, last year's Beijing could be considered a marathon.
2023/03/13 11:56:39 其实去年的北京都算就是 ---> In fact, last year's Beijing all count is
2023/03/13 11:56:40 不是在本土参赛 ---> It's not participating in the local competition.
2023/03/13 11:56:41 不是在本土参赛 ---> Not competing on home turf
2023/03/13 11:56:43 因为去年北京住到爸妈那去了 ---> Last year, I moved in with my parents in Beijing.
2023/03/13 11:56:43 因为去年北京住到爸妈那去了 ---> Because last year Beijing to live with Mom and Dad
2023/03/13 11:56:45 跟大家分享分享这些小经验 ---> Let me share these little experiences with everyone.
2023/03/13 11:56:45 跟大家分享分享这些小经验 ---> Share these small experiences with you
2023/03/13 11:56:47 有可能会 ---> It may be possible.
2023/03/13 11:56:48 有可能会 ---> It is possible that
2023/03/13 11:56:49 没有考虑到的一些问题 ---> Some unforeseen issues that were not taken into consideration.
2023/03/13 11:56:50 没有考虑到的一些问题 ---> Some issues not taken into account
2023/03/13 11:56:52 好吗 一会换个视角聊 ---> Okay, let's change our perspective and chat for a while.
2023/03/13 11:56:52 好吗 一会换个视角聊 ---> Okay? We'll talk about it from a different perspective later.
2023/03/13 11:56:54 还是现在去大阪城 ---> It's better to go to Osaka Castle now.
2023/03/13 11:56:55 还是现在去大阪城 ---> Or do you want to go to Osaka Castle now?
2023/03/13 11:56:56 在市区内 ---> Within the city center.
2023/03/13 11:56:57 在市区内 ---> In the city
2023/03/13 11:56:58 得小心一些 ---> Be careful and cautious.
2023/03/13 11:56:59 得小心一些 ---> Gotta be careful
2023/03/13 11:57:00 地下还是有水 ---> There is still water underground.
2023/03/13 11:57:01 地下还是有水 ---> There is still water underground
2023/03/13 11:57:02 下了半宿的雨现在刚刚轻微的停 ---> The rain that lasted for half a night has just stopped slightly.
2023/03/13 11:57:03 下了半宿的雨现在刚刚轻微的停 ---> It has been raining for half a night and now it has just stopped slightly.
2023/03/13 11:57:04 还有一些 ---> There are still some.
2023/03/13 11:57:05 还有一些 ---> And some
2023/03/13 11:57:06 也是水坑比较多 ---> There are also more water pits.
2023/03/13 11:57:07 也是水坑比较多 ---> There are also more puddles
2023/03/13 11:57:09 今天跑的稍微比比赛之前快一点 ---> Today I ran a little faster than before the race.
2023/03/13 11:57:10 今天跑的稍微比比赛之前快一点 ---> Today's run was a little faster than before the race
2023/03/13 11:57:11 已经10多公里了吧 ---> It's already been over 10 kilometers, right?
2023/03/13 11:57:12 已经10多公里了吧 ---> It's already more than 10 km
2023/03/13 11:57:14 我想这周要去参赛的小伙伴 ---> I think the buddy who wants to participate in the competition this week.
2023/03/13 11:57:15 我想这周要去参赛的小伙伴 ---> I think the little ones who are going to compete this week
2023/03/13 11:57:16 如果是从其他城市去 ---> If you are coming from another city.
2023/03/13 11:57:17 如果是从其他城市去 ---> If you are going from another city
2023/03/13 11:57:18 应该在 ---> Should be in.
2023/03/13 11:57:19 应该在 ---> It should be in
2023/03/13 11:57:20 周四、周五或者周六三天到达对吧 ---> On Thursday, Friday or Saturday we will arrive in three days, right?
2023/03/13 11:57:21 周四、周五或者周六三天到达对吧 ---> Arrival on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, right?
2023/03/13 11:57:22 如果是时间比较自由的小伙伴 ---> If you are a buddy with relatively flexible schedule.
2023/03/13 11:57:23 如果是时间比较自由的小伙伴 ---> For those who have more free time
2023/03/13 11:57:25 可能就选择周四了 ---> It may be choosing Thursday.
2023/03/13 11:57:25 可能就选择周四了 ---> Probably just choose Thursday
2023/03/13 11:57:27 因为周四去有一个好处 ---> Because going on Thursday has one advantage.
2023/03/13 11:57:28 因为周四去有一个好处 ---> Because there is an advantage to going on Thursday
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guider commented Mar 13, 2023

DeepL better

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