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Tiny piano – Rondo Alla Turca
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import Control.Parallel | |
main = mapM_ (\(d,s)->(\p->p>>p>>p>>p).putChar.toEnum.round.(+d).(*62).min 2.abs$s+1).zip(dθ 1).lim.rev.hgp 9. render 9e6 (\_->0) . Sequence[] | |
$[mT%8.1,t2%16.1,t3(∡7)%8,t4%8,t5%16,t3(∡7)%8,mT%8.1,t2%16.1,t3(tev arp8)%8,cdT%99] >>= \e->[e,e] | |
mM=Sequence[][2-^8,1-^8,0-^8,1-^8,3-^4] | |
cM=Sequence[][7-^20,8-^20,9.^4,Sequence[(7,0),(6,1)](map((∡2).(.^4))[6,5,6])%0.75] | |
cMv=Sequence[][10-^2,8.^4,9.^4,hom(.^4)[[24,5],[23,8,12],[22,4],[21,6,9],[22,3],[19,5,8],[20,4],[18,6,9],[17]]#7&(-14)%2.5,tr 2%0.4,1-^9,2-^12,1-^1]%4.5 | |
⋎(Sequence[][6-^4,lp(8.^4∡3)%(3/4),sil%2,lp(5.^4∡3)%h,lp(5.^4∡2)%h,1-^1∡7]&(-14)#7#4%5) | |
mMa f=Sequence[][(1-3*f).^4,lp(5.^4∡(-2-f))%0.75,mMa f%1.5,mMa(f*2)%h,mMa f%1]#7 | |
mTm=Sequence[][mM%1,mM&2%1,mM#4&4%h,mM&7%h,mM&7%1,8.^4,Sequence[][10.^4]%0.2,cM%1,cM%1,cM%0.85,Sequence[][4.^4∡2,5.^2]#6#4%2]#7 | |
mT=p$Sequence[][mTm%8.1⋎(Sequence[][sil%h,mMa 0%4,mMa 1%2.75,2.^4,(-2)-^2]&(-7)%8)] | |
m2=Sequence[][Sequence[](map((∡2).(.^4))[1,2,3,3]++[es[6,5,4,3]%h]++[0-^2∡2])%2 | |
⋎(Sequence[][sil%h,1.^4,8.^4,3.^4,10.^4,5-^2]⊿1.3&(-14)%2)] | |
t2=p$Sequence[][m2&2%1.8,0-^5,m2&2%2,m2#7%1.8,(-2)-^5,m2#7%2,mT%3.5,cMv] | |
m3=Sequence[]$[3-^4,4-^4,5-^2]++map(-^4)[3,4,5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,2,0] | |
m3a=Sequence[][(Sequence[][sil%(1/8),lp(8.^4)%1]:zw(\d n->Sequence[][sil%(d/24),n-^1]⊿cos d)[0..][1,3,5],s),m3a%1] | |
m3ra=(map((%1). \[a,b,c]->es[a,c,b,c,a,c,b,c])[[1,3,5],[1,4,6],[-2,0,5]]!!) | |
t3 o=Sequence[][Sequence[][o$ḋ[m3%4,m3%2.5,1-^4,4-^4,2-^4,0-^4]&(-2)%7.5,1-^2∡7]%8 | |
⋎(ḋ[sil%(3/8),m3a&4%2,m3a%h,m3a#4%h,m3a&1%1,m3a&4%2,m3a%h,m3a&1%(5/8),5-^2]&(-18)%8)] | |
mQ=es[2,1,0,2] | |
m4=mM⇆4 | |
i4 e=ḋ[m4⇅11%h,m4⇅9%h,mQ⇆4⇅8%h,Sequence[(5,e),(4,1)][mQ⇅7%h,mQ⇅5%h,m4&5%h,m4&7%h]%2,es[10,9,10,9]#2%h ] | |
mla[b,c,d]=Sequence[][b-^4,lp(c-^4⋎(d-^4))%1]%1 | |
i4a=ḋ[sil%h,Sequence[](map mla[[1,3,5],[2,4,5],[1,3,5],[0,2,5]])#5%4,Sequence[](map mla[[1,3,5],[2,5,7],[2,6,8]])#4%3,5-^2⋎(7-^2)] | |
t4=p$Sequence[][ḋ[i4 1%4,i4 0%2.5,Sequence[][mQ⇅6%h,mQ⇅4%h]#4#2%1,3-^2]%8⋎(i4a&(-9)%8)] | |
mlaa=mla[1,3,5] | |
m5=Sequence[]$map(-^8)[1..4] | |
i5=ḋ[m5⇅6%h,m5%h,m5&4%h,m5⇅9%h] | |
i5d=hom(-^4)[[2],[4,5],[0],[4,5]]%1 | |
i5a=ḋ[sil%h,mlaa,i5d,mlaa,mla[-2,0,4],mlaa,i5d,sq 4[1,-1,-3,-2,-6,1]%2]&(-7) | |
t5=ḋ[ḋ[i5%2,i5%1.5,Sequence[][8-^4,9-^4]#1%h,i5%2,ḋ[es[5,4,3,2,3,5,1,3,2,4,0,2]%2]%1.5,1-^2]%8⋎(i5a%8) | |
,p(Sequence[][Sequence[][i4 1%4,es[3,2,3,1,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3]#2#1&7%1.5,m5⇅13%h,mQ⇅8%h,m5&7%(3/8),6-^8,mQ⇅7#5%h,6-^2]%8 | |
⋎(Sequence[][i4a%3.5,Sequence[(1,-1),(7,0),(6,1)][hom(-^4)[[-2],[3,5],[2,5],[1,5]]%1]%1,mla[-3,1,4],mla[-3,2,4],hom(-^4)[[-2],[1,3],[-2],[2,4],[1,3]]%1.5]&(-9)%8)])%8]⊿0.8 | |
am d=3-^d∡2∡5 | |
amf=1-^υ∡2⋎(5-^1∡3) | |
vh v(c,d)=lp(Sequence[][v-^12]:map(\t->Sequence[][t⊿0%0.04,t%d])c,d) | |
aam=vh | |
aar=Sequence[][1-^10,4-^10,6-^1]&4 | |
eam=vh 10.em | |
dm=6-^1∡2⋎(11-^1) | |
em d=5-^d∡2⋎(9-^1) | |
cdM=ḋ[4-^8,3-^8,2.^8,3.^8,cdM%1] | |
cdT=ḋ[Sequence[][3-^(8/3)∡7,10-^6,am 1,am 1,cdM&7%1,dm,aam 4.05%1,em(4/3),12-^4,am 1,am 1,cdM&7%1,dm,aam 1%1,eam 4%1]%12.5⋎(Sequence[](sil%(11/24) : map((%1).(m3a&))[4,4,4,0,4,1,4,4,4,0,4,1])&(-18)%13.1) | |
,p(Sequence[][Sequence[][Sequence[][8-^2]⊿2%h,aar%(3/8),10-^8,aar%1,aar%1,cdM&7%1,11-^1,vh 11(10-^4)%1,9-^(4/3)]%7⋎(Sequence[](map m3ra[0,0,0,0,1,0,2])&(-7)%7)])%6.75 | |
,Sequence[][p(Sequence[][12-^4])%(1/4),am 1,am 1,cdM&7%1,dm,aam 1%1,eam 4%1,amf,Sequence[][3-^4,1-^υ,5-^4,1-^υ,3-^4,1-^4,3-^4,1-^4,5-^4,1-^2]%3.75∡7,Sequence[][amf∡(-14)]%0.56,Sequence[][amf∡(-14)]⊿0.8%1]%12⋎(Sequence[](sil%(1/8):map((%1).(m3a&))[4,4,4,0,4,1,4,4,4]++[m3a&4%h,m3a&4%h,5-^(8/5)])&(-18)%12)] | |
type Volume = Double | |
type SemitoneShift = Double | |
type Duration = Double | |
type Frequency = Double | |
type DiatonicPitch = Int | |
type Accidental = (DiatonicPitch, SemitoneShift) | |
type Accidental'd = DiatonicPitch -> SemitoneShift | |
type TimeBlock = ([Figure], Duration) | |
data Figure | |
= Note { notePitch :: DiatonicPitch | |
, noteVelo :: Volume } | |
| Sequence { accidentals :: [Accidental] | |
, theSequence :: [TimeBlock] } | |
-- | Apply a function to all the sub-sequences, rather than the top sequence as a whole. | |
(⇸) :: (Figure->Figure) -> Figure->Figure | |
φ⇸Sequence a fs=Sequence a$map(\(f,d)->(map φ f,d))fs | |
_⇸Note i d=Note i d | |
-- | Look up the frequency of the diatonic pitch, which may be subject to semitone shifting via accidentals. | |
(##) :: DiatonicPitch -> Accidental'd -> Frequency | |
i##c | |
|i<1=(i+7)##c/2 | |
|i>7=(i-7)##c*2 | |
|1>0=1.06**(c i+case i of{1->0;4->5;5->7;6->8;7->10;_->fromIntegral i}) | |
type Audio = [Double] | |
render :: Duration -> Accidental'd -> Figure -> Audio | |
render dur acc (Note n v) = map (harmExcite . oscillate) [1..dur] | |
where harmExcite x = sin $ x + τ x ^ 2 / η | |
oscillate i = v * envelope * sin(i*ω) | |
where envelope = attack * decay * release | |
decay = exp $ -i*η/s | |
attack = τ(i*v) | |
release = 0.8-τ((i-dur)/90) | |
ω = n##acc / 15.5 | |
η = exp $ fromIntegral n/9 | |
render dur acc(Sequence accm fs)=render' dur (foldr(\(q,m)f i->if q==i then m else f i)acc accm) fs | |
render' :: Duration -> Accidental'd -> [TimeBlock] -> Audio | |
render' dur _ _|dur<=0 = [] | |
render' dur _ []=map(\_->0)[1..dur] | |
render' dur acc((f,dr):fs)|n<-min dr dur=transition(round n)(foldr1(\a b->sum a`par`sum b`pseq`zw(+)a b)(map(render(n+99)acc)f))$render'(dur-dr)acc fs | |
transition :: Int -> Audio -> Audio -> Audio | |
transition n a b|(f,ol)<-splitAt n a,(or,l)<-splitAt 99 b=f++zw(+)ol or++l | |
-- | Apply a sharp-accidental to all notes of the specified pitch in the sequence. | |
(#) :: Figure -> DiatonicPitch -> Figure | |
Sequence a fs#q=Sequence((q,1):a)fs | |
(&), (⇅), (⇆) :: Figure -> Int -> Figure | |
-- | Transpose the sequence by /n/ (diatonic) steps. | |
Note i d&n=Note(n+i)d | |
f&n=(&n)⇸f | |
-- | Invert the sequence. | |
Note i d⇅n=Note(n-i)d | |
f⇅n=(⇅n)⇸f | |
-- | Retrograde. | |
Note i d⇆_=Note i d | |
Sequence a fs⇆n=Sequence a.reverse$take n fs | |
-- | Adjust the dynamics/volume. | |
(⊿) :: Figure -> Volume -> Figure | |
Note i d⊿v=Note i$d*v | |
f⊿v=(⊿v)⇸f | |
-- | Play in piano (dynamics). | |
p=(⊿0.3) | |
type InverseDuration = Double | |
(.^), (-^) :: DiatonicPitch -> InverseDuration -> TimeBlock | |
-- | A simple staccato note of the specified note value. | |
n.^q=([Sequence[][([Note n 1],s/2/q)]],s/q) | |
-- | Legato note. | |
n-^q=([Note n 1],s/q) | |
-- | Put two time-blocks in parallel / play them simultaneously. | |
(⋎) :: TimeBlock -> TimeBlock -> TimeBlock | |
(l,d)⋎(r,_)=(l++r,d) | |
-- | Add the nth note above as a harmony to all notes in the block. | |
(∡) :: TimeBlock -> Int -> TimeBlock | |
(l,d)∡j=(l++map(\h->Sequence[][h⊿0%0.01,h&j%100])l,d) | |
-- | Cut a sequence to the specified duration. | |
(%) :: Figure -> Duration -> TimeBlock | |
f%t=([f],s*t) | |
tr n=Sequence[]$cycle[n-^15,(n+1)-^20] | |
ḋ=Sequence$zip[6,3,7][1,1,1] | |
lp=Sequence[].repeat | |
sil=Note 0 0 | |
tev f(l,d)=(map f l,d) | |
h=1/2 | |
υ=4/3 | |
s=4e+4 | |
sq d=Sequence[].map(-^d) | |
es=sq 8 | |
arp8 n@(Note i v)=Sequence[][([n,Sequence[][n⊿0%(1/8),n&7⊿(v/υ)%100]],s)] | |
arp8 f=arp8⇸f | |
hom q=Sequence[].map(foldr((⋎).q)$sil%1) | |
dθ l=2*asin l/pi:dθ(abs.sin$l*1e+9) | |
rev ls=(\z->z id(foldr(\m sg->(\v->z(*v)(map(*0)[0..m*14349]++sg)sg)$abs(cos$(m*3)^2)-0.6)ls.take 9$dθ 1)ls)$(.lwp 3 0).zw.((+).) | |
lwp ω c(x:l)=c:lwp ω((x+c*ω)/(ω+1))l | |
lwp _ _ _=[] | |
hgp ω l=zw(-)l$lwp ω 0 l | |
lime e(x:l) | |
|abs(e*x)>1,e'<-((e*8+abs(1/x))/9)=e':lime e' l | |
|1>0=e:lime((e*49999+1)/5e4)l | |
lime _[]=[] | |
lim ls=zw(\a u->τ$a/9+max(-2)(min 2$a*u)/6)(map(*0)[0..500]++ls).lwp 9 0.lime 1$hgp 9 ls | |
zw=zipWith | |
τ=tanh |
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This program generates Mozart's Ronda Alla Turca (Piano Sonata #11) as ahem CD-Quality pcm audio on standard output, so it can be piped in real-time (with enormous latency) to
aplay -f cd
. This is a solution to this challenge on codegolf.stackexchange.