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Last active November 5, 2022 23:04
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Discord Formatting Guide

Discord Formatting Guide

Inline formatting

Code Example
*italics* italics
**bold** bold
__underline__ underline*
~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough
`code` code
||spoilers|| spoilers*

* - GitHub doesn't support these, but they'll still work in Discord.

Combinations of these must be nested in the order they are listed, from the inside out. For example, using all of them would require something like ~~__***this***__~~, which would render as this.

Wrapping links in < > simply suppresses the default link embed behavior.


Timstamps are in this format: <t:[unix timestamp]:[format selector]>. They'll adjust to the timezone and date-time format settings of anyone who views them.

Unix timestamps

Unix timestamps are the number of seconds since Jan 1. 1970 UTC.

If programming isn't your thing, the following sites provide easy interfaces.

If you don't mind code, however, you can call up your browser's developer tools and enter this into the console:

new Date(timestamp).valueOf() / 1000;

The documentation for what timestamp can be can be found here, but in short, it can be a RFC 2822 timestamp string or a list of numbers in year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds order. Month is zero-indexed - that is, January is 0.

Format selectors

Format selector Timestamp code Example output (for a user in the UTC/GMT timezone)
d <t:0:d> 1/1/1970
f <t:0:f> January 1, 1970 12:00 AM
t <t:0:t> 12:00 AM
D <t:0:D> January 1, 1970
F <t:0:F> Thursday, January 1, 1970 12:00 AM
R <t:0:R> 52 years ago
T <t:0:T> 12:00:00 AM

Table copied from the Discord Developer Portal.

Block elements


Block quotes should be prefixed with >. To quote the rest of a message, use >>>.

For example, this message:

> This will be quoted.
This will not.
>>> This will be quoted.
And so will this,
and this,
and this.

produces something like the following:

This will be quoted.

This will not.

This will be quoted.
And so will this,
and this,
and this.

Code blocks

Code blocks should be wrapped in ```.

Syntax coloring can be enabled by adding an identifier after the first ```. Supported language identifiers can be found in this table in the "aliases" column.



This language isn't marked.


This language isn't marked.

and this:

// This will get highlighted as JavaScript code.
console.log('Hello, world!');


// This will get highlighted as JavaScript code.
console.log("Hello, world!");
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