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Andrew Lenards lenards

  • Tucson, AZ
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lenards /
Created October 23, 2014 21:22
system.local - DSE vs DSC

For 4.6.0 DataStax Enterprise (nightly, 10/21)

cqlsh:system> DESC TABLE local; 

  key text,
  bootstrapped text,
  cluster_name text,
  cql_version text,
student@dseslr:/var/lib/cassandra/data/$ ls -lSh
total 7.7M
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 1.2M Sep 26 12:18 _2_Lucene41_0.pos
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 1.2M Sep 26 12:18 _3_Lucene41_0.pos
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 1.1M Sep 26 12:18 _2_Lucene41_0.tim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 1004K Sep 26 12:18 _3_Lucene41_0.tim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 557K Sep 26 12:18 _1_Lucene41_0.tim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 549K Sep 26 12:18 _0_Lucene41_0.tim
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 468K Sep 26 12:18 _1_Lucene41_0.pos
-rw-rw-r-- 1 student student 466K Sep 26 12:18 _0_Lucene41_0.pos
Day 1
09:00am (01/intro) 5 slides = 10 minutes
09:10am (02/overview) 20 slides, 1 demo, 1 exercise = 75 minutes
10:25am (break) 10 minutes
10:35am (03/integration) 13 slides, 1 demo, 1 exercise = 55 minutes
11:30am (04/fundamentals) 13 slides, 1 demo, 1 exercise = 55 minutes
12:00pm (lunch)
01:00pm (04/fundamentals) finish up
01:30pm (05/schemas) 13 slides, 1 exercise = 50 minutes
lenards /
Last active October 26, 2017 17:44
Understanding the usage of `nodetool getendpoints` with compound partition keys

TL;DR - I think I have an answer that I'm sort of okay with ... and I might have decided that I need to write up a bug regarding a regression.

The whole thing has gotten a bit complicated - so you can skip it if you like...

If you consider nodetool getendpoints as a tool in our toolkit, we'd like know how to use it on realistic data. The examples in the exercises were just integer types, and not something a bit more complex.

lenards /
Created September 17, 2014 23:25
Issue changing `index_interval` on a table.

I had a customer ask me about modifying index_interval. They want to increase the sampling with *-Summary.db files, so they're trying to increase from the 128 default value to 256.

But what they're experiencing is that if they ALTER TABLE after setting the value, index_interval returns to 128.

I reproduced it with C* 2.0.9:

cqlsh:musicdb> UPDATE user SET preferences = preferences + {'Rock', 'Classic'}
... WHERE id = 12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd12345678;
cqlsh:musicdb> SELECT * FROM user;
id | email | name | preferences
12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd12345678 | | John | {'Classic', 'Rock'}
87654321-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd87654321 | | Mary | null
(2 rows)
lenards /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Tracking attempting deletes of a cell within a given partition...

So I have something like:

    "key": "687374",
    "columns": [
        "2014-08-26 14\\:02-0700:",
lenards /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Draft of my dudely wedding ceremony...

Dudely beloved we have gathered here today for largely ceremonial reasons. We are here to participate in a wedding or, in the parlance of our times, to witness these two Dudes in the process of getting hitched (NOTE: Dude is the proper nomenclature for both male and female folks).

By this act we unite Nigel and Sue in dudely matrimony. Wedding are normally complex, lots of ins, lots of outs, lots of what-have-yous. What we do today is simple and is done in harmony with the laws of the state of Arizona and in the beautiful tradition of Dudes throughout history who (while not hee-ros, cause what's a hee-ro?) fit in with their time and place.

Nigel and Sue, before I lose my train of thought, I want to affirm that you stand before me having requested that I marry you both without compulsion but with joy. Do you both do this abidingly and without being uptight?

(They answer "Heck yeah, of course")

Do any of you compeers know of any new shit that's come to light concerning

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am lenards on github.
  • I am lenards ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F7E0 B092 F499 9929 0387 A823 3F57 F07E 3596 E850

To claim this, I am signing this object:

The @ Symbol in Hipchat

At KISSmetrics our team is distributed around the United States. When we interview candidates a common question asked is how do we like working remotely from one another. We love it. We use Hipchat as our water cooler, breakroom, and discussion area.

However, there is one thing in Hipchat that needs to be explained. By default, Hipchat will make a noise and bounce in your dock anytime a message is sent. This can become annoying during the work day since Hipchat is used as a water cooler and most of the stuff discussed is not mission critical. You are able to turn this functionality off, and most of us do. But this brings up the notification for the @.

The dreaded @ symbol. In Hipchat, anytime someone mentions you with an @ in front of your name the dock bounces and a sound goes off. This means that someone is attempting to bring something to your attention. There is also an @all that will ping everyone that is in the room, even if they are offline.

The way this @ symbo