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Last active June 12, 2022 21:15
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Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter for Attitude Quaternion Estimation. Intended for @zenitheesc CubeSats
clc; clear all; close all;
addpath 'igrf/'
data = csvread("../python/simulation.csv");
% [time, position, velocity, attitude, omega, B, gyroscope, gps])
% 1 2:4 5:7 8:11 12:14 15:17 18:20 21:23
sim_time = data(:, 1)';
attitude = data(:, 8:11)';
sim_gyro = data(:, 18:20)';
sim_mag = data(:, 15:17)';
% sim_mag = sim_mag ./ vecnorm(sim_mag);
SENSacc = zeros(size(sim_mag));
cartesian = data(:, 2:4)';
position = data(:, 21:23)';
%% Some sensors output in degrees/second instead of rad/s
% sim_gyro = sim_gyro*(pi/180);
TF = length(sim_time);
%%% SkewSymetric Matrix from Vector
function M = skewsym(v)
M = [ 0 -v(3) v(2); ...
v(3) 0 -v(1); ...
-v(2) v(1) 0 ];
%%% Quaternion Multiplication
function q = q_mul(q0, q1)
r = q0(4);
e = q0(1:3);
psi = [r*eye(3) - skewsym(e); ...
q = [psi q0]*q1;
%% Used to Propagate Covariance, given gyro measurement
function M = PhiOf(wpos, dt)
s = sin(norm(wpos)*dt);
c = cos(norm(wpos)*dt);
sks = skewsym(wpos);
n = norm(wpos);
p11 = eye(3) - sks*s/n + sks^2*(1-c)/(n^2);
p12 = sks * (1-c)/(n^2) - eye(3)*dt - sks^2*(n*dt - s)/(n^3);
p21 = zeros(3,3);
p22 = eye(3);
M = [p11 p12; p21 p22];
%%% Discrete State propagation Matrix
%%% System dynamics, predicts attitude from previous
%%% estimate using the gyro data
function M = Omega(wpos, dt)
psik = (sin(0.5*norm(wpos)*dt)*wpos)/norm(wpos);
c = cos(0.5*norm(wpos)*dt);
M = [ (c*eye(3)-skewsym(psik)) psik; -psik' c ];
%%% Quaternion to Cosine Matrix
function M = DCM(qprv)
v = qprv(1:3);
w = qprv(4);
M = (w^2 - v'*v)*eye(3) + 2*v*v' - 2*w*skewsym(v);
%%% Measurement Model
function M = H(A, v)
M = [ 2*skewsym(A*v) zeros(3,3)];
function out = DCMfromEuler(phi,theta,psi)
%% Euler to DCM
ct = cos(theta);
st = sin(theta);
sp = sin(phi);
cp = cos(phi);
ss = sin(psi);
cs = cos(psi);
out = [
ct*cs, sp*st*cs-cp*ss, cp*st*cs+sp*ss;
ct*ss, sp*st*ss+cp*cs, cp*st*ss-sp*cs;
-st, sp*ct, cp*ct
function BI = magneticModel(gps, day)
lat = gps(1);
lng = gps(2);
rho = gps(3); % alt from center of the earth
thetaE = (90 - lat) * pi/180;
psiE = lng * pi/180;
phiE = 0;
BNED = igrf(day, lat, lng, rho * 1e-3 , 'geocentric');
%% Rotate with Satellite Orbit
BI = DCMfromEuler(phiE, thetaE + pi, psiE) * BNED';
%%% Initial Conditions and Variable declarations
%% Process Covariance Matrix
Ppos = diag([ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 ])^2;
%% Posteri attitude
qpos = [ 0; 0; 0; 1];
%% Posteri gyro bias
bpos = [0; 0; 0];
%% delta of gyro bias
db = [0; 0; 0];
%% delta of attitude
da = [0; 0; 0];
%% Gyro measurement noise spectral density
%% \omega = \omega_measured - Bias - sigma_v^2
gyro_range = max(vecnorm(sim_gyro(:,:)))
sigma_v = 0.5e-4;
%% Gyro bias drift noise spectral density
%% \dot Bias = sigma_u^2
sigma_u = 0.5e-3;
mag_range = max(vecnorm(sim_mag(:,:)))
sigma_medida = 1e-5 / mag_range;
%% Sensor Update Frequency
dt = sim_time(:, 2) - sim_time(:, 1)
R = eye(3)*sigma_medida^2
Gam = [-eye(3) zeros(3,3);...
zeros(3,3) eye(3)];
Q = [eye(3)*(sigma_v^2*dt+(1/3)*(sigma_u^2)*(dt^3)) -eye(3)*(0.5*sigma_u^2*dt^2); ...
-eye(3)*(0.5*sigma_u^2*dt^2) eye(3)*(sigma_u^2*dt)]
t = sim_time;
est_att = zeros(4, 0);
est_bias = zeros(3, 0);
exp_B = zeros(3, 0);
process_cov = zeros(6, 0);
measurement_cov = zeros(3, 0);
%%% Filter Loop (predict + update)
for i = 1:(length(t))
%% Get current gyro measurement
w = sim_gyro(:,i);
%% Get Accelerometer measurement
z = sim_mag(:,i);
%% Normalize measurement vector
z = z./norm(z);
%% Apply last estimate of bias to current measurement
wpos = (w - bpos); %
%% Predict Attitude
qprv = Omega(wpos, dt)*qpos;
%% Prepare to predict Covariance
Phi = PhiOf(wpos, dt);
%% Predict current Covariance Matrix
Pprv = Phi*Ppos*Phi' + Gam*Q*Gam';
%% Predict that bias is constant
bprv = bpos;
%% Attitude as DCM to operate on measurement vector
A = DCM(qprv);
%% Expected Measurement given orbit position and date
z_expected = magneticModel(position(:, i), '01-Jan-2020');
z_expected = z_expected./norm(z_expected);
%% Get Sensor Covariance around current attitude estimate (A)
Hk = H(A, z_expected);
%% Calculate Kalman Gain
K = Pprv*Hk'*inv(Hk*Pprv*Hk' + R);
%% Use K to find the difference to best
%% estimate give the measurement (z)
dx = K*(z - A*z_expected);
%% Attitude Change, vector part of quaternion
da = dx(1:3);
%% Change in Gyro bias
db = dx(4:6);
%% Apply Attitude change to prediction
qpos = q_mul([ da; sqrt(1 - dot(da', da) )], qprv);
%% Keep quaternion from breaking norm invariant
%% due to Floating-Point error
qpos = qpos ./ norm(qpos);
%% Apply Bias change to prediction
bpos = bprv + db;
%% Estimate Covariance Matrix given the
%% measurement (idirectly in K), and predicted
%% Covariance Matrix.
Ppos = (eye(6) - K*Hk)*Pprv;
%% Save Data
est_att = [est_att qpos];
est_bias = [est_bias bpos];
exp_B = [exp_B z_expected];
process_cov = [process_cov [Ppos(1, 1); Ppos(2, 2); Ppos(3, 3); Ppos(4, 4); Ppos(5, 5);Ppos(6, 6); ]];
measurement_cov = [measurement_cov [Hk(1, 1); Hk(2, 2); Hk(3, 3)]];
%% Plotting
% time in hours
time = time ./ 60 ./ 60;
%% Check Sensors output
subplot(2, 4, 1)
grid on;
plot(t, est_att, "LineWidth", 2)
hold on;
plot(t, attitude, "b", "LineWidth", 2)
l = legend("[Est] q_x","[Est] q_y","[Est] q_z", "[Est] q_w", "q_x","q_y","q_z", "q_w", 'Interpreter', 'latex' );
set(l, 'Interpreter','latex')
title("Estimated Attitude compared to Simulation");
ylim([-1 1]);
subplot(2, 4, 2)
grid on;
plot(t, est_bias , "LineWidth", 2.0)
legend("b_{gx}", "b_{gy}", "b_{gz}");
title("Estimated Gyroscope Bias");
ylim([-.5 .5]);
subplot(2, 4, 3)
grid on;
plot(t, sim_gyro' , "LineWidth", 2.0)
legend("\omega_x", "\omega_y", "\omega_z");
title("Gyroscope Data");
ylim([-1 1]);
subplot(2, 4, 4)
grid on;
plot(t, sim_mag', "LineWidth", 2.0)
legend("B_{mx}", "B_{my}", "B_{mz}");
title("Magnetometer Data")
subplot(2, 4, 5)
grid on;
plot(t, exp_B, "LineWidth", 2.0)
title("Simulated Magnetic Field")
legend("B_x", "B_y", "B_z");
subplot(2, 4, 6);
grid on;
plot(t, attitude - est_att, "LineWidth", 2.0);
title("Attitude Error");
legend("\Delta q_x","\Delta q_y","\Delta q_z", "\Delta q_w");
ylim([-2 2]);
subplot(2, 4, 7);
plot(t, process_cov, "LineWidth", 2.0);
grid on;
title("Process Covariance");
legend("(1,1)", "(2,2)", "(3,3)", "(4,4)", "(5,5)", "(6,6)");
subplot(2, 4, 8);
grid on;
plot(t, measurement_cov, "LineWidth", 2.0);
title("Measurement Covariance");
legend("(1,1)", "(2,2)", "(3,3)");
% uiwait(f);
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